Fallout 3 level scaling, location, turn-based?

FeelTheRads said:
It's enough to decide it's not Fallout. If you need more, then you are blabbering moron.
It is Fallout. Damn, your blather reminds me of Trekkies who think certain episodes of Star Trek don't qualify to be canon. I'm sorry, but you don't determine what is canon. What is canon is what is produced by officially licensed developers of the IP. You don't like it? Too fucking bad.
blackEagle said:
What is canon is what is produced by officially licensed developers of the IP. You don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Yeah...which means Tactics and especially POS were canon. They were not..and for obvious reasons. Not obvious enough for you though...Too fucking bad.
blackEagle said:
Celluloid said:
This is f* far away from the Fallout turn-based combat system. This plainly sucks.
Oh, I see. So a single gameplay mechanic comprises everything that Fallout is? Riiiight.

Not everything, but definitely a part of what's FO 1&2 to me : well-thought and well implemented and so ... riveting *and* funny.

Hell, even FOT turn-based combat system was not nearly as good : playing in real-time was somehow very raw and *sometimes* funny, but completely messy (given the fact that party members always seemed to be high on crack), but playing turn-based was somehow too easy.
This is a community of diehard Fallout fans. It's obvious that anything that remotely deviates from what you are all used to is too far fetched to be worthwhile, at least at this point.

Deviates? No. Disregards with utter prejudice? Yes. But meh, not all of us like our beloved franchises to be whored out to the casual console gamers.

I think you will all be surprised. I highly doubt Fallout 3 will be as bad or even remotely as bad as the critics claim.

Actually, I think it will be a good game, *on it's own*. But I think it will be trash when put side-by-side with Fallout 1 and 2, especially with the recent evidence at hand. I'll buy it, play it, but I don't think it'll be a game I'll revisit ever again. And the funny thing is, I'm expecting it to be whored out like Oblivion was with priced downloads and tasteless expansion packs. Oh lord, I didn't even stop to consider the "expansion" packs. Damn you corporate pimps!

I see a lot of posturing in these threads, but there's really no basis for being a jackass about a game that's not set to release until 2008.

Well, if Bethesda was more open with the community, we might be more open to their ideas. Instead, they'd rather hype everything up and then spit in our faces with a let-down of a game. *cough* RAI *cough*.

Give it a chance. If you don't like it when it comes out, you don't have to play it and there's nothing you can do or say to prevent Fallout 3 from releasing next year.

Short of criminal, probably not. But I'm not going to give something I despise and think reeks of crap a chance just because you said so. I'm going to be a racist, discriminatory, sexist, mean prick and criticise every little flaw that Bethesda and the fanboist community will completely disregard. Is fanboist a word? It is now.

Games are like stories. Every story has a storyteller and every storyteller tells their stories in their own way.

Only this storyteller bought a book and pissed all over with some turpentine and lit that book on fire then told his version of the story for an ample fee. That so happens to be the reason why many stories are hated, and some aren't. Get over the fact we don't like to bend down in front of the corporate dick and guzzle all the hype it skeets our way.

Oh, I see. So a single gameplay mechanic comprises everything that Fallout is? Riiiight.

That's like saying "So a single gene comprises everything that a human is? Riiiight." Fallout is Fallout because of the many things that make it so. Change one "gene" and it's not Fallout anymore. Just a game that can claim to be Fallout because of a lousy buck.

Looking back, I don't think Fallout should have ever used a turn-based system. The only reason it did was because the game would have been too short in real time.

Too short in real time? The game was only turn-based in combat. Combat was not a major part of the game, even though, apparently, Bethesda wishes to make it such.

I'm hoping Fallout 3 will provide an expansive, immersive world in which I can play out my post-apocalyptic fantasies to my heart's content.

So you came here to pretty much say "I hope you fans don't get what you want but I better get what I want because it's my party and I can cry if I want to."

That's certainly more than I hoped for before its very linear predecessors were first announced.

Yeah, spoken like a true asshole who hasn't educated himself on what a crpg is, especially one as non-linear as Fallout. Go whore yourself back to the Beth forums and see if they give a fuck what you want in a game. Because obviously we don't give a fuck about what you want us to want and can choose to reject any garbage with a hefty price tag and pretty colours that is vomitted our way. If that pisses you off "too fucking bad."
Brother None said:
I am also very confused about how the action system works, if it is turn-based or RTwP (likely the latter with Joystiq not understanding the difference), how the hell the switch between RT and RTwP/TB works, what AP do.

Maybe the article is more clear, because this just makes no sense no matter which way I hold it.

Turn based in console speak is preparing actions while paused, don't take that seriously folks.