Zajcew said:
Some of you people are just impossibile. "They should give us all info now, it doesn't matter they don't have anything, they don't have any screenshots or vids, they should give them to us now becasue we are fans and we deserve it". They will give us screenshots and vids, they will answer our questions when they are ready to do so. After Oblivion is ready they'll be ready to start working of F3 in full force. So have some patience. You acually think bitching on and on will make them work faster? You don't like the fact Beth got the license? You think the'll fuck it up? fine, but untill we get some details the fact is you don't know anything, you just make assumptions, and quite frankly they are not worth two shits.
Or we can go with by what they have said in the past. Which has been quite substantially clueless.
So what's your excuse in failing to read that?
So you claimed you lurked. Fine, I'll assume that you did read what Bethsoft employees and PR have said in the past, and you're just being stupid for the sake of it. In that case, enjoy the new avatar.
And I'm sorry, but I simply can't stand all you fanatics saying stupid shit like "it should be turn based and isometric, becasue that's how original fallouts were".
That's bullshit.
How is it bullshit in expecting a sequel resemble what the previous games did? How many successful series keep going once they drastically change the formula? NONE. It didn't work for Ultima or Might and Magic, and those had MILLIONS of people following them over many eventually die out when the designers had to put in trendy shit that didn't help the game whatsoever, only appealed to Lowest Common Denominator for stupid reasons. It hasn't worked for Heroes of Might and Magic, Master of Orion, or anything else that has been Hasbro whored out.
Turn based combat? How in the hell is it better then real time?
Because it's more conductive to P&P RPG gameplay, which is NOT about the player's reflexes or their ability to drool into the keyboard as the game plays itself. I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand this obvious point.
In my opinion combat was one of fallouts main flaws. Why the hell do you need a turnbased combat in a game where you control only one character? What kind of tactics did you people use in there?
Your turn starts->you aim and fire a gun->enemies turn starts->they aim and fire their guns->repeat. There was no tactics involved in this whatsoever, partly becasue you only control one character, partly becasue there was nothing you could acually do to make your situation better (you couldn't crouch behind a rock and fire at enemies from cover for example) and partly becasue it's an RPG, so it's your stats and equipment that were most important.
Flares, cover, the ability to target a limb and DENY the enemy use of it, like crippling someone so they can't fire back, walk towards you, or you can blind them. Which is a lot better than clicking on an enemy and then whacking the spacebar to watch the game play itself. Or mindless clicking that doesn't do a damn thing.
Also, since it's P&P rules, cover is calculated into the to hit rolls. The simple fact that you are ignorant of P&P combat makes you a liar about lurking, or even being familiar with what you are attempting to talk about.
There are many ways of improving the character system, as Jagged Alliance 2 is proof beyond Jagged Alliance 1, which Fallout could be improved similarly, yet you're advocating to turn it into mindless shit or a clickfest. So instead of improving the combat, you want to turn it into a shitty action game.
Go play Fallout: Enforcer, it sounds more your speed and what you're looking for, kid. It also sounds like you need to play Lionheart and develop another clue.
If anything turn based combat was slowing things down and made it more irritating, especially in towns, when you had to wait for all characters to take their turn, just so you could take one shot at someone, and then wait all over again.
There's a speed slider in the options menu, moron. If you can't bother to take your Ritalin or have your parents come into the room to think for you, as you are obviously used to having, that isn't our fault.
Real time combat with a tactical pause in BG or IWD for example was much more tactical. You had control over entire party, so you could use diffrent party formations, you had to remeber to assign every party member with a task that suits their skills best, to keep mages in the back, out of harms way and so on and so on. So don't tell me turn based combat is more tactical then real time, becasue that is simply not true.
Real time combat with a pause is better in almost all possibile ways. It's more realistic, more involving, and it gives you as much tactical possibilities (if not more) as turn based.
Perhaps the most stupid "logic" ever. Just because you say it is better, that doesn't make it better. From programming fidelity to system specs to P&P rulesets, TB has far more capability than RT. Of course, it's obvious you've never played any good tactical games, so you have to mention the utter shitfest of Asswind Dale and the rest of the games using the Inbred Engine. No, they didn't stick to the "ruleset" they cheaply ripped off, as the mechanics were kludged into automation, to the point where some moron like you thinks it is more tactical than games such as Jagged Alliance 2 as you sit there and drool while watching the Inbred Engine play itself. The TB combat in JA2, or X-COM, frankly, whips the pants off of the Inbred Engine combat any day of the week. And KoTOR's, and anything else "modern"; "modern RT combat" being the product of lazy developers and clueless marketing departments and not indicative of anything historic.
