Fallout 3 launch party Oct 18th

Launch parties as such are fine. Kick-back and relax after the job´s done and all. I am however a bit unnerved, if not a bit intimidated by the high-profile guest list. Bad feeling...
If Uwe Boll shows up, I believe we have reason to feel well and truly fucked.
Can somebody explain to me what kind of association Bruckheimer has with Bethesda? Is he on the board of directors there or at Zenimax (whatever that is)? Hearing his name in connection with any project is always a cue to stay clear, so this might explaing a few things.
omg I would love to attend that party. It seems bethesda knows how to have fun. I respect that! If I were to release fallout 3 and had that kind of money I would have done the same. Party with style.

Flop said:
Can somebody explain to me what kind of association Bruckheimer has with Bethesda? Is he on the board of directors there or at Zenimax (whatever that is)? Hearing his name in connection with any project is always a cue to stay clear, so this might explaing a few things.
Bruckheimer is on the board of Zenimax. Zenimax owns Bethesda.
Sander said:
Bruckheimer is on the board of Zenimax. Zenimax owns Bethesda.

Thanks. I guess that might help explain why this game is mainly marketed with reference to it's cool-looking explosions. Then again, maybe not, although it is striking how anything Bruckheimer touches turns to shit (very profitable shit, but still).
Pope Viper said:
Could you imagine what Troika or the old BIS team could have done with just the advertising budget that BS is blowing on this thing?

Makes me cry.

With that budget and Pete Hines in charge of the PR, FO:BOS would have sold a million copies.
Nope. ZeniMax plunked becoux bucks into this li'l release... they're going to party hard as hell, if only for the "Whistling past the grave" angle... Y'know: post-leaked videos, lots of people being massively underwhelmed by the game so far, it doesn't look like as massive a hit as it could have been, say, a month ago.

Plus: this is what these kinds of people do. Throw pointless parties with a velvet rope and a guest list and LOTS of free booze. And probably other drugs too... though I wouldn't know, having never gone to one of those events. I mean, I've lived near it all my life, pretty much, but it's a very isolated, almost incestuous thing.
Moving Target said:
Nope. ZeniMax plunked becoux bucks into this li'l release... they're going to party hard as hell, if only for the "Whistling past the grave" angle... Y'know: post-leaked videos, lots of people being massively underwhelmed by the game so far, it doesn't look like as massive a hit as it could have been, say, a month ago.

There is no way this party wasn't planning long before this game was leaked. There is no way a game leak would influence a launch party.

Try and make a little sense, guys, some of the replies in this thread are downright nonsensical.
What I find funny is that ZM is realy doing what other "enertainment companies" with too mutch money do, throw big bash party to show how good they are at blowing your money. Like I said the list I see is bascialy a "whos who" of whos improtant at ZM and the "investment group" Providence Equity Partners (the ones who gave ZM enough cash to develop 2-3 MMOs, IE 300 million)


I just realised, they took down the old "waistlands" picture and replaced it with something almost Identical LOL

What makes me paranoid about the whole thing is that it does look like they are throwing the shinding for the people who bascialy "bought into" the idea of the "Morrowind-Oblivion-Fallout 3 Company" going to work on a massive MMO, at a "show off Fallout III" bash.
I just can't get over this. The first read through I thought it was a practical joke. I still think it is. Why would they need a launch party with these many celebrities and why would the celebs even show up. I mean, unless they are getting some really good money, but still. It's just so extremely awkward. CBS can't even get that many celebs to do the New Years Eve show.

Is Xenu going to be there?