Fallout 3: official teaser trailer announced

It's pete hines at work again as you can tell its half assed. No hour timer? THATS MY HINES.

vice president of public relations and marketing doesn't normally make that call does he?

Hum... so the word is 3:00am EST 12:00am PST... Maybe I will stay up until midnight for this one...
Pajari said:
The BethSoft forums are a madhouse of gibbering idiots.

While that may be... I still find this amusing at the moment... Where is my teaser trailer?!!? thread


Anyway, this is pure hype at work. I bet that the only person left who is still working at the Bethesda studios right now is the cleaning lady or something... :(
About 630 people are viewing the "Where's my Video?" thread at the BethSoft Fora. The hype machine has worked, I presume. But, I wonder what will happen if the teaser-trailer sucks ass :D
Well, it better be good... Otherwise Bethesda is going to need a functional anti-missile shield because their forums are pretty much likely to be flooded with hatred.
Can you automate this sort of stuff? If so, then they would have prepared it for a more reasonable time no?

I should learn about website technical design.

EDIT: Bethsoft forums appear to have died. Can you temporarily invest in additional servers or the like to deal with increased traffic? ED2: Around 13:00 seems like a good time to check next.
yes you can automate it. but it's very badly done...

it uses local computer time. try moving your pc clock a day back & a day forward.