Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel was a spin-off, not a direct sequel, and it has not been released for PC at all. For all I care, PS2 and Xbox owners got what they deserved. :wink:
Anani Masu said:
I think it's pretty ridiculous to say that Fallout 3 will be the blacksheep of Fallout while Brotherhood of Steel exists.

Not really.

A black sheep is still a family member, just the one everyone looks down on.

I don't think anyone is willing to even recognise PoS as a family member. An honour half-heartedly bestowed on Fallout 3. Mostly because it insists on being called Fallout 3.
I think it's pretty ridiculous to say that Fallout 3 will be the blacksheep of Fallout while Brotherhood of Steel exists. Just to remind people, both Fallout 3 and FO:BOS gave out swag to journalists. Fallout 3 made 50s style lithographed lunchboxes and bobbleheads. FO:BOS gave out glow in the dark "radioactive" condoms.

The difference is, FOBOS didn't claim to be a sequel to the Fallout series.
I predict a heavy backlash from long-time fans.

He has... the sight!

I predict the more negative impressions will largely be accepted as more trustworthy (Magic 8-Ball was consulted).
You can pretend he's not related. You can try and get him arrested so he won't show up at your wedding and grope a bridesmaid. But he bears the Fallout name and you can't escape it.

Bodybag said:
I predict the more negative impressions will largely be accepted as more trustworthy (Magic 8-Ball was consulted).

Funny, you're the only person to mention that preview being most trustworthy (hell, no one even reacted positively to it yet), and the Gamekult thread contains a discussion on this point in which the consensus seems to be negative can still be stupid.

Hey presto. Strike for trolling. One snide strawman too many, man, just one. too. many.
You can pretend he's not related. You can try and get him arrested so he won't show up at your wedding and grope a bridesmaid. But he bears the Fallout name and you can't escape it.

Sure, but it's easier with a distant cousin from the branch of the family you don't speak to than with your own brother.
I think it's pretty ridiculous to say that Fallout 3 will be the blacksheep of Fallout while Brotherhood of Steel exists.

BoS isn't the black sheep of the family, it's the retarded brother that was procreated through your father's love affair with a goat.

Black Sheep means it's part of the herd, only it's nothing like the other sheep

the retard baby that is BoS is drowning in a pond somewhere
Or FoBoS is the part of the family you buried alive in the family plot, because hey, what's it for anyway.
I mostly wanted an excuse to post some of the execrable FOBOS art. I actually wanted to post the one with the main female character stripping in the surf on a lovely tropical island for that extra setting based WTF? but I couldn't find it.
Separate console versions of popular PC games never count. No one ever mentions Doom releases for SEGA MD/Gen, SNES and GBA, or that Diablo port for Playstation, or those Soldier of Fortune and Mortal Combat versions for cellphones. I really don't see a good reason to see FOBOS being related to Fallout I and II, just as I don't see any real relationship between Baldur's Gate for PC and Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance for Xbox/PS2. Lesser platforms get inferior ports. They don't get official sequels. At least they didn't used to.
Though the story and characters are suitably gritty and conflicted, none of them are terribly likeable and the entire thing simply feels like it's trying too hard to adhere to the tenets of its predecessors.
Yeah, clearly they're trying MUCH too hard to maintain the Fallout spirit.
Brother None said:
Funny, you're the only person to mention that preview being most trustworthy (hell, no one even reacted positively to it yet), and the Gamekult thread contains a discussion on this point in which the consensus seems to be negative can still be stupid.

I wasn't referring to any preview in particular, I was making a prediction, generally. The quote I yanked from your post just struck me as funny - is the rest of the article overtly negative in your opinion? I haven't even read the Gamekult preview, much less the thread. There's already a discussion on this point? Haha.

Say, what's it called again when you misrepresent/distort someone's argument to more easily combat it?

Hey presto. Strike for trolling. One snide strawman too many, man, just one. too. many.

Yeah, that's the one. I guess pointing this out is strike 3? I was kind of hoping to save that one for a jokey post about how acceptable pirating this game will ("probably" - Magic 8-Ball) be compared to double-posting. Could it be the Magic 8-Ball has finally misfired? Time will tell.

But anyways, I wasn't not trolling, so I kind of agree with the strike in this instance.

I'd like to thank everyone who's engaged me in so many spirited discussions (and PMs). I now have an understanding of the hardcore fanbase that you just can't glean from reputation.
I like how the Wired blog guy found the game poorly written, and then manages to give the impression that it was because good ole' Bethesda tried to hard to emulate the predecessors instead of doing good dialogue their own way. He cant even lay the blame squarely on Bethesda.

I think these very roundabout vague critisisms that pop up now and then, even in groveling previews to Bethesdas greatness, must be the very last gasps of the authors self-respect, and dignity making themselves heard with a tiny voice.

Soon enough though, he will metamorphos into a drone slug, implanted in the bum of Bethesda and other large corporate masters, where he will draw nurishment.
Soon the drone slug will enter the Chrysalis stage of denial, self justifications and excuses until it emerges as a being more commonly known as the douchefly. With the ability to make anything its master tells it to sound incredibly amazing with no basis in needless facts.

The doucheflys main source of nourishment is the mental stupidity waves that emenate from beings commonly known as "Sheeple". Braying and mindless, they follow the commands of the doucheflys directives for all their purchasing.
I had a blast in the previous games killing everything and everyone on sight while claiming the entire wasteland for myself (yes I completed all the quests prior to going on a killing spree.) So I honestly can't blame the guy, I would have done the same in that short time-span.
Bodybag said:
I was kind of hoping to save that one for a jokey post about how acceptable pirating this game will ("probably" - Magic 8-Ball) be compared to double-posting.

Since not only is beth refusing a pre-release public demo, but probably going to use securom on F3 (Like oblivion)... they're pretty much begging for that type of thing.***

*** "Borrowing" the game is wrong people :wink:.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Since not only is beth refusing a pre-release public demo, but probably going to use securom on F3 (Like oblivion)

I actually don't remember there being any DRM on Oblivion except a check disk system.

That said, I do understand where some of these previewers are coming from since this is a preview and not a review they tend to be less critical (this game could pull an Assassin's Creed and get fairly "low" scores despite the hype).

Also, I was under the impression most of these guys were journalists. So while pyrock might just blast away during the demo, someone who is reporting on it should be playing in such a way as to enlighten the audience on things that have no been talked about.
Matt K said:
I actually don't remember there being any DRM on Oblivion except a check disk system.

The Game of The Year edition uses Securom. Shit, you can't even uninstall the game without the DVD in the drive lest you get slapped with a Securom error code.
doesnt the job of being a game journalist include that you KNOW your games? i mean, at least know the important ones? jesus. thats like a movie critic would look at you with blank eyes after you mention fellini.

i dont expect them to know every tidbit of former games, but at least they should have a good overview when it comes to the development in gaming over the years. so much crap in those previews, unbelievable. there are a lot of other games, yes, but fallout is definitely top 5 of the most expected games. that is just failure and not journalism, not even "gaming" journalism with its obviously very low bar.
Reverend Anthony said:
It was awesome.

So, Springvale. I show up, and a floating Enclave propaganda robot (remember them, from Fallout 2? I guess they’re still around) was floating around, spewing out inspirational speeches from – is that who I think it is? – Malcolm MacDowell!
