Fallout 3 launch party Oct 18th

EnglishMuffin said:
I just can't get over this. The first read through I thought it was a practical joke. I still think it is. Why would they need a launch party with these many celebrities and why would the celebs even show up.

Friends and friends of friends, Hollywood connections (Bruckheimer, et al), piles of cash put into the game, and just an excuse to throw a big bash, really. Such gatherings aren't that unusual in that sector of the local population- it's just that this one happens to revolve around the launch party for a game. I'd be surprised if most of them knew it was for a game, let alone which game it was for.
the highlight of the night will be finding out who can hold the most copies of the game between their asscheeks while drunk
No Business Like Show Business

No Business Like Show Business

High profile media event in LA ... good buzz about where to invest ... (oh ... got a MMO brewing too!) ... as the sub prime laced mortgage securities go - pop -,
as yet another bubble of ""irrational exuberance"".

Money chasing money, churning to generate points, like the tigers circling Lil' Sambo's palm tree, run down in the hot sun, melt into pools of butter.
Some body wins, Sambo celebrates with pancakes, lots of but'tah!

Here, ZenimMax projects a solid profile, well a coherent shadow figure, looks like they and their partners in ... cream skimming ... are still in the game, ... now, why LA?

Sure all the usual show biz hyper ventilations apply.

Any talk yet of a ZeniMax - B'soft IP going Big Screen? Or little screen, a cable channel rendering?

Not a Uwe Bol 'B' picture, but a potential action adventure series that might at least equal the derivatives akimbo of a 'Tomb Raider'
[imagery derivations, say maybe - the 'like or as' of a 'Lost Ark' or 'James Bond' series].

More power to this milk cow if a "star" strides in from the wings to add the aura of 'hero cult'.

Teh Vault Dweller! Standing tall as Mad Max fades to shades of grey.

Maybe a supporting role for Ron Perlman, as well as the almighty FO Intro!

Have your people call my people, as we run this rag up the pole!

In suit jargon the cat croons -- 'lucrative' -- as it nods and winks, with expansive Cheshire grin.

Seems like it will be a very dull party with a bunch of assholes.

They should have fixed the game first, before burning up the money in useless events. :|
AskWazzup said:
Seems like it will be a very dull party with a bunch of assholes.

They should have fixed the game first, before burning up the money in useless events. :|

to be honest I feel that Tim should have kept the money he threw into the interplay black hole to buy Fallout in the first place and would have been better off spending 5 mil either on his own PA Game thats not fallout (which to be blunt is all F3 realy is at this point) or on whatever their super duper top secret mmo is thats in development one cubical down from his "office"

And to be even more honest. . .does anyone here honestly belive Interplay will still be around at all in 2 years?
Who gives a fuck about the launch party. If people here were happy with the game it would hardly rate a mention, and at worst they would be accussed of hobnobbery. Let them have their fun.
I have to agree with 4Reki, their throwing a party, from what I see mostly a mix of gameing press and the people who gave them enough money to Fully fund a serious mmo effort.

so eh who cares. its money they already have.
i liked it when games weren't such a big fucking deal, not everyone was masturbating over their favorite console, and people didnt become defensive or insecure about fucking video games.

when they were just a simple diversion... those were the days my friends, i thought they'd never end...
sorry. yes. i've become severely disillusioned and pissed off, needed to vent that. don't vat it mr. mod! i plead. :D

hey you know what, fallout 3 should be renamed

Fallout On Ice

because that's what it's feeling like now
Well, if I put my heart and soul into something for 4 YEARS with the same group of people that sticked with me throughout the whole process and we finally finished something that other people could appreciate and we could be proud of I'd want a pretty big f'ing party with a band and big wigs too.
All part of the business. Parties to celebrate all sorts of things. Pre-release, pre-red carpet, post-awards show. Hoopla and much ado to make people feel good. Give the suits chances to network. Give the celebs chances to preen. Whatever. Who cares. Business is business. Life goes on.

So much gabbering about some stupid party. It is not surprising. It is not a mortal sin against the franchise. They are not wasting YOUR money, even though the frivolity is a good symbol of gross and exaggerated consumerism, "irrational exuberance" thanks 4too.

Ending point: it's natural for the media business to hold events to foster networking, press material, and even perceived transparency. In the form of a party. All part of the business.

Nice pic, Iozeph.
if this was 10 years ago I'd go only to try to score with Courtney Cox. unfortunately she's not very hot anymore. and with her husband there and all it wouldn't be a very good idea.
This party looks like it sucks honestly. Ill explain why by pointing out the obvious.

The Foo Fighters are bland, mainstream garbage.

All the "Movers and Shakers" there seem like they have repressed sexual lives that are only touched by deep pockets.

All the drugs available there will be overpriced liquor and unsacred things made in a lab that wasn't Albert Hoffman's.

The whole party will be based around an Oblivion mod which is being sold as the third installment of someone else's game.

Mastodon isn't playing or devoting a theme song to the game. " :crazy: "

People at the party are more likely to push your head down into the toilet rather than hold it up.

The party is in Los Angles.

I'm not invited.

NMA staff are probably not invited.
Hell, NMA folks for the most part have been on the "Public Enemy Numero Uno", or least that's the perception I get.
thefalloutfan said:
I don't see how this is even an issue. It's their money, they're throwing a party, whoop de fucking do.

Sure, but this kind of PR stunt is symptomatic of one of the biggest issues with the gaming industry nowadays.

We've all seen how lackluster and plain lazy their product is by now, what with most all the flaws being carried over from Oblivion despite their constant reassuring us that they wouldn't. Add to this a gargantuan marketing budget, with movie exhibitions, metro ads, BoS figurine army, enough swag to drown in and now this big-ass Hollywood party, and one has to wonder where their priorities lie. The age-old worry that their money would go to selling the game instead of better developing it seems pretty validated to me.