Fallout 3 hits Guinness Book of Records

Lingwei said:
What won the fastest-selling pc role playing game? And what about the fastest-selling xbox360 rpg? And what about the fastest selling ps3 rpg?

I think Fable II is the fastest-selling Xbox 360 RPG. Guinness probably lists Diablo II as the fastest-selling PC RPG, since they probably consider DII an RPG.

Why am I actually answering you as if you were asking a question?
Finally, Todd gets some recognition and he can assume his rightful place of honor and dignity...

Right in between to those two fat twins on the bikes and that guy with the creepy fingernails.

And Murphy's Stout beats Guinness hands down.
Does Guiness Book of Records have an email address where you can point out their error??

Does Guiness Book of Records have an email address where you can point a finger at them and laugh??
I don't care for this "games" edition. I'm a games fan just like I'm an avid film fan and thus don't spend my time reading about which film made the most money just like I wouldn't do the same for games.

I'd rather play them to be honest, shock horror... *sigh*
They should also get recognized for creating the great illusion that their shait is golden. But that might break the illusion.
TamaNeko said:
This is pretty stupid. Sounds like Guinness just google'd this info, came across the 4.7 million shipped figure from last year and decided that this was fact!
It had to have been submitted so this would be a Bethesda plan for more PR. Great idea on their part by the way, their marketing department continues to show that they are top notch.
UncannyGarlic said:
TamaNeko said:
This is pretty stupid. Sounds like Guinness just google'd this info, came across the 4.7 million shipped figure from last year and decided that this was fact!
It had to have been submitted so this would be a Bethesda plan for more PR. Great idea on their part by the way, their marketing department continues to show that they are top notch.
Yeah its very sad their department for game development has not the same skill ...