Fallout 3 level scaling, location, turn-based?

VDweller said:
Strange. If more people would have gotten the magazine, we would have had the scans by now, would we not? If only one guy got it... Hey, Briosafreak, how reliable are your confirmations of the article?

Ah, screw those CVG/joystiq people.

I think Briosa went to bed, but from the little he told me, I gather his confirmations are pretty damned reliable, but that the summary is "unclear" or, y'know, confusingly written.
alec said:
The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System will probably be something like bullettime in Max Payne. Some meter that fills up in time, allowing you to sorta stop realtime events and perhaps do aimed shots. Once the meter is drained it's back to RT combat. So let's just say it's RT with a small extra, reminiscent of TB combat.
You'll probably be able to obtain perks that will make the VATS more efficient: it fills up faster, the time to fight in 'TB' mode will be longer, etc.
That's how I interpret it, in any case.
Yep, that's the ticket. Glad there are other people who interpret it that way.

Not to mention the extras to "make it more efficient" could simply be filled by the Action Boy perk and other such things that are already in SPECIAL.

Seriously. This is it. It makes sense in every way.

Wait. If it makes sense, it's probably not true. This is Bethesda we're dealing with, after all.
I'm so hacked off tonight, I don't think I've been this depressed since Tony Blair was first elected. Though it's not that Fallout 3 is getting butchered, that was expected given who bought the licence but the attitude of 'normal' gamers.

3. So there you have it, turn based, third person, Ron Perlman, adherance to canon, location based targeting system.. what will the fanboys cry about now?

What's with the hostility from the rest of the gaming world? Haven't they got enough real time shooters? Why is it so bad that some fans might want to keep a innovative combat system? Let's face it real time is so mediocre, it just tries to copy real life and until there's full immersion virtual reality it's never going to succeed. Whereas turn based offers something different, something more than is possible in real life.

I can't wait for a developer to butcher one of their favourite games and see who's crying then.
Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.).

I think it might work this way:

Real time is just standard full body shots (no critical hits).

Pause/AP mode is an optional body part targeting system that gives you a chance of scoring critical hits.

If they've done it that way I don't see how anyone would enjoy a link game, because the combat would be cycling between real time and pause mode.

Real time! Fight! Fight!

Oh Frank has paused it. Wait... Wait...

Real time again! Fight! Fight!

Oh no! Jane has paused it... Wait... Wait...
Dam this is will ruin a perfect strategic system of fallout classics, this sucks i dont like this idea at all
Fps are for low minded destroy the Fps Industry!
I agree, it sounds like its going to be real time with some special pause/bullet time type ability (based on the quote). Though that system still sounds pretty lame and iffy, I think I can see how it would work, it would just be dumb.
You're all just sooo optimistic... Personally, I'm looking forward to Fallout 3, even if it's different from Fallout and Fallout 2. It's obviously not going to be as disastrous as that sorry remake of Shadowrun. And if I wanted to play a game with features as they once were, I'd play Fallout and Fallout 2. I don't see a need for getting your panties in a bunch.
Hmm... I'm not sure if this haven't said already, but if I'm not misreading it completely wrong, it is like: You take your turn(shoot etc.), and when your turn is over enemies shoot and move until you have your action points filled. Then you take your turn... etc. etc. Atleast it doesen't sound as bad as actionpoints as slow-mo...

I can't wait when litlle kiddies start to flood this forum. Unless this site gets blacklisted... :D

blackEagle said:
You're all just sooo optimistic... Personally, I'm looking forward to Fallout 3, even if it's different from Fallout and Fallout 2. It's obviously not going to be as disastrous as that sorry remake of Shadowrun. And if I wanted to play a game with features as they once were, I'd play Fallout and Fallout 2. I don't see a need for getting your panties in a bunch.

I want next TES game to be ISO/TB game! If I want to play FP/RT TES games I play the older ones!
Well, so far its looking like I'm going to buy this game when it’s in the $9.99 value bin.

Should we start a poll on how long this will take?
stingray420 said:
what the fans asked for.

