Willybean said:
Btw I don't mind isometric graphics, but the turn based combat for Fallout 2, personally for me was annoying.
I'd have perferred it if Fallout 2 had a combat system more like Diablo 2.
Maybe similar to Fallout Tactics, but Diablo 2? You're kidding, right?
Personally, I would have liked something similar to Baldur's Gate. But I'm crazy like that. I would have also liked GURPS rules, but then again, I'm still crazy like that.
Now comments about npc's in Fallout 3 acting like it doesn't know you killed their friend and five minutes later they like you. I can see that point.
Yeah, AI actually seemed better in Fallout 1 and 2.
To me that is a legitimate point whereas wishing bethesda did isometric graphics is sorta like asking "Can we all not drive cars anymore and just go back to using horses". No, the world has moved on.
"Moved on"? People keep saying that. That's a bad argument. Command and Conquer 3 sold pretty well, I think, and it was isometric perspective; so has every C&C title I know of, save one (and I believe that did horribly). Starcraft is still popular in quite a few countries (well, maybe just Korea..

) There's plenty of other isometric games that I can dig up, modern ones as well, but I don't want to risk belaboring the point.
The *right* argument to make here, in my opinion, is -- should Bethesda Softworks make an isometric game? And the honest answer I can give is "no". They shouldn't. It's just not what they do. They make games in first person perspective, and that's the way they've done it for a while. To put it simply, it's the best thing they know to do, because they've done it for so long. I'd rather see them stick to what they're good at, than risk them making it four fold as horrible.
Other than that, I'll have to see if I hate Fallout 3 as some people here. I don't think I will, though. If I was willing to overlook the faults in Oblivion, I'm pretty sure I could enjoy this game. Besides, most of the time I had fun making up stories in my imagination more than inside of the game anyways. I think half of the conversations I had in Fallout 1 and 2 were in my imagination, honestly.