Fallout 3 Gamestar preview

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The German magazine Gamestar previewed Fallout 3. Our German users were kind enough to supply some choice quotes:<blockquote>That's tradition:
-The character system called S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is taken in without changes.
-The 50s style including the music.
-The talent and dialog system.
-The Pip Boy is back, with new additional functions.
-A lot of enemies (for example the Rad-Scorpions), known fractions (like Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel), weapons (for example laser and plasma guns).
-Player can be good or evil. This decision will influence the end of the game.

That's new:
-Fallout 3 will be played in first person or third person view.
-The fight system is action oriented. As alternative there is the tactical V.A.T.S variant.
-The whole world is continuous. The map of the predecessors is gone.
-There are no controllable vehicles like in Fallout2.
Fallout 3 works on two clear examples, on which this new episode will orientate in content and atmosphe, the original Fallout-series and Beth's previous game Oblivion, which is the base for most of the innovations. On the positive sides, this means that strengths of Oblivion, like a huge coherent environment will be transferred onto Fallout. Also the 'Radiant AI' interaction system between the city inhabitants will be used again, though improved, so that the dialogue of pedestrians will correlate more with what is happening in the world. The visual presentation of the faces has already been drastically improved; instead of puffy visages of Oblivion the Fallout-people will now have clearly drawn, realistically appearing visages. However the Oblivion engine is still suffering from it's old weaknesses. Buildings are still not seamlessly integrated into the world; when moving from a exterior into an interior, there's still a reloading [of data]. The greatness of it's long visibility is still paid by the textures quickly becoming muddy, at least on the version shown at E3. Bethesda is planing on alleviating the autoscaling of the enemies, which made all enemies in Oblivion equally strong. According to plans each region in Fallout 3 will have a certain degree of difficulty. If someone goes into certain regions too early, which are not destined for him, he will stand no chance.

Avoid the Radiation!
By all appearances Bethesda is managing fine building up the atmosphere of the game. The darkly humorous 50s style can be found, transferred into Fallout 3 with love for the detail. Onto dilapidated streets are wrecked nuclear-powered classic cars standing, which will explode into mini mushroom clouds when coming under fire and then radiate the it surroundings. Attached on your left arm is the PipBoy3000, the legendary computer of the series, of which Todd Howard, lead designer of the game claimed it has "more graphic shaders, than in the whole Oblivion". The assistant will show information about your surroundings and information about your character.
The dialogue system matches the original one; your talents still affect which dialogue options you can choose. For every quest there will be a good and a bad solution. Matching the tradition the new Fallout will be very brutal. Enemies can be mutilated, at headshots, heads will explode into a shower of blood. It's more then questionable if this will make into the German version. - CS
>Viewed >Genre: RPG >Date: 3 quarter 2008
>Developer Bethesda >Status: 50% done
Christian Schmidt: I came out of the E3 presentation with mixed feelings. Will Fallout 3 be a good game? Yes, it seems it will be, at least if you liked Oblivion. Will it become a good game for fallout fans? I don't know. I don't care about the FPP, the loss of turn-based combat and companions however hurts a lot. But still I'm full of hope, because the atmosphere is fantastic.
Christian@gamestar.de </blockquote>Thanks deckard and Bad_Karma.
Wow, someone who's not sure 'this'll be teh greatezt FALLOUT EVAH *suck* *suck*'.
How nice ;d

However, few things.

-The talent and dialog system.
Dialogue isn't affected by low INT so...
-A lot of enemies (for example the Rad-Scorpions), known fractions (like Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel), weapons (for example laser and plasma guns).
Yeah, everyone's here safely... I wonder if Metzger and Frank H. are here, too.

Anyway, this one is good, the writer was actually using his brain.

Btw: Isn't it second German preview and on top of that, second that isn't all about how it'll be great? We need more journalists like that.
the Enclave... it seems it really will be in a game.
with supermutants threatening and Brotherhood as defenders of humanity...
man, it all is sooo cheesy.
It's more then questionable if this will make into the German version.
I was talking about this earlier. One of the most emphasized features of the game cut out will surely affect the sale to a point.
What on earth are talents ? (do hit me over the head if i missed it in previous news)

Later edit: Are they reffering to .. skills ?
I'm glad we live in this wonderful modern area of gaming.
After all, Fallout's system of walking in and out of buildings in real time is so much less immersive than clicking on a door and watching a loading screen for 5 minutes!
"For every quest there will be a good and a bad solution."

What happened to grey areas? Or is neutrality supposed to be "I saw something bad happen, I didn't take the bad solution and join in the fun, I didn't take the good solution and jump to the rescue. I took the neutral stance and listened to the banging tunes on the Enclave station"
The Nuclear engine issuse rears its ugly head again. :cry: I friggin give up.

