Fallout 3 LGC: MTV Multiplayer

ArmorB said:
And besides EVERY locker was 'yours' if you decided to drop stuff in it, so why not claim an abbandoned vault as your 'home'...same thing, but Beth made a mechanic out of it...

Actually, the house is a quest reward from the people of Megaton for not detonating their nuke, thus saving the city.
Great that we can have a haircut, more customization the better.

Know LARPing? Go do it and leave Fallout alone.
More customization is good, but to the character itself. The physical aspect is completely irrelevant unless it has an impact on the gameplay.

And pretty stupid, if you consider that you're supposed to be on a quest to find your father.

Wasn't there a supposed urge to save the world in Oblivion? That's pretty much how it will be in Fallout 3, probably. "OMG, YUO MUST SAEV TEH WORLD!!1... Yeah, wait, I'm getting a gayass haircut first."
I'm getting tired of this shit. First Beth disappoints me, then they give me a piece of cake that makes me turn my opinion around, then they go on and disappoint me again, then yet again they release more information to give them the benefit of the doubt. And all of a sudden whadyaknow, they decide to go on and disappoint me yet again.

First of all, please tell me those humans were BoS and not just random wastelanders... That'd really piss me off. To think, not only do they run right out of left field adding a super jap-train that transported the muties and BoS to the east, but then they make muties so god damn stupid and fragile that they could be killed right off the back by any moron with a couple of bullets in their grasp? Say it ain't so.

If Beth ain't planning on satisfying the FO Vets that -know- how a sequel should go, the least they could do is add a CS so I can make it a worthy sequel at least through my eyes. If not, they could always make a real life Rock-it Launcher so I could launch my PC with FO3 still in it straight to Oblivion 'cause this might be the game that kills my will for gaming...

Edit: To the poster above, that last bit is kinda moot. If you don't recall, FO2 threw the whole GECK thing in your face every time you took a few steps out in the wasteland. The greatness about it was your ability to prioritize it to your liking. That's all I hope remains in the game, I never felt like I was forced to pick from a set of dialogs pertaining to the main quest, there was always something that fit my character's point of view however vague it had appeared. If I'm forced to make this whole search out my father a big deal, I'm returning this game that very moment. It kills the opportunity for role-playing when my opinion of something is preordained by a set of text. What if my character never really liked his father? Shouldn't I be able to just outright ignore his ass like I did countless times with Arroyo?
FeelTheRads said:
Wasn't there a supposed urge to save the world in Oblivion?

Actually there was a supposed urge to help someone else save the world in Oblivion, which possibly explains why the main story in that game was crap.

I'll only get really worried (worrieder?) when we find out you can poke a Deathclaw to death... which shouldn't be a problem because they would get gunned down by teddie bears (sold in all good post-war arms shops) before they could reach the player.

*Prays for a CS*
Know LARPing? Go do it and leave Fallout alone.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion but no I won't. All I want is to have fun in a game, and yes customization means a lot to me with regards to gaming. Yes I like butler, yes I like the house. Because for ME it doesn't really matter if it isn't somehow related to the 'fallout setting', as long as it's fun I don't mind - at all. I don't know why you quoted me though, since it's something which has got to do with my taste.
alec said:
Well, see it this way: you are leaving the Vault for the first time ever. You are entering the wasteland where you don't know anyone and don't know your way. A good game developer

Thats I far as I got and got side tracked laughing. I assume the rest is a over analyzation of what I typed mixed in with why I am wrong and so forth. I said I look at it as a big ol Locker. Not YOU should look it as a big ol locker. ain't gonna change my mind on the locker-hood of said giant locker.

Moving Target said:
@TheGM: The car in FO2 was silly, let's be honest here. It was fun, but didn't really make much sense. But there are two things we can learn from that:

1) Don't add something to an ostensible sequel that's even bigger and makes less sense (customizable house)
2) If you want a big-ass locker.... have a place in several towns where you can rent a big-ass locker. It makes more sense, and you'll still get to stockpile weapons, ammo, whatever else you want.

Yes the car is silly. Yes it was fun. and no it did not make much sense.

