Fallout 3 Officially Banned in Australia

This conversation took an unexpected turn, i see. What is that retard candy metaphor aimed at, Bodybag or Australians? Both? Their government? MYSTARY? Also, why is there a nude barbie doll on the last page? What is the meaning of this? Is this what happens in Australia related threads? It's natural, i assume. Must be. What with the crazy censorship Australian government pushes down on it's citizens, they'll even get nude barbie dolls as the 'torches of war'. OH MAN I TOTALLY GET IT NOW.

nude barbie doll = retard candy (retard as in government, candy is a drug get it?)

Oh you clever beasts.

Look at my post. It made just about as much sense as the Australian rating committee. Shame, i hope you Aussies get a draft of less dongy politicians soon.
Madbringer said:
RobOverall said:
Madbringer said:
Shattering news for all 10 people who would buy it there.

What's this supposed to mean?

What does it seem like it could mean? :o I don't know. It could be a clever metaphor, or a childish stab at an obscure inside joke that 10 people in the world would appreciate. It could be anything you want. I like to think my previous post is left open to interpretation to inspire a state of deep contemplation.

Then again, i might be just talking bollocks and stupidly snarking while wiping the drool off my commie mouth.

Or not.

Please apologize.

Those 10 people are crushed by your pointy words. Like swords they are. Sharp swords.

terebikun said:
Mungrul said:
You can guarantee that one of the very first mods to be released for the game if they did release an SDK would be one allowing the player to kill children.
That's why there won't be an SDK.
This is extremely stupid reasoning.

That makes Todd or whoever who said it extremely stupid. It also makes Bethesda look like disingenuous cocks when in one case they say it's legal thing and in another they are morally bound. Unless I'm wrong?

Personally I think they don't have enough balls to put in kids and suck at lieing about it (I do not see a reason to take their word for it). As for no mod software, it's probably a combination of laziness and not liking the original Fallout community. But that's just one fuzzy bear's opinion.
Okay I've noticed that some moderators are closing down topics about importing Fallout 3 to Australia claiming importation is illegal. Well hopefully this will stop because these posters have a right to ask these questions and get information. The information originally posted by NMA about RC games in Australia was wrong.

An RC game in Australia must not be shown to a minor, shown in public, sold inside the country, or stored on a site where video games are sold. However an RC game CAN be imported for personal use. This can be seen in the CLASSIFICATION ACT OF 1995 of which there is a Commonwealth Act and individual State Acts.

From what I can determine all of the States have the same rules applying to RC video games in this regard. South Australia, Victoria and Queensland all check out as places in which you can import an RC game or non-classified video game for private use.

I'm not sure if anyone else has pointed this out, it would be good if someone could contact the moderators so they know that discussions regarding importing the game to Australia should not be shut down.
Duly newsposted, as this will be of some interest to people. The incorrect information we posted that you refer to, was that just the explanation for vatting posts, or was it something in a newspost?
Per said:
Duly newsposted, as this will be of some interest to people. The incorrect information we posted that you refer to, was that just the explanation for vatting posts, or was it something in a newspost?


This means that Fallout 3 is banned for sale, hire, public exhibition or importation into Australia, carrying a maximum fine of $275,000 and/or 10 years jail.

Duly edited.