UniversalWolf said:
Your proposition has a certain logic to it - if we assume he's really bad at, like, writing sentences and stuff
He's clearly referring to the Enclave. If with somewhat awkward writing.
Bodybag said:
Yeah, that's the one. I guess pointing this out is strike 3?
No. We don't mind public discussion of strikes. It just won't get you anywhere.
Believe me, B, I'm doing my best to not ban you, but you keep making it pretty hard for me to do.
Bodybag said:
I was kind of hoping to save that one for a jokey post about how acceptable pirating this game will ("probably" - Magic 8-Ball) be compared to double-posting.
You're joking? Even hints of condoning piracy risk getting vatted here, outright going out and saying "I will pirate" or "I have pirated" risks a ban.
We're on a gaming network, y'know. And even if we weren't, most of the NMA staff doesn't like piracy.
Eyenixon said:
The Destructoid preview is so unabashedly sophomoric and childish that it is nearly impossible for me to take it anything other than sarcasm, but it is, it's entirely serious, and that is fucked.
Fair's fair, Destructoid
is a blog foremost and a professional site second. Like Games Radar, they tend to take the material less seriously. Which is fine as long as you know what to expect.
Ranne said:
Per, any residual radiation left by the war bombings would entirely dissipate within several years. A couple of decades for some of the longer living isotopes, perhaps, but 200 years? Bethesda's views on radiation and decomposition (not to mention teddy bears) are entirely unscientific and unrealistic. With that in mind, there's no point in dissecting such minor details, really.
Not Bethesda's: Fallout's. Fallout's approach to radioactive has always been and hopefully will always be that of the popular mind's understanding of radiation in the 50's. That is: not a lot.
That said, you may be right as to the approach to foodstuffs. Something doesn't sit well in Bethesda's take, there.
Per said:
One previewer says he's not allowed to talk about dialogue. One previewer says he's not allowed to talk about character data. Yet many other previewers talk about both these things.
Typical, ain't it?
If they signed NDAs, you'd expect them to be better informed of what said NDAs contain.