It Wandered In From the Wastes

Fallout 3 won't even run on Win8/10 without a patch, at least for me. I'v never had a problem with NV. NV did release in a much poorer state than 3, but ended up in a much better one.
Highly disagree. Fallout New Vegas actually works on Windows 8/10 with only some bugs and glitches that can be patched out. Heck I could still play it without patches with the Ultimate Edition of New Vegas. Fallout 3 GOTY edition, in comparison, cannot run on Windows 8/10 and requires looking through an entire FAQ to figure out how to make it run on modern systems (I had to teach my siblings how to install Fallout 3 on a Windows 8 PC and that was a migraine inducing hour of reading the FAQ repeatedly).Yes, it requires a number of community made mods just to run the base game well. Fallout 3 may be an inferior Fallout experience when directly compared to New Vegas, but on a technical level it is a superior game.
I remember when it came out, everyone complained that it was too glitchy, and I piked it up a couple days after it came out (it was meant to be on release day, but the Game near me had issues with the machines) and I completed it in a few days with only one freeze.Replying NV at the moment on 360 and the only bugs i've really encountered are occasional freezes. 3 is often unplayable on 360.
I remember when it came out, everyone complained that it was too glitchy, and I piked it up a couple days after it came out (it was meant to be on release day, but the Game near me had issues with the machines) and I completed it in a few days with only one freeze.
But even looking past the glitches and stuff and look at something as simple as difficulty.
Now Fallout 3 isn't a hard game, but the fact that I can't walk two minutes without three super mutants and deathclaw attacking me adds frastration to the game.
I'll die because the developers can't program respawn points properly.
Compare that to New Vegas, which is a difficult game at times, but that comes from how you use your tactics.
But Fallout is dead to most of us anyway, we still have a numer of extremely good games with extremely good side quests and side content.
I may do something simiilar to the Fallout 3 rewrite that someone on the Forum is doing (I apologise, I forgot your name, but I've read some of it, it's really good and I hope you're going to do an F4), where I do a FanFic which is how I would do botn Fallout 3 and 4 with all their expansions.
But yeah, Fallout 3 isn't entirely bad, it's just very meh.
Yes, it requires a number of community made mods just to run the base game well. Console players have no access to such mods so their games remains forever broken. Fallout 3 may be an inferior Fallout experience when directly compared to New Vegas, but on a technical level it is a superior game.