FallOut 3:Original ideas for perks and traits.

Ammo Expert

6 Int
8 Ag
25% small guns
25% big guns
25% energy weapons
Lvl 10
You know your ammo so well that you can modify any of your ammo to cause more damage and to penetrate better
15% more damage
My Vote Goes to Vox for the perk "lunatic", the best perk that I didn't come up with.

Bit sloppy, I must concur.

As for a reasonable contribution to this thread...

Due to (?), you are extremely deadly in close combat. Instead of punching/kicking your opponent, you lacerate your opponent to shreds... with bare hands. You rip apart the enemies throat, smash through ribcages, or evicerate stomachs.

+(a lot)critical hit +(a lot)melee damage

Should you be preforming it in front of people, they will be repulsed by your gruesome deed.
My vote goes to E for his last perk - Hitter. I couldn't stop laughing when I imagined what the Vault Boy would look like on that perk's description. :lol:

And, although it's too late for the contest, I'll add my own trait suggestion:

You are a Croat. A typical one. You were born in a small country in Europe which very little non-European people have heard of. If you mention where you were born in a conversation, people will tend to get suspicious because they will think you're lying, thus giving a -3 penalty to your Charisma. In addition, your Intelligence is lowered by 1 and you get a -20% penalty to Science because you've spent most of your youth hanging around in bars instead of going to school. However, all those years spent there have net you some special abilities most Croats are proud of. You can steal from people and you know the right time to run away before you get caught. However, if you do get caught, you have a higher chance of getting away with it. Your Agility is increased by 1 and you get a +20% bonus to Steal. In addition, if you get caught stealing, instead of getting attacked immediately, you perform a Charisma check.
Huge crotch

You were born with great looks and a huge crotch. Because your face is so beautiful, people who are about your height or taller will only notcice your face. Those shorter than you will have a better view, and will be so impressed that they will want to have sex with you right away. Sadly, this also increases chanses of getting raped by aliens and geckos, and children will run away.

Charisma - 8

Effects: Short people will always try to have sex with you, unless you are in combat. When fighting aliens and geckos, there is a 50% chanse that every critical hit will knock you unconcious, and when you wake up, moving one hex will cost two action points, because of the pain in your butt/crotch (depending on what the offender did to you). When you go near a child, it will run away.

Obsessive fan

When talking of a subject dear to you, you have a 5% chanse that the dialogue option you chose will be switched for either a long rant (50% chanse) or an insult to the person you are talking to (50% chanse). If the person you are talking to has a high intelligence, and you get the rant speech, the outcome of the dialogue will have some extra bonuses. If the person has a low intelligence, he/she will change the subject.

FPS elite

Because you normally only play FPS games, every critical hit that is not a targeted shot will have a 75% chanse of being a headshot, inflicting 25% more damage than the critical hit really should have.
However, because you are not used to dialogues, you suffer a -20% speech drawback when talking to someone.

Lucky child

When you were very young, you once found a burried crate that was full of pre-war pornography. Because of this, you know more sexual positions than the regular person, but sadly, this also means that every time you do a fedex quest, and the delivery is to a woman, you have a 90% chanse of pulling your pants down. If your charisma is 8 or above, you will get laid. If your charisma is below 8, you get 50% less XP for the quest, and your reputation goes down 50 points.


Your apperance is very cartoonish. People don't take you as seriously as you want them to, but they react less harshly when you do something bad.
Vibrator- When you do much sex with sexual itens, you be more "proffesional" in this "things", and you are more loved in the sex if you are using some sexual item.

Idiot-When you do much mistakes and don't finish a certain number of quests, good peoples will try to help in your hard life, telling hints and +1 Charisma when you are going to receive a party member.

Fight addict - you has been fighting too much, you are addicted and you have to fight at least one people in one week, if you don't you will fight randomly a peoples in your sight.

