MTV Multiplayer had 90 minutes with Fallout 3 at GC. I know because they mentioned they had quite some time with it half a dozen time, apparently unaware that before E3 others had much more time. Anyway, on to the preview.<blockquote>I chose a different path, a path that left me securing my very own house in Megaton with my very own robot butler. I could get a haircut from this butler. Or I could get amusement. That’s what I selected, and he/she/it told me a joke. It was about two electrons walking into a bar. One saying it lost an electron. The other asking: “Are you sure?” Response: “I’m positive.”
I asked my robot butler to tell me another joke. The robot butler replied: “My humor emitter ray needs recharging.”
And then I — accidentally — shot my robot butler, who chased me out of my own house, shooing me with his/her/its small flamethrower.
Theoretically, when you accidentally misfire into their torso or their two-headed cow, you can calm the people who shoot back at you if you holster your weapon. This didn’t work against my robot butler. He ran me out of town.
On the other side of the river I found myself in a gun battle between two factions, armored humans and some scrappy, muscular Super Mutants. The fight took place near a radio station — a station whose frequency I had tuned into and was listening to the whole time I was playing the game. If I ran ahead of the human forces, I got shot a lot. When I waited for the humans to advance, they picked off most of the mutants. They used rifles and machine guns. I just had a pistol.
When the battle seemed to be over, I proceeded to the radio station’s doors. That’s when a Super Mutant Behemoth showed up. This double-tall enemy easily killed me as he rampaged to the front of the building. After I revived from a checkpoint I tried fighting him again. I found a Fat Man mini-nuclear-weapon launcher. I used VATS and aimed for the torso. He survived the awesome shot, barely. And he killed me again. I reluctantly tore myself from the game.</blockquote>Checkpoint?
I asked my robot butler to tell me another joke. The robot butler replied: “My humor emitter ray needs recharging.”
And then I — accidentally — shot my robot butler, who chased me out of my own house, shooing me with his/her/its small flamethrower.
Theoretically, when you accidentally misfire into their torso or their two-headed cow, you can calm the people who shoot back at you if you holster your weapon. This didn’t work against my robot butler. He ran me out of town.
On the other side of the river I found myself in a gun battle between two factions, armored humans and some scrappy, muscular Super Mutants. The fight took place near a radio station — a station whose frequency I had tuned into and was listening to the whole time I was playing the game. If I ran ahead of the human forces, I got shot a lot. When I waited for the humans to advance, they picked off most of the mutants. They used rifles and machine guns. I just had a pistol.
When the battle seemed to be over, I proceeded to the radio station’s doors. That’s when a Super Mutant Behemoth showed up. This double-tall enemy easily killed me as he rampaged to the front of the building. After I revived from a checkpoint I tried fighting him again. I found a Fat Man mini-nuclear-weapon launcher. I used VATS and aimed for the torso. He survived the awesome shot, barely. And he killed me again. I reluctantly tore myself from the game.</blockquote>Checkpoint?