Fallout 3 giant action figures

Ausir said:
Which doesn't make the demonstration a very good indication of the actual game. Isn't that what a demonstration should be about?

Normally, yes. Perhaps noone remembered to remind Todd about that?

And why do I get a weird Star Wars feeling about those statues? :shock:
Although I'm not surprised by the amounts of negativity here, these statues are just plain cool.
Ausir said:
Which doesn't make the demonstration a very good indication of the actual game. Isn't that what a demonstration should be about?

Hell no.

A demonstration should sell. Even if that means that it doesn't even remotely begin to resemble the actual game.

The public gameplay demo had no quests, no dialogue, and a placed number of set encounters with a hacked NPC to enable him to use teddybears with the Rock-It Launcher even though, and I quote here, "the "rock-it" cannon does fire any trash/objects, but the damage it does is based upon the weight of the object, so a Teddy Bear wouldn't actually cause much damage in the game", and has available a mini nuke catapult that is rare in the game.

Is that even remotely representative of the actual game? I doubt it.

It's supposed to sell. And it got a lot of positive responses. It also discouraged a lot of RPG fans that do like the look of Fallout 3, and that might actually be unfair towards the game (dunno, really, don't know how exactly it will play out).

RC said:
Although I'm not surprised by the amounts of negativity here, these statues are just plain cool.

As cool as promo pieces tend to be, sure. I still dig that laser rifle.

But it's nowhere near as cool as - say - the life-size Big Daddies sent out for BioShock. Now those were cool.
Brother None said:
Actually, word is the demo was just "fooling around" and the teddy bears are not very useful as Rock-It Launcher ammo.

Todd did mention that items did damage according to their weight. So expecting to get loads of kills with teddy bears is kind of far-fetched.

I wonder if there are tin cans of creamed corn lying around that could be used in the game...
Unillenium said:
If theres one thing I've noticed about the entertainment industry its that the more time and money goes towards gimmicky promotions the less the finished product has to offer.

Eh, who knows when they decided upon their marketing budget. Two things I know for sure: 1) Pete Hines is very good at his job. 2) Marketing budgets typically get decided way before anyone knows the quality of the final product.
BunkerBud said:
How come these "BOS statues that are identical to the ones from the original" don't look anything like I recall.
*throws up*

It's not the T-51b, so unfortunately they can change it all they want. Though I'm not at too many odds on how it looks.
Unillenium said:
Either way you look at it, however true they may or may not be to the original, those things are awesome and if you DON'T want one you are a bad person.
I actually don't really like how they look. The original T-51b and the Advanced Power Armor from FO2 look cool. Those suits looks like what they are: a bad imitation. I especially dislike the design of the chest portion, the shoulders, the legs... okay, I dislike most of it. The helmet is okay though. Overall it looks way too much like a set of plate armor I'd expect to see in Oblivion (minus the helmet of course).
That picture of them in the warehouse is pretty damn cool, but I'm another that's disgusted at what this must have cost. That's thousands of dollars that could have been poured back in to development. You know, like hiring a decent animator or buying a mo-cap studio; maybe even a Euphoria Physics license...
it saddens me to see it this way... how awesome would this have been with T-51b power armor?

also, i call dibs on any promotional costume they make of the Combat Armor!
Although I prefer the old PA look I like the statues. I want one. I don't know where I could put it in my really tiny flat, but I do want one.

At first glance I thought these were much smaller (10-20"), that could go to let's say collectors' edition and then be used as paper stamp or could just lay there on the desk.
Hey guys, we need to improve AI and animations cuz they're clunky. What's that? BoS armours? HELL YEAH, FUCK FIXING THINGS
Jesus Christ, Ned! They're coming right for us!!!

Honestly, suddenly BoS became some kind of superpower in the Wasteland. AFAIR few people even knew they existed.

Ah, nevermind.
Maybe I should put my tin foil hat back on, but I've got this strange feeling that this is all a trick by Beth. These are actually advanced robotic controlled suits and will be sent worldwide to monitor people, as long as F3 receives outright positive reviews and no one says anything bad about it the suits stay stationary, but woe is the human race when someone says anything negative about the game and the suits come to life.
I'm really glad that they changed the armor from how it looked in the originals.

Ah yes. Your tears sustain me!
I just can not get myself to understand exactly why they made a new power armour..it's wrong in all ways, and it doesn't even look cool. Why?
Isn't power armor supposed to have a kind of greenish tint? Like a kevlar over metal type of deal? I agree that this looks alot like plate armor + funky helmet.

edit- still want one tho :)
Zaptoman said:
Isn't power armor supposed to have a kind of greenish tint? Like a kevlar over metal type of deal? I agree that this looks alot like plate armor + funky helmet.

Don't think so. The holodisk found in Glow says it's poly-laminate composite covered in silver so I take it that it's not even metal at all. Although I'm sure this has been discussed to death here already.
AWW man i think it's a great design for the Armour, and yes I want one but I wanted to know if any of you knew what's it made out of too me it looks like Metal but it cant be metal too expensive, is it possible just plain plastic?
if you scroll "away" the heads in the photos, it could be the generic medieval armour. maybe thy just recycled some artwork of an oblivion artist and stole the head design from <strike>wooz</strike> someone else. the army is impressive though. sejad, catch your breath: surprisingly, they are made of plastic.