Fat-This perk is not good, you eat too much and you are fat, this is teporary, but you lose 2 ap in each hex walked, run more slow and have -1 charisma when you must atract someone.
Summon Mirror-Clones

Requirements: Expert Excrement Expeditor perk, active account on at least one Fallout related internet forum.

Whenever you troll on an internet forum, and are subject to verbal counter-offense, there is a 5%*(number of people taking part in the discussion) chance that during the next hour, at least one mirror-clone will be summoned to back you up. The clone preserves all your base statistics (except it takes a -1 hit on his INT score due to the mental strain summoning puts the poor clone under), it also tries to mimic your way of expressing yourself and will repeat your arguments, rarely building any himself.

The clone will turn into dust after a few hours, but by then, many more will be summoned, so no worries.
You were your Vault's Overseer. Political wrangling and administrative duties have kept your mind sharp and your speech abilities second to none.
However, years upon years of sitting upon your arse in that big Overseer's chair has ruined your physical health and let's face it.. nobody likes Overseers. At all.

+4 Intelligence, +30 Speech, -4 Charisma, -2 Endurance -2 Strength

You have always been a clumsy sort. Had the war never happened you might've had a great career in slapstick comedy. Because of this, your critical failure rate is greatly increased. But your numerous accidents have taught you the correct way to dodge, tumble and fall without taking a scratch. You have a chance of surviving explosions and direct hits without any injury.

Commie Nazi
You're a Communist and damn, you'll make everyone else a Communist too.. or else! Your harsh and fanatical attitude gives you a bonus to speech, and your strength is increased due to your habit of beating up anybody who dares disagree with you.
Since nobody likes a dirty Commie like you, you lose some Charisma and Endurance thanks to the numerous beatings you've received when outnumbered.

+3 Strength +20 Speech -2 Endurance -4 Charisma

Evil Prankster
You are a master of practical jokes, but years of pranks have left you bored. You want more. Fortunately, you're also psychotic so morals won't get in the way of fun!
You have an increased chance of successfully planting lit explosives on people, can supply tainted water to victims and have a chance to pin the blame of a murder on someone else, if nobody saw you doing it.
At some point in the game you have a choise to eat the entrails of some poor ol' sucka you wasted (you'll have this choice only if your karma is not too high, it can be good, but not too good) if you do it you get the Ravenous reputation perk and from here on can eat the entrails of all your victims for some HP and a boost in strenght and agility. It will give you negative karma the first time and you'll be treated as good as a Childkiller or Berserker by NPCs. Due to lack of creative thought I can't think of a suitable descripton. The picture of the Berserker perk would be perfect for this one, except you'll have some entrails in your hands.
Gunner Development Trait
You spent your life reading books containing information about guns and practicing with bb guns since you were a kid that you gain 10% to all gun type skills, the problem is you werent developed phisically due To your own development on guns that you loose 15% to unarmed skill and combat skill,But you also learn how to do a Aimed Burst fire mod with guns which uses all your Action points in order to do this one
"College Boy" trait
Your love for learning has driven you to complete your vault's higher education program, through the graduate level. You gain +30% to non-combat skills. However, years of sitting while studying, reading, and paper writing have taken their impact on your physical abilities. You lose two points each of strength, endurance, and agility. Initial reaction for high intelligence characters is improved, while initial reaction for low intelligence characters is decreased, because you come off as a "pompous twit."

"Ugly" Perk
You are ugly. You are so ugly that it's difficult for ordinary humans to look at you. So difficult that they can't even look at you long enough to aim during a fight. Human and Super Mutant enemies have less of a chance of hitting you during combat, though ghouls can still fight you normally. (available only to characters with CH of 1)

"Hard headed" Perk
While exploring the wastes, you have taken more than your fair share of blows to the head. You are now so used to head shots that any damage inflicted upon your eyes or head is reduced by half. (available only to characters that have a combat skill tagged, and who have survived at least five critical hits to the head or eyes during the course of the game)

"Ocular Implants" Perk
You have high tech ocular implants - your eyes have been replaced by glowing, red lenses that enhance your vision. You gain 3 perception points. You can also see normally in the dark, meaning there is no combat penalty while fighting at night, or in dark areas. The downside is that your new eyes make you look inhuman, and cost you 2 Charisma points.
(This is a special perk, similar to the armor implants from Fallout 2. They cost an incredible amount, but, if you are willing to pay enough, you can have these "installed" by a doctor operating out of a location with the appropriate access to technology. One month recovery time from the operation, as you get used to "using" your new eyes.)