1. Doi.

2. Good Idea.

I still like the car. Last time I Played FO1 I was a gun totting jerk who talked him self into all kinds of trouble....Needed ammo for said trouble making. Ian and Tycho had a habit of getting killed with allot of the crap I made'em carry. Sure my fault...and I don't really care but the damn car is so convenete DAMMIT!
TheGM said:
Yes the car is silly. Yes it was fun. and no it did not make much sense.

1. Doi.

2. Good Idea.

1. No need to be condescending.

2. Why Beth didn't think of this, and decided the game needed an oversized doll house, I don't know.

I still like the car.

I know. We all do. Point is it's still one of those silly design decisions that were fun as all hell. Like the New Reno casinos.

And that Beth shouldn't have compounded the silliness by making a customizable house available.
Alphadrop said:
*Prays for a CS*
Someone mind telling me what a CS is?

Anyway, maybe by Checkpoint, they mean Autosave. Yeah, it still sucks, but it is less fustrating than death being permanant in FO1, even if it does trivialise death.
TheGM said:
Man I love that car.
The car doesn't weaken the 'wanderer' aspect. Having your very own official little house and butler kind of does, though.

I'm not really against the house concept, especially if you're able to take a different reward instead of the house (I prefer something I can take away with me), but I did want to point out that there is that notable difference between car and house.

If it's the only reward you can get from that quest, with no alternative other than no reward at all, then that does still suck and is forcing it on you in a way.
You save Megaton you get that as a thanks from the people. You don't save Megaton - there's no village left :P
ArmorB said:
The more I read about what was wrong with FO2, the more I think that some of you simply won't be happy unless it's JUST LIKE FO1.

Yeah, and when we're not criticizing Fallout 2, then they say we're crazy for that reason, or that the inclusion of silly stuff in Fallout 2 justifies anything in Fallout 3. Of course, "you just want Fo1 all over again" makes a little more sense than "you just want Fo1 and Fo2 all over again" since a game obviously can't be both at the same time, but still. You should know better.
ookami said:
I'm not really against the house concept, especially if you're able to take a different reward instead of the house (I prefer something I can take away with me), but I did want to point out that there is that notable difference between car and house.

If it's the only reward you can get from that quest, with no alternative other than no reward at all, then that does still suck and is forcing it on you in a way.

Let's just assume that BS are really good at quest design, and when the PC hears that he's awarded a nice beautiful house, s/he can tell the good people of Megaton to...


(mumbles to oneself: Shoulda listened to that shady Mr. Burke...)
thefalloutfan said:
You save Megaton you get that as a thanks from the people. You don't save Megaton - there's no village left :P
Right, because obviously in reclusive village that doesn't much care for outsiders in a post apocalyptic world where resources are scarce, there just happens to be plenty of unoccupied, fully functional and structurally stable houses for them to give away to hero passer bys. Even disregarding the damage to the feel of the game it makes no god damned sense. In story/world driven games there are certain things that you just can't do because it damages the experience for the player. It would make much more sense if you could earn a room in the mansion that is Ten-Penny Tower than for a random town to give you a fucking house complete with a functional robot butler. The whole damn thing just sounds like a stupid joke that a higher up overheard and ran with way too far.
What floats your boat mate

I don't look much into such things.
alec said:
Also: I wonder if we'll get to decorate that house we seem to own. Choose the wallpaper and furniture and such... :roll:

decorate the house just like The Sims....

i hope they put the IKEA expansion pack :crazy:


Zeld said:
alec said:
Also: I wonder if we'll get to decorate that house we seem to own. Choose the wallpaper and furniture and such... :roll:

They actually confirmed that, sooooo..... It's Sims with Mutants.

guess what i didn't even read your post and i got
your same idea......

swampcat said:
alec said:
Also: I wonder if we'll get to decorate that house we seem to own. Choose the wallpaper and furniture and such... :roll:

decorate the house just like The Sims....

i hope they put the IKEA expansion pack :crazy:

I don't get the house hate. Personally, I'd love the option of having a little piece of the wasteland all to myself. I like the option of being able to say "You know what Dad? You're a dick. Find yourself, I'm happy out here as a post-apocolypic mercenary". I like the idea that I can make the place my own and customize it. I like that I can customize my appearance as I go.

