Fallout 3 Hands-On #8

I don't know, to provide the same type of "man behind the curtain" menace of the Enclave you'd have to create yet another illuminati type organization that secretly knows what's going on. That's just one too many.

It also seems strange to me personally that the US government's entire contingency plan rested on the fate of one offshore platform. I imagine that they'd have a network of sites around the country, as they don't really have any way of knowing where civilization is going to pop up again, and I'm thinking that they'd want to exert their influence on the whole of the country.

Plus, you need a bunker in Washington DC so all the pols funding this thing have somewhere to hide right?

On the other hand, from what little I know about the role they're playing in the game (propaganda, making themselves so easily known etc.) I don't really like it.
Jesuit, the Enclave didn't represent the entire US government, merely some of its leaders, the rest was high placed businessmen, oil tycoons, that sort of people.
The ones that thought they were to important to be killed or take shelter in one of the Vaults.

I don't know, to provide the same type of "man behind the curtain" menace of the Enclave you'd have to create yet another illuminati type organization that secretly knows what's going on. That's just one too many.

Exactly and that is why I am suggesting that there isn't such a group anymore, the Enclave was it and they are effectively dead.

What I suggested was simply one of the Vaults that survived it for some reason, went outside, realized that the world is pretty much a mess and decide rebuild it under their control, believing themselves to be the best hope there is.

Storywise there is no reason to bring the Enclave back and neither is the Super Mutant army.

Outside a handful of Super Mutants and perhaps some data files in old computers talking about a 'Vault Research Enclave' on the East Coast, there could have been no connections with the West Coast at all, creating an exciting new 'universe'.
Essentially they are the remnants of the U.S. government or people with connections to the U.S. government. Either way I don't really see them putting all their eggs in one basket.

But yeah, you're right, a whole new world on the east coast is more in line with what I'd expect and would probably be more enjoyable... though I'm pretty sure there are mentions of the Super-Duper Mutants heading East after Fallout 1. If that's the case it'd be nice to see new factions native to the east in conflict with the migrants... has that been ruled out yet? meh...
Jesuit said:
Either way I don't really see them putting all their eggs in one basket.
I do. They were planing to release that fev stuff and i guess keeping all people in one, hermeticaly sealed, place was damn good method to ensure their safety against the virus.
I guess enclave survival could be explained with sufficent backstory though, i just cant see bethesda producing one credible enough to justify all that propaganda, posters, radios and stuff ...
At least one new faction has been mentioned fighting the mutants - Talon Company.

I guess enclave survival could be explained with sufficent backstory though, i just cant see bethesda producing one credible enough to justify all that propaganda, posters, radios and stuff ...
Yeah, the Enclave's survival as an organization requires only Navarro's survival, and is not implausible. Their activities in Fallout 3 are a separate issue.
Yes, but I was referring to "new factions native to the east in conflict with the migrants".
"Talon Company"? That name sounds pretty drab.

The whole family thing reminds me of the slags and modoc, especially with the solution that the PC Gamer guy came up with... not to mention the whole 'bring the supposedly dead kid back' sub-quest.

Also, making it easier to protect yourself from a virus is a small reward for taking the risk that your entire nefarious plot will be wiped out by the odd tidal wave.
Bethesda seems to have pulled off the impossible here, making a game that is interesting and exciting on its own (for a player like me), but also full of fun in-jokes and homages for Fallout vets (like Kou). Making a game, especially an RPG, that pleases even one small group of players can be pretty hard. Pleasing two very broad groups of players should be nearly impossible, yet here I am writing this.

I'm gonna start making a Tetris FPS, where you're the Z-shaped block eradicating the alien L-shaped blocks.

Eventually you will stumble upon a hilarious homage to the old-school Tetris players where you will be forced to solve a puzzle by stuffing a Tetris block into a wall, and then shooting the wall with a rocket launcher.

It is a hard task to pull off, but I am confident that both modern FPS fans and the fans of Tetris will be equally pleased with the end result !