Fallout 3 guide creation #6: Da Warudo

Numeric Threat levels ?


come on ....

Super Fallout Bros.

the wasteland apparently is well known, very populated, and rates its denizens with numbers

very adventurous :D

p.s. i loved how the fallout manual gave you that feeling of adventure ahead .. the unkown etc.

forgive me i'm beeing trollish
Brother None said:
Briosafreak said:
You can turn it off in the options on Fallout 3.

What, just "off"?

Because the problem with a lot of modern game design is when bloom is used as a substitute for light sources (bloom of course being defined as "light not from a source"). I remember this simplified setting in Hard to be a God, if you turned off bloom the game would lose almost all light (still looked better without the bloom, tho')

that's how it is in Far Cry 2. the bloom there is extreme, during the day you can barely see enemies more than a few feet in front of you. everything is white. and you can only turn the bloom off, which results in a really dark and dull game.
on another note seems kinda lame that they used the same skin on all 4 of those dead trees infront of the church (one is slightly turned) but still super weak
Really? Because I've been playing Far Cry 2 and it hasn't bothered me yet - but maybe I'm not far enough in.

But yeah, like I said, it's a problem of modern game design, not specifically of one company. Everyone does this lazy slap-on bloom shit, and there's no excuse for it. It's lazy and bad design.
bobbo101 said:
on another note seems kinda lame that they used the same skin on all 4 of those dead trees infront of the church (one is slightly turned) but still super weak

Perhaps someone came along and trimmed them to fit into the aesthetics of the church?

Brother None said:
Really? Because I've been playing Far Cry 2 and it hasn't bothered me yet - but maybe I'm not far enough in.

But yeah, like I said, it's a problem of modern game design, not specifically of one company. Everyone does this lazy slap-on bloom shit, and there's no excuse for it. It's lazy and bad design.

hm, maybe it's my video card then... I'll grab a screenshot when I get home.

it was like that from the very start for me. when that guy was driving me around in the jeep, I could barely see a thing - everything was just white, white and more white.

back on topic: the bloom in FO3 still looks very out of place, but it does look a lot better than Oblivion. thing with bloom, and especially the way Beth use it, is that it does a pretty good job covering up pretty sloppy graphics.
Per: You are kidding me right?... I know i might be mistaken but i seem to remember that FO1 was about 50'ish (Maybe 80'ish?) years after the bombs fell. FO2 was about 10 or15 years (i think) after FO1. Ant this game was about 40 years after FO2's end... Or i thought it was 40...

This users brain needs a reboot. now which bed doesnt belong to other nps's here i wonder....
cronicler said:
FO2 was about 10 or15 years (i think) after FO1.


+ 10-15 years =


Guys, this is why you shouldn't marry.
Cool read. Some places concrete their tombstones in the ground to prevent them from being knocked over.

However, just from pure erosion, the stones shouldn't be in that good of shape.

And Radnan, what is with your hate on the guide, personally if I was going to shell out the money for a guide, it damn well better tell me everything there is to know about the game world.

I liked the guides for FO1 and 2, but lately guides have gotten ridiculously brief in the info they give you.
http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline said:
October 23, 2077 Great War: Bombs are launched

December 5, 2161 @ 07:21
Fallout 1 Begins: Vault Dweller is kicked out of Vault 13 to find a replacement water chip.

July 25, 2241 @ 08:24
Fallout 2 Begins: Chosen One begins his mystic test, descending into the Temple of Trials.

The Vault 101 Dweller's father disappears from the Vault and he emerges from his home shelter to find him.

I'm too old to know about all this "new math", but I count 200 years from bombs to FO3.

And I think it's very fun that the time-line for FO1 & 2 includes not just a date, but a TIME. Talk about attention to detail.

[Edited for reading comprehension]
Pope Viper said:
bobbo101 said:
on another note seems kinda lame that they used the same skin on all 4 of those dead trees infront of the church (one is slightly turned) but still super weak

Perhaps someone came along and trimmed them to fit into the aesthetics of the church?


lol i walked into that one, but clever none the less :)
Why make a church with the architecture of those in the previous games when you can make a completely generic one, eh? Got to be sure the heads of their fans don't explode from too much unfamiliarity, I guess.
Really, this isn't all that big of deal, but to me, it seems like a pretty obvious, and easily addressed nitpick. It concerns me that something like this is overlooked, and the focus seemed to be on the "OMFG This would be soooo cool. (re. shooting teddy bears, nukulear bomb launchers).
FeelTheRads said:
Why make a church with the architecture of those in the previous games when you can make a completely generic one, eh? Got to be sure the heads of their fans don't explode from too much unfamiliarity, I guess.

That is a pre war church, I believe. All the Churches in Fallout 1/2 that you see are built post war.

Also 40% off the guide at amazon.com if you didn't see it the first time. You are welcome.