Really, those who have been around know that RT combat isn't new, modern, or requiring of much talent as BioWare keeps proving.
Then there's also RT games that have been out long before Fallout, including those who have designers able to differentiate between "Action/Adventure" and "RPG". Action-Adventure seems about your speed and attention level, which is also what TES technically is, and Fallout was designed to be an RPG. Technically. No, we're not going by the moronic "it has a stat system" quantifier, we are erudite individuals who do know what makes a CRPG. It isn't twitch or clickfest combat.
As for the whole isomteric view thing. Why exactly is it better then 1st/3rd person view? Becasue that's how it was in previous Fallouts? Newsflash for you people: it was like that becasue of technology restrictions.
This is the most amusing part of this yet. You first state that you are ignorant as to why they used it, then try to dictate that it's because of technology.
Kid, Arena and Daggerfall both were made before Fallout. As were a few other 3d games, including the shitty whore-out that follows your moronic mentality, Ultima 8. It had RT combat where you tactically clicked the mouse like a BioWare QA tester, which sucked ass compared to the tactical combat of Ultima 6.
You also might want to let the lead artist know that they were wrong in styling the game that way, as the pulpish cut section was obviously not what we were looking for when we played Fallout.
The world has moved on since then, full 3d kicked in and there's nothing worng with that. And besides, the fact that Oblivion uses 1st person view it doesn't mean F3 will use it as well. It's a 3d engine, they can put the camere where ever they want. And I am acually pretty sure it will have an external, floating camera, Neverwinter Nights style. And even if not, I don't really care.
So the artistic design doesn't mean anything to you. That is perfectly fine with us, we could gather that you're an idiot without any sense of design theory behind any of their garbage when you started with the TB idiocy. Also, what is tactical about FP view? Exactly, you ARE a retard, because you say this bullshit and then don't care, because you don't bother to THINK.
It's the content, the story, the gameplay, the atmosphere and the immersion that counts, if they can get all those right it will be a great game, in 1st person, 3rd person or anyother person view.
Again, go play Fallout: Enforcer and learn what the fuck you're talking about, kid.
If you dismiss a game only because of the view point, then there's something seriously wrong with you.
If you don't care how a game series is treated, only that it superficially is connected to the others, then you deserve a shitty sequel or spin-off.
Notice where those series died? It is because the developers chose to listen to people as cluelessly and brain-dead as yourself, the marketing departments.
I love Fallout with all my heart, F2 is still the best game ever made in my book.
Amazing, with all the easter eggs that don't fit, the canon the lead designer of Fallout 2 botched to unbelievable levels that makes it clear he didn't even completely play the first game or talk to anyone worthwhile on the design team, and the bugs, you make that comment?
Yes, you are an idiot to have missed all that.
But you love dispite the flaws. And to do that you have to see the flaws first. I do and I want them removed in F3. And that's it! I realise some of you will take offence with my rant, some of you will call me retarded console kiddy becasue I prefer F3 to be real time not turnbased and that "obviously" means dumbing it down and so on. And that's fine. But perhaps some of you will at least take under consideration the fact that the world has moved on since 1998 and that progres is, in fact, a good thing.
Peace out.
No, it just proves the market has been dumbed down since then, because someone as stupid as you uses that kind of mentality to urinate upon the design of the game, with idiotic reasoning that you don't even bother to first understand why certain things were included into Fallout, and then post this stupid flamebait. And you believe the hype that RT combat is "innovative" or "modern".
Yes, you have indeed earned that new avatar.
And I'm gonna say it yet again: we have no details about F3 whatsoever at this point and we wont get any for quite some time.
Yes, we do. What the Bethesda people have said before. Is it too hard for you to figure that out, or are you going to lie again and say that you have read that as well?
So stop making assumptions that it's gonna be this or that and then bitching about it. At least wait until we get some details on it, and then let the bitching begin.
And you advocate all this, given Bethesda's treatment of their own IP. You are truly a sad little kid, don't even bother trying to get into my industry, as the marketing whore mentality has already pervaded your simplistic little mind. We already have enough whores in this industry, thank you very much, to provide cattle like you with enough mindless amusement for years to come. Chuck, in fact, pre-emptively heard your retard call of "DEE! DEE! DEE!" and made you just what you are looking for. A non-pulp/non-tactical perspective RT combat Fallout with the same lack of attention to detail as you.
Now go play it and stop bothering the adults.