Edited to make perks more Fallout-like
Cheater (perk):

You sure know how to cheat. You don't get any radiation or heatwave blast from Fatman. You don't get sick from drinking some ancient underground unclean toilet water, you can move faster and pause the game with a thing so called VATS.
You dirty little bastard. :lol:
Spending years of your life inside the Vault listening to Emo music (+1 CHR when talking to females) and cutting yourself has given you a fondness for the dark (+ 40% Sneak) and enhanced 'surgical' skills (+ 30% Doctor).
The Problem: Years of avoiding weights (and almost any physical activity) mean you have -2 Str.
and since you are Emo, -1 CHR when dealing with males. Also:
-1 hp per hour, when in the presence of 'sharp objects.'
Family Jewels (Perk)
You may look like a "harmless little thing," but you know just where to strike a man, and how to make it count. With this perk, a targeted kick to the groin against a male NPC is more likely to succeed (adds +30% to unarmed skill when calculating the kick), will do more damage, and is more likely to result in a critical hit. (available only to female PCs, with unarmed 75%, ST of 5 or below, and AG 6 or more)
25 to Life
With this perk you can look forward to getting 25 to life, it increases your Maximum hit points by 25.
Requirements: Level 15

All About the Bottlecaps
Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money! When you pick this perk, you receive “cash” equal to 1000 times your present level in any kind of currency you want. (Bottlecaps, Ringpulls, BOS scrips, etc.)
Requirements: Level 1
One in a Million sound great like a trait.
You're not particularly lucky or unfortunate, but when lightning strikes, it strikes hard! Whenever you critically hit or fail, a second check is made at five times the base chance to see if it actually happens. If it does, the result on the critical chart is bumped up +30 points in severity.

Though I'm not quite sure what "second check at five times the base chance" and "+30 points in severity" means. Does it mean that if you have 5% chance to cause a critical and you do cause a critical the second check is at 25% and if you fail you don't get to cause a critical, but if you pass "you're critical chart is bumped up +30 pints in severity" a.k.a. you do 30 more damage * any critical multipliers? Which means that with 20% chance to cause a critical you'll awlays pass the second check. What about sniper? Will the luck check to se if you cause a critical apply to the second check? Just a thought.
chang said:
Only war never changes. You have changed. Life outside the Vault was different, and now you too are different. Pick another trait that reflects this change in you.
Ranks: 1
Requirement: Level 9

Would like to see that one, but not before level 18 (at least). Even then one more trait would be... what was it "imba" (or that's only wc3 geek-speak?). Alternatively, Mutate! could be renamed to that, a lot better. Only it should read: "War never changes. You do. Life outside...". Sounds better.
Tech Freak/Junkie
Whenever in the presence of any technology new to you, you immediately gain 10% to your science skills, and 5% to your repair. You have excellent abilities, and tend to take the "extra" weapons in your parties inventory, and scrap them (much to the annoyance of your party members -1 CHR), to use to upgrade and modify all your weapons. (+25% DMG to all all modded weapons, +5 to their max range).
Also, when it comes to all things chemical (stims, drugs, etc...), you do the same thing, but in a more "healing" manner. (cutting addiction chance by 10%, and increasing their benefits by 15%).
The problem is, that you are TOO obsessed with any and all technology, and often are more interested in the gear and weapons, than the people BEHIND those gear and weapons. -3 to Perception.

that actually has some interesting ones.