Hah! Bethesda doesn't give a mudcrab's shit what the fans ask for. Hell, I recall from years back many rabid fans who were discussing on the TES forums how they would pay extra money for Oblivion just for the implementation of cloaks. Bethesda's response, as I recall, was something along the lines of "No, because it's too hard..."

At least Bethesda knows how to piss in someone's morning coffee and not feel guilty about it.
Seems that Beth. will piss of the FPS and the TB/ISO crowd.

I want TB/ISO, I could have lived with a Deus Ex/Bloodlines style game but this system sounds ....uhm...strange.

Hey Beth. ,dont wanna make a Fallout chess? would be better i guess.
If not TB, I would better settle for RT, not some fucked up combination of both. Bethesda trying to shoot 2 fan groups with one shot. Probably, in the end they will end up with nothing, cause of the fucked up combat system.
xu said:
Probably, in the end they will end up with nothing, cause of the fucked up combat system.
bullocks. it'll sell like hotcakes regardless.

but that doesn't mean it'll ever get a following like FO1 & 2.
Well, I played one game this way that mixed real-time and a limited"pause time : Space Hulk : Blood Angels Terminator on 3DO ( and I think it was released on PC, too).

Basically, you had a at max a limited 15 or 30 seconds pause time to give orders to the team of "terminators".
The available pause time would slooooooowly grow back to 15/30 seconds once depleted.

It was somehow a good system, very intense when you were surrounded by tons of aliens ("genestealers" in the game), given the fact that your team was composed of soldiers :
1) prone to nervosity
2) prone to going bersek with flamethrowers ....

BUT ... but Space Hulk was a complete different game.

I can't see how the system, as expressed, is different than a classic "bullet time" mode as in Max Payne or F.E.A.R which are ... well FPS :(

This is f* far away from the Fallout turn-based combat system.
This plainly sucks.
SuAside said:
but that doesn't mean it'll ever get a following like FO1 & 2.
It also doesn't mean that Fallout 3 won't get a major following either.

This is a community of diehard Fallout fans. It's obvious that anything that remotely deviates from what you are all used to is too far fetched to be worthwhile, at least at this point. I think you will all be surprised. I highly doubt Fallout 3 will be as bad or even remotely as bad as the critics claim.

I see a lot of posturing in these threads, but there's really no basis for being a jackass about a game that's not set to release until 2008. Give it a chance. If you don't like it when it comes out, you don't have to play it and there's nothing you can do or say to prevent Fallout 3 from releasing next year.

Games are like stories. Every story has a storyteller and every storyteller tells their stories in their own way.

Celluloid said:
This is f* far away from the Fallout turn-based combat system. This plainly sucks.
Oh, I see. So a single gameplay mechanic comprises everything that Fallout is? Riiiight. Looking back, I don't think Fallout should have ever used a turn-based system. The only reason it did was because the game would have been too short in real time. I'm hoping Fallout 3 will provide an expansive, immersive world in which I can play out my post-apocalyptic fantasies to my heart's content. That's certainly more than I hoped for before its very linear predecessors were first announced.
but there's really no basis for being a jackass about a game that's not set to release until 2008. Give it a chance. If you don't like it when it comes out, you don't have to play it and there's nothing you can do or say to prevent Fallout 3 from releasing next year.

Oh, you know what? Fuck you.
This pathetic excuses of giving it a chance have been uttered since Detesda has bought the license. Now, when it's clear where the game is going, what more chance am I supposed to give it?
I don't give a fuck if it's a good game or not.
It's not a good Fallout, that's what matters.
FeelTheRads said:
It's not a good Fallout, that's what matters.
You don't even know that. You're just talking out of your ass based on very limited information that's available to us. So a few mechanics are different, but you don't have the complete picture.
blackEagle said:
FeelTheRads said:
It's not a good Fallout, that's what matters.
You don't even know that. You're just talking out of your ass based on very limited information that's available to us. So a few mechanics are different, but you don't have the complete picture.

It's enough to decide it's not Fallout. If you need more, then you are blabbering moron.