If you don't like these things, then ignore them in the game. Never pop into a barbershop, and if/when someone offers you a house, just walk away and never look back. I don't even agree with the thought that having a house offered to you is against the setting. Someone tried to nuke their town, a homeless wanderer stops them, and they toss him the set of keys to a spare house in the back. Really, it's the least they could do.
I don't get the house hate

It's silly, and has no real gameplay repercussions. It is a doll house.

Personally, I'd love the option of having a little piece of the wasteland all to myself.
Kind of violates the whole outsider/wanderer/survival atmosphere of the game, no? If you own a nice house, with a butler, in a town.......

If you don't like these things, then ignore them in the game
You realize this argument has been repeated a lot, but is completely ridiculous, right?

You can't excuse bad game design, or bad story elements by simply saying "ignore them". That does nothing to address the argument that they are bad design decisions. It's a distraction from the real issue, and is just a cop out.

Someone tried to nuke their town, a homeless wanderer stops them, and they toss him the set of keys to a spare house in the back. Really, it's the least they could do.
No. The least they could do is nothing.

Why are there "spare houses" in this wasteland? Complete with robot butlers, and optional themed wallpaper?
Phancypants said:
Personally, I'd love the option of having a little piece of the wasteland all to myself.

Yea, but again: wasteland. You're in a hostile environment, supposedly there are raiders about, society still hasn't exactly rebuilt itself.... a) why would it be safe for your stuff, and b)why would the people of whatever town whose collective asses you save have a spare building around, let alone one for random adventurers who help them out? Why not... I dunno... lots of supplies, clothing, food, maybe some ammo.... why a house? It doesn't make sense.

I like the option of being able to say "You know what Dad? You're a dick. Find yourself, I'm happy out here as a post-apocolypic mercenary". I like the idea that I can make the place my own and customize it. I like that I can customize my appearance as I go.

Boy howdy are you looking forward to the wrong game. You're railroaded into looking for your father. You can't give it up. It's the entire thrust of the game. Sure, you can be doing side quests for a long time, but if you want to finish the game (which probably is you fighting a Master-esque version of your father.... if so...CALLED IT!... me and about a hundred other people at NMA) you HAVE to keep looking for dear ol' da.

If you don't like these things, then ignore them in the game. Never pop into a barbershop, and if/when someone offers you a house, just walk away and never look back.

Hmm. Ignore it, it goes away? I dunno, this is like the Fat Man defense. "If you don't like it, don't use it. Why it's like it doesn't exist. It's maaaagic!" It's still there, the code is there, the option is there.

It's like in FO 2. You can CHOOSE to ignore the talking Death Claw, but it's still there. You CAN talk to it, it doesn't permanently disappear from the game if you ignore it.

The point is: the house is there, and it really doesn't fit with the 'struggling to survive in a PA wasteland' motif the game's supposed to be aiming for.

I don't even agree with the thought that having a house offered to you is against the setting. Someone tried to nuke their town, a homeless wanderer stops them, and they toss him the set of keys to a spare house in the back. Really, it's the least they could do.

See the above points about spare housing. If this is a pre-war house- and it probably is- why would anyone waste that space on a wanderer in the first place? If he's going to leave, why set it up for him? It doesn't add up.

The least they could do is nothing, or even tell him to get lost for meddling in their affairs.
The second-least they could do is give him a pat on the back.
Above that, there's supplies- ammo, clothes, kits to repair guns and clothes, bed rolls, tents and such, food, water...

A house is above and beyond what seems reasonable to give. Even nowadays, folks who do pretty extraordinary things don't just *get* houses. And this is a time when, presumably, housing's probably much tighter... you know, on account of lots of stuff falling apart (which should've happened at least a century ago by the timeline, but... seperate issue.)

If it's post-war tech... well, that doesn't make it better. That's probably someone's personal handiwork, and most likely built for someone's family or for one's personal use. Generally those sorts of places don't just get *given away.* Even if there is some awesome kid (sorry, 19 IS a kid) who helped save the town.

*Edit* gc051360, we pretty much made the same points. Sort of spooky, really.