Fallout 3 guide creation #7: the end

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The final chapter on the writing of the prima game guide explains the end of the guide contains fascinating stuff like Todd's favourite armor, blablabla whatever, but this picture does catch the eye:

Wah-huh? Real power armor?
As awesome as it is that they included it, it's interesting that it's both covered in rust and plagued by shitty, shitty textures.
It actually looks pretty good, better than that new design.(suprise suprise)
Pic shows helmet only though..... well and little bit of the shoulders
Very low-res, kinda blurs my eyes. Other than that it looks pretty good. The shoulders look much better than some of the other armors.
I believe it is a special quest item in Fallout 3 - the Brotherhood uses the new, makeshift ones and there aren't many original T-51bs left.
Yes the protectors of technology using make-shift PA...*sigh* Oh well, as long as I can wear the original...
Well, at least the original is in.

I was afraid that their version was the original, only screwed up..but if they are two separate models, thats great! although it would suck if there is only one of these in the whole game?

Damn, 3 more hours and I can play Fallout 3....will report my inpressions sometime tomorrow..
I hope its not just an easter egg only found in a few locations. Does Beth really think their armor is cooler or better designed than this?
Great news for modders if that is in the game. You just have to re-do the textures, and replace all instances of the old armor with the editor if they release it. Or, if that doesn't happen, you can replace the files of the new PA with this one. TA-DA! Old PA in F3 :)
Elhoim said:
Great news for modders if that is in the game. You just have to re-do the textures, and replace all instances of the old armor with the editor if they release it. Or, if that doesn't happen, you can replace the files of the new PA with this one. TA-DA! Old PA in F3 :)
That should totally fix the game.
Got my collector's edition just now. Love the art book. Istvan does some great art. Lunchbox is awesome. I love it. Vault boy bobblehead is cute.

The game? Let's see how it turns out....
TheRatKing said:
I hope its not just an easter egg only found in a few locations. Does Beth really think their armor is cooler or better designed than this?

Well, it is found in few locations only.

Also Alien Blaster and healing power armor(WTF?!) are in. And they're kinda ubers.
HoKa said:
Elhoim said:
Great news for modders if that is in the game. You just have to re-do the textures, and replace all instances of the old armor with the editor if they release it. Or, if that doesn't happen, you can replace the files of the new PA with this one. TA-DA! Old PA in F3 :)
That should totally fix the game.

Yeah, of course. Fallout 3 is perfect otherwise.
Saw the thumbnail of the photo and got really excited, then looked at the fullsize picture and like many others am disapointed it's textuers look like shit.

And an aside: Is it me or just below his helmet on the brown chestplate thingy there is a picture of a wolf's head. Does anyone else see it?