Brother None said:
I have already deconstructed the argument further in following posts. I have nothing to say about the game-to-film-to-music comparison other that indeed the comparison alone is not a solid argument, but that comparison is not the crux of my argument.
Though I should note that I find the comparison invalid myself, you actually validated it yourself:
Oh, same goes with the a "movie". If you close your eyes to a certain part of a movie or shut your ears to a certain part of the music, you cannot go and choose alternative music of the same theme to listen to in the meantime.
You can go and choose alternative tracks when listening to a CD. Does that mean bad songs on the CD aren't bad?
Thanks for supporting my argument, I guess.
Actually, you nicely backpedaled through your argument. In the first post you said:
Or when you're listening to music and hate bits of it? Just put your fingers in your ears and hum!
In your first argument you were comparing the Game to a single song. It implied that you have to shut your ears during a single TRACK of music, or during a song, when a "bad part" of it comes up, which is a ridiculous concept. In a sense you are comparing a linear experience, to a multi-optional experience.
Now you have changed to an entirely different argument: "switching to other tracks on the CD" that you like and ignore the ENTIRE songs that you disliked. In other words, you no longer are comparing the game to a song, but to an album, which is a multi-optional experience.
Interestingly enough, that backpedaling perfectly supports my argument, because I have yet to buy a single album that I found all of its tracks to be good, even the albums I loved the most. I often skipped the bad songs and kept playing the ones I liked, which is exactly the original point. If you don't like "owning a house", simply skip it, and continue playing the parts of the game you actually enjoy.
So no, it does not mean "bad" songs are not "bad", because that was not the point. It means that "bad" songs in your perspective, can be entirely ignored, which WAS the point. Of course, that is besides the fact that those "bad" songs in your opinion, can appeal to other people, thus it is simply an option left for others who have a different taste in "songs".
But instead, you guys want to claim that optional things like buying a house are dragging down the ENTIRE experience, which is not the case when this is entirely optional and avoidable.
Thanks for supporting my argument... I guess.