Mini mushroom clouds. ohh yay its like Duke Nuke'm but with modern graphics and an actually attempt at a story plot.

The only way you can enjoy this game is if you toss everything you learned about fallout into a closet and look at it with fresh eyes.

And no real time is not more action oriented. Its more Attention Deficet Disorder reducing mechanics. People with ADD will like this game more I think.
The character system called S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is taken in without changes.

Guh. It has to change to fit a completely different gameplay style. Try again.

Player can be good or evil. This decision will influence the end of the game.

Why do I get the feeling this is going to wind up being Bioware's retarded black and white morality?

The fight system is action oriented. As alternative there is the tactical V.A.T.S variant.

No, they aren't alternatives because they both taint one another with undesirable elements. It's like being given the choice of orifice for a double-penetration. Neither can compare to straight sex, because there's another guy's wang in the equation, and that's how I see VATS.

It's like being given the option of aiming your shots like Fallout or like Deus Ex - except whichever one you choose, you've got Bethesda rubbing their sweaty man-junk all over you.
Kukident said:
oh my god...

no map...

I hate to say it but its probably true. based on there reliance on the subways for transporting the player... I belive there isn't going to be much of a travesable top world.

I would not be suprised if they limited you to city/streets/combat areas and to leave them you had to go to the subway tunnel. So in effect no need for a world map, cause your not going anywhere anyways.

Course I will probably get slammed for being incorrect. But reading what they are saying... I'm totally thinking no freeform world, just one area connected to the next via those damned subway tunnels.
...What? Seriously, what? The subways aren't even the primary mode of transportation, even if they're used once in the demo. None of 'em work, no how.

And most the map is wasteland, not cities.

And the "good or bad" thing is probably bad writing.

Man, yous guys.
Someone forgot (again) to mention the portable nuclear shelter :lol: brought to you by VAULT-TECH AMERICA - for better future, tomorrow today :D

No, seriously.... A portable nuclear shelter :roll: shaped like a telephone booth from the 1950's ? What's next - exploding cars?

Oh wait, they're in, too :D

(this post is somewhat ironic in its tone)
I however think there going to use the Subway tunnel deal, up and down. It'll be just like Oblivion's caves, or better example is Oblivion's Imperial city sewers, Enter door A Exit at door B or C. Which both of those then end up into there own network of doors but on a larger scale. Its plausable to me.

Least for the inner city area.
Yes, Gamestar is one of the best german PC Magazines. This guys still know what the word criticism means.

Still can't await teh praised immershn - oh wait, it's great atmosphere.....wow
One of their major flaws as developer is not actually developing the story more, instead they are cheating their way by adding:

-A lot of enemies (for example the Rad-Scorpions), known fractions (like Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel), weapons (for example laser and plasma guns).

Not mentioning the fact that they include Mutants when its history there was only one master.. Their only "hope" in explaining this is the mutant army who went east, but they are all sterile..sooo......

So here you have a developer who basicly takes a known engine and slaps a Fallout brand on it and revisit the old story.. Heck why did they just remake Fallout 1 then..

One factor which drew us into the Fallout world was the story, Beth surely fails here imo.

This is like that not-to-be-mentioned-xbox-game all over again, selling points like ULTRA GORE, KNOWN UNIVERSE, FALLOUT... Its marketing at its worst.

Sure the point of making games is to make money, but where do you draw the line? This industry is so filled with these type on things that it is actually bordering on killing the brand. X-Com anyone...

Fallout fans cling to the hope that sometime, somewhere someone will understand that in order to make a successful (note this doesnt mean $$) Fallout, you should use whats already given to you. And I dont mean repeating the same enemies/story..
Remember fellas you always lose a little bit in translation. So its not exactly bad writing, more like losing the english nuances.
Zero Pike said:
I however think there going to use the Subway tunnel deal, up and down. It'll be just like Oblivion's caves, or better example is Oblivion's Imperial city sewers, Enter door A Exit at door B or C. Which both of those then end up into there own network of doors but on a larger scale. Its plausable to me.

Least for the inner city area.

Thinkig about this "subway thing" and importance of this "dungeon" in the game...

I wonder if there will be also respawnable groups of whoever/whatever could live there. Just like in... Oblivion. After few days some rats/mutants/bandits/other-creatures pop up out of nowhere and repopulate tunnels just to be another foe that attacks automatically and can't do anything besides that. "Go! go! kill! kill!" Just like in Oblivion. Just for increase what Beth-people think is FUN in RPG. Yay!

I haven't found any info about this element of game [I may have missed it though] but wouldn't be surprised if such thing is in the Beth's new game.

Todd H. once said: "Fantasy, for us, is a knight on horseback running around and killing things." SF, PA... doesn't matter. Well, no horsies... but all stays the same for them.