FallOut 3:Original ideas for perks and traits.


kung-fu king: you have learned well the teachings from san frascisco Dragon and know how to strike and dodge fast and hard... (+10 un/ml dam and + 10 ac).
acrobat: more kung-fu training has turned you into a exeptional acrobat!
( requires up perk and makes you do things like ramiero cruz in total overdose... both requires ag 9/10).
Because we need more animal companions, :D

Animal Magnetism
Characters with this Perk can attract an additional animal follower. Animals cannot pick this perk.
Requirements: Outdoorsman 60%, Level 3

Mysterious Familiar
The local wildlife has taken a liking on you. Some of them might even chose to help you from time to time. And if they get killed, well... there's plenty of fish in the sea, giant rats in caves, wolves in the wastes, radscorpions in the... meh, you get the idea.
Requirements: Outdoorsman 80%, Level 12

And because Cassidy wants it,

Limit Break
If your hit points drop below 20% of their maximum, all your hits are upgraded to critical hits if you also succeed in a luck roll.
Requirements: EN 8, Level 15
chang said:
Mysterious Familiar
The local wildlife has taken a liking on you. Some of them might even chose to help you from time to time. And if they get killed, well... there's plenty of fish in the sea, giant rats in caves, wolves in the wastes, radscorpions in the... meh, you get the idea.
Requirements: Outdoorsman 80%, Level 12

Didn't they have one like that? It was called animal friend if I'm not mistaken.
fallout ranger said:
Didn't they have one like that? It was called animal friend if I'm not mistaken.
Only in Fallout, and all it means is that the animals don't attack you unless you attack them, not that they'll help you.

Don't you ever look something up for yourself before typing a reply here?
Fallout Ranger
You never look something up for yourself before typing a reply.
Requirements: Perception < 3, Intelligence < 3, Level 1

Gee, I'm sorry I was using my memory instead of just searching. I posted what I knew, not something I read off the damn wiki.

And why is everything SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH!?!?!!?

I sincerely apologize for not including the full facts, maybe I should have posted what level you are eligible for it at and the picture as well. Or maybe I could have made an MPEG of what happens in a random encounter when you have the perk. Only to then discover that someone else has posted something similar and then deciding not to post, and simply redirecting people to that thread. FFS

EDIT: good one here

I really would have liked to see that.
Burst Control:
After some weaponary experience you have learned that you have the ability to fire small and precise bursts, instead of firing all that your weapon can shoot... And what is best: Now you can AIM!
200% small guns
I really would like to have the ability to kick in doors, or some other kind of forced entry. It looks like they were going to do that in F1/2 but ditched it. :(
Just saw the thread about the "design a perk" contest by Bethesda in the news comment section today. I probably couldn't join not being a U.S. resident. Some of you might be interested, though.

Some more suggested perks for this thread.

HtH Mastery
Your mastery of the unarmed arts allows you to use advanced fighting techniques even when equipped with HtH weaponry. Without this Perk, you'd be limited to just the basic punch and kick when using HtH weapons... which gets real old, real fast.
Requirements: ST 6, AG 6, Unarmed 120%, Level 15

You have confessed all your sins and was forgiven... or made a sizeable donation to your religion's coffers. Whatever may be the cause, your Karma is reset to zero (neutral.)
Requirements: Level 15, Must have negative Karma
Commie Nazi
You're a Communist and damn, you'll make everyone else a Communist too.. or else! Your harsh and fanatical attitude gives you a bonus to speech, and your strength is increased due to your habit of beating up anybody who dares disagree with you.
Since nobody likes a dirty Commie like you, you lose some Charisma and Endurance thanks to the numerous beatings you've received when outnumbered.

+3 Strength +20 Speech -2 Endurance -4 Charisma
Do you fucking know that Comunism and Nazism and completly oposites... You must assume that you has never gone to school or your IN is less than 2....
EDIT:About the date, i haven't read the reply.... Just after some time i've read it.....
It's a joke, and a 4 month old one at that. If you're going to respond to something, at least do it intelligently and to something that is just a tiny bit up to date.
Uncontrollable Rage

Your emotional instability is a danger to those around you. When placed in stressful situations, your rational mind becomes overwhelmed with animalistic fury. Whenever you attempt to end combat, there is a chance you will continue to attack nearby creatures. In this state, hostile, friendly, or indifferent makes no difference to you.

Blue Collar Sensibility

Everyone thinks they are better than you, just because they have more education. Conversations with NPCs whose intelligence is greater than 5 are penalized.


You toss and turn but no matter how tired you are you just can't get to sleep. The beneficial effects of resting are halved for you.