Fallout 3 may be an inferior Fallout experience when directly compared to New Vegas, but on a technical level it is a superior game.
I'm sorry, but this is just plain wrong. 'Cause you know what? I've bought both Fallout 3 GOTY edition and Fallout: New Vegas (without any of the DLCs) on my mid-end PC that can run Skyrim on High at 60 fps, FO3 GOTY edition fucking crash every 30 minutes and freeze every fucking time I Alt+Tab'ed, even with all the optimization and stabilization procedure, tinkering with .ini files, mods and unofficial patches. After I finished FO3 to its completion of also all of the DLCs, I immediately continued New Vegas with only tweaking .ini files and anti-crash mods (without Unofficial Patches) and it only crash like 3-4 times the entire 100 hours run. So, yeah, there's that. I can't speak for Obsidian other, past games, but when comparing FO3 and FNV side by side? Obsidian fucking killed Bethesda there, despite Bethesda had like 15+ years experience working with their engine and Obsidian only had 18 months to ALSO learn working on the engine
from scratch.
ON TOP OF THAT, when releasing New Vegas, Bethesda fucked up the QA, resulted in New Vegas extremely buggy on release, so I'm sorry if I sounds rude but they are video game developers for some reason, they obviously can handle bugs here and there.
Because Bethesda had two years to make Fallout 3 and they had to make all the assets and everything from scratch, and they did. Obsidian was handed the engine and all the assets and told to make New Vegas in the same amount of time. Maybe you don't understand where I'm coming from here; I also preferred NV to F3. But I'm not going to just ignore that game's shortcomings just because Obsidian made a better Fallout game than Bethesda.
Oh my sweet summer child, do you have any idea why Fallout 3 was called
Oblivion with guns? Heck, there's also the thing with them copy-pasting assets here and there, on plus side they had 15+ years experience working on it, and you are trying to tell me it's okay their games are STILL NOT OPTIMIZED FOR WINDOWS 7 AND ABOVE, FUCKING CRASH SO FREQUENTLY ON A RIG THAT CAN RUN SKYRIM ON HIGH AT 60 FPS? Meanwhile, yeah Obsidian basically inherited the engine and doesn't need to work from scratch, but they gotta learn
from scratch how to work on it and that's obviously harder than "having to create assets from sratch while having 15+ years of experience with the engine". Oh, and guess what? Like I said, Obsidian fucking killed Bethesda there, having added more stable version of Ironsight, weapon mods, more and better animation, many new assets, a cRPG system that works for an FPS format, and the game runs better after many patches, means it aged better than Fallout 3.