I like how the Wired blog guy found the game poorly written, and then manages to give the impression that it was because good ole' Bethesda tried to hard to emulate the predecessors instead of doing good dialogue their own way. He cant even lay the blame squarely on Bethesda.
I think these very roundabout vague critisisms that pop up now and then, even in groveling previews to Bethesdas greatness, must be the very last gasps of the authors self-respect, and dignity making themselves heard with a tiny voice.
Soon enough though, he will metamorphos into a drone slug, implanted in the bum of Bethesda and other large corporate masters, where he will draw nurishment.
Soon the drone slug will enter the Chrysalis stage of denial, self justifications and excuses until it emerges as a being more commonly known as the douchefly. With the ability to make anything its master tells it to sound incredibly amazing with no basis in needless facts.
The doucheflys main source of nourishment is the mental stupidity waves that emenate from beings commonly known as "Sheeple". Braying and mindless, they follow the commands of the doucheflys directives for all their purchasing.