Fallout 3 mentioned by Pete Hines

I take it all back. Pete didn't say anything stupid when Bethesda announced they had the Fallout license.

When compared to this recent, total load of idiotic drivel of his.

Seriously, Pete, this drivel doesn't work, as we were hoping you might be bright enough to understand this moronic PR-speek doesn't work with us, when you feebly loafed at your job when you happy assclowns got the license initially, and now you make statements that could top Chuck's?

Simply unbelievable. Bethesda has indeed grown over the years, and one of the things that has grown the most spectacularly is the heaping piles of shit they shovel onto their "fans", regardless of TES, Fallout, or any of their other shitty licensed works.
Wow, gotta love the internet!

How long has it been now, since Fallout 2 was released? Almost 8 years? That's such a long time that I've stopped my initial rabid yearning for Fallout 3. Sure, I'd like to see it be the most kickass game ever...and I sure as hell want it to kick Fallout 2 down a notch from it's top placement at my fav games list. However, I have a few doubts that it will happen.

Everyone here has a vision of how Fallout 3 should be, so most here will probably be somewhat disappointed (including me!). The thing is that the world moves a long way in 8 years. This holds especially true for the gaming/computer world.

What Pete Hines is saying about Fallout 3...I don't take it as complete rubbish, but read the following into it:

1. They want to develop it with the same passion as they've done with the Elder Scrolls games.

This of course leads to

2. They're making THEIR vision of what Fallout 3 should be.

And when they mention using the same engine/tools for Fo3 as Oblivion, well that probably for one means isometric view is gone for sure. I'd also make a guess that the game will be realtime. Now that is kind of a kick in the nuts, as the tactical combat was one of my favourite aspects of Fallout.

However, I may be wrong, so won't hang (nor appraise) Bethesda until I see what they're on to. Just keep in mind that they can't make Fallout 3 a money making product just by having us fans buying it. They will surely do quite a few things to broaden its appeal, and what better experience do they have for that than Morrowind/(probably) Oblivion? ;)

Anyway, Interplay/Black Isle couldn't afford to make it. Troika couldn't buy it (Who'd want another bugridden crashfest anyway?).
In the end, it's just a damned game! If it rocks, cool, I'd love for that to happen. If not - well it's a shame - but at least someone tried to make it.

My to cents? It'll end up somewhere in the middle, perhaps even closing up to great, but just not quite get there.

Only remains to be patient so I may see how it actually turns out. But guessing is allowed, right? :)
Re: Wow, gotta love the internet!

Zolrath said:
2. They're making THEIR vision of what Fallout 3 should be.

I think they are just going with what is A) Easy and B) A fool-proof way to make money.

A) Easy being, using the engine they already have, the Oblivion Engine. B) A fool-proof way to make money, being a sci-fi first person shooter w/Pseudo RPG elements.

As I have absolutely zero belief, that the actual gameplay will be any fun. All I am really hoping for, is a good plot, post-apoc scenery, and dialogue.

If they can get those 3 things right, the Fallout Community might only flame them to Death, rather than to Hell.
Kharn said:
We're approaching Fallout 3 as if we developed the first and second games - we're developing it just like we developed Oblivion.

In other words "just like Oblivion, i.e. as if we'd developed the prequels as well".

English isn't even my first language and I still had no problem understanding what he meant. What in fuck's name is hard to understand about that sentence? It might be confusing were it two separate sentences, but it's not.
Re: Wow, gotta love the internet!

Carib FMJ said:
They sure know how to make rabid fans more rabid... Damn those frogs at Interplay, damn them to hell!!!
Maybe he's trying to score bonus points with the anti-fan crowd, hoping some will buy the game out of sheer defiance.

Zolrath said:
How long has it been now, since Fallout 2 was released? Almost 8 years? That's such a long time that I've stopped my initial rabid yearning for Fallout 3.
Exactly how I feel. Which means that either Fallout 3 is an awesome, deserving successor to Fallout, or I'll try to pretend that Fallout 2 was the last game bearing the name.

1. They want to develop it with the same passion as they've done with the Elder Scrolls games.
That's the problem. Their development appears calculated, business-oriented rather than passionate.

2. They're making THEIR vision of what Fallout 3 should be.
That's also their problem. Their vision sucks. They tend to make a kind of game I don't like, and now Fallout is likely to become the kind of game I don't like. Awesome!

They will surely do quite a few things to broaden its appeal, and what better experience do they have for that than Morrowind/(probably) Oblivion? ;)
Is that a threat? :eyebrow:
Would you all stop your whining!
This is just plain STUPID.
Fallout 3 is NOT going to be new ES.

In that interview he clearly meant that now they have finished/are finishing Oblivion, they are going to dedicate themselves to F3 in the same amount if not more. They are giving it their complete attetion.

Wait and see.
Morrowind was the biggest POS pseudo-RPG I'd played in a long time. So if they're approaching Fallout 3's development in the same way as TES we should all be worried because they didn't actually do any development on Morrowind it seems. They crafted an engine and then left it up to the community (god knows how they retained one with the mind-numbing TES franchise) to develop the actual playable content. When I buy a game I expect content out of the box, not some crappy template.

Given Hines statement we can expect that they will attempt to make it "highly moddable", which in reality just means they can't be arsed to develop their own content.
BoYaN said:
Would you all stop your whining!
This is just plain STUPID.
Fallout 3 is NOT going to be new ES.

In that interview he clearly meant that now they have finished/are finishing Oblivion, they are going to dedicate themselves to F3 in the same amount if not more. They are giving it their complete attetion.

Wait and see.

Hows that whole ignorance thing working out for you?

Is it really bliss, like everyone says?
What I think he ment is more like that they care about the game, and are trying to develop it with love and care just like they (say they) did on TES and such.

Lets just hope they do a good job.
I hope there is a demo that we can try and judge.

However, given bethe's history, they have never released any game demo before.

We'l see. :?