Fallout 3 & Penny Arcade Comics

thefalloutfan said:
Actually I found out the comics were called Explosm. It's their faces I tell ya.

You're thinking of Cyanide and Happiness?
That was the last time I read that comic. It's crossed out on my reading list. What a waste of opportunity to do something good.
Wait: in strip 7 a big friggin' Rad Scorpion is introduced and in strip 8 it has miraculously disappeared and our puppeteer says he expected things to be a lot worse?


Consistency: 0 points
Suspense = 0 points

This comic sucks.
PaladinHeart said:
What? No Giant Ant Armor jokes? You guys are slacking.

Two words: Genuine Chitin. I'd like to see Beth peddling downloadable armour to THEM. ;)

Also, that's a big f-ing ant.
Not that PA sucks but I was hoping for something more creative.

I would prefer darker humor because, well it would probably suit the theme better, and uh it might just be more entertaining. This is just sort of silly, regular ol' PA-ness. The wasteland sure is wacky, isn't it?
Woo! Giant ant!

I feel like the biggest influence on this comic was like ... penny-arcade... not very dynamic...

They could've watched Life of Brian and made everyone in the wasteland gullible or taken the path of Strangers with Candy and made everyone self absorbed.

Guess it's too much to ask for an intelligent comic. There's a voice in the back of my head going "It's just a webcomic," but that's a lame excuse at this point.

The transition from some kind of narrative to a jumpy Fallout-reference-a-day mode is odd. Also I thought calling a scorpion "Citizen Snips" was funnier than calling an ant "Mister Pinch".
So the storyline has made way for short gags? Ah well...

This one is actually not bad. I kinda like it as a stand-alone strip. Best one so far, IMO.
Alec -
You need to come up with your own FO3 comic, I'd certainly find it much more interesting than this dreck.
Pope Viper said:
Alec -
You need to come up with your own FO3 comic, I'd certainly find it much more interesting than this dreck.

While I agree with Alec's former comment on how this week's strip was the best so far, I believe Pope has hit the nail on the head here ...
Brother None said:
He already did?

It was quite good until it devolved into penis jokes and PG-16 stuff.

Ironic, considering the anti-Fallout 3 comic, and then most of the comics are basically "violence & sex are funny".

Err.. they're not funny. Funny is funny, violence is violence, and ugly little big headed people having sex is ugly little big headed people having sex. :P