fedaykin said:Populist politicians just find it convenient to blame violent video games for parents' failures.
fedaykin said:Populist politicians just find it convenient to blame violent video games for parents' failures.
Unillenium said:Pope Viper said:fedaykin said:Populist politicians just find it convenient to blame violent video games for parents' failures.
Where are the parents when their kids are buying this stuff? And even if the game is a gift, why aren't the parents at least reviewing the material to get an idea of what their kids are playing?
Take some responsibility!
Not to mention official content regulation only tries to shelter children... They can't sit down with children and discuss what is actually seen. Thats where reality has to be moored, between the childs ear and the mouth of their parent and/or legal guardian.
fedaykin said:Populist politicians
Falesh said:Ahh, so you are in favour of Australians having a more bland version of the game and also Bethesda having less resources to patch/improve it? Not only that but you are ok with future games, possibly Fallout 4, looking at this and thinking they had best tone down the adult content so this doesn't happen to them? There is such a thing as being overly fanatical in opposition to a game you know.Mungrul said:but I'm absolutely over-fucking-joyed that this is going to hit Bethesda where it really hurts: Their wallet.
They're going to have to spend money editing the content, then they're going to have to pay to re-submit the game for classification.
The more money these charlatans are forced to waste, the better in my opinion.
It's nice to see a country that is neck deep in gang violence, illegal drug trade, money laundering, smuggling, street crime, government corruption, and a whole range of serious environmental issues to put so much of its attention and efforts in protecting its citizens from such pixelated evildoers as Duke Nukem, Necromancer and Evil Eye, isn't it?Seymour the spore plant said:This. It's just a bandwagon that they jump on to score points with the soccer moms and get (re)elected.fedaykin said:Populist politicians
The parasitic shit-for-brains that pass as politicians here in Brazil pull this kind of stunt all the time too; they once banned Duke Nukem 3D...Counter Strike...[and] EverQuest for allowing the player to be evil...
I haven't been to Australia for a while, but last I was there, there were naked titties on the beaches and on tv, and no censoring of "bad" words. It's mainly Americans and the Muslims that are scared of that. So it's more probable that the violence is the problem.kyle said:depending on a rationale they used i could even approve of that
i mean, perhaps someone in Australia does not think that voilence is fucking hilarious ??
but than again, its more probable that they ban it for some insignificant detail (oh noes a nipple/tit/'drug' word) which will only serve to annoy players (like 'chem' in fallout 2 o_O)
btw, ESRB and such are plain idiots imho ...
Darek said:So it's more probable that the violence is the problem.
Polynikes said:The Australian government is stupid. When it comes to censorship, it's even worse than the US, which is saying a lot.
Morbus said:I say it's good news.
Good news for australian gamers as each banned game is one less game left to the last game banned.
Good news for Fallout as its rape has been banned at least in one country.
Good news for Fallout fans as FOE fans are pissed off because of this, and Fallout fans, TRUE Fallout fans hate FOE and its fans.
sarfa said:Morbus said:I say it's good news.
Good news for australian gamers as each banned game is one less game left to the last game banned.
Good news for Fallout as its rape has been banned at least in one country.
Good news for Fallout fans as FOE fans are pissed off because of this, and Fallout fans, TRUE Fallout fans hate FOE and its fans.
This is not good news for Autrailia. It's simply not true or fair to say that banning the game in Austrailia is good because now "Australia is now better off for not having to play a substandard sequel" (Black on page 1 of this thread) simply because no one anywhere has to play Fallout 3.
People in countries where the game isn't being banned don't "have" to play the "substansard sequel", they have a choice. The people in Austrailia are being robbed of the chance to make that choice. This is very bad news and quite frankly the words "Fallout 3" are irrelevant, what matters is the censorship issue and people being robbed of the choice to play a game because of what? Morphine?
Chances are Morphine in the game will be a recovery item, as it's most famous use is as a medical one. The controversy will probably be because the game allows the player to, and punishes them for abusing the drug. Sounds about the right (from a fun, realistic and responsible) way to use Morphine in a game with an abstracted health system.
I'll be interested to see what logic the Austrailian authorities have for this move. In the meantime I'd suggest we find our soapboxes.
Notice the question marks. I was pointing out the consequences of the situation that you seem so happy about. If you do not like game censorship then you should be against this even if it does help your vendetta against Bethesda.Mungrul said:Falesh said:Ahh, so you are in favour of Australians having a more bland version of the game and also Bethesda having less resources to patch/improve it? Not only that but you are ok with future games, possibly Fallout 4, looking at this and thinking they had best tone down the adult content so this doesn't happen to them? There is such a thing as being overly fanatical in opposition to a game you know.Mungrul said:but I'm absolutely over-fucking-joyed that this is going to hit Bethesda where it really hurts: Their wallet.
They're going to have to spend money editing the content, then they're going to have to pay to re-submit the game for classification.
The more money these charlatans are forced to waste, the better in my opinion.
Nice that you registered just to put words in my mouth.
Oh, but you know BS will just take this and try to make it out in damage control like "look we got banned lolz! see it proves the rabid fans are wrong and we're like you know totally hardkore and junk with the fallouts! we're still completely right in everything we do!"Morbus said:Good news for Fallout as its rape has been banned at least in one country.
Falesh said:Oh and another thing I didn't mention specifically: They seem to want to create editing tools,