Fallout 3 Review: Official Xbox Magazine


While generally we do not post rumours without concrete evidence to back them up, this deserves an exception. The Official Xbox Magazine has reviewed Fallout 3 and apparently it has rated it 10/10 in their exclusive review.

More to come as information becomes available.

Thanks to Tollbooth Willie for pointing this out.
10 out of 10....what else.... There is no sense in reading reviews nowadays...when journalist gets fired for not writing the way they see...because of money and the influence of companies....
Mikael Grizzly said:
Official Xbox Magazine[/url] has reviewed Fallout 3 and apparently it has rated it 10/10 in their exclusive review.

In other news: rumours abound that bear shits in woods; Pope is Catholic say sources; Sun will rise tomorrow morning say experts.
Bernard Bumner said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
Official Xbox Magazine[/url] has reviewed Fallout 3 and apparently it has rated it 10/10 in their exclusive review.

In other news: rumours abound that bear shits in woods; Pope is Catholic say sources; Sun will rise tomorrow morning say experts.

Actually, I'm a pagan.

Thanks for asking though.

10/10, pathetic.
Heh, the gametrailers thread is interesting.
Once you weed out the mispelt "no lolz teh falloutz is better cause I say so" posts of course.
Back to reading Edge magazine for decent reviews.
Big surprise that the official xbox magazine rated it 10/10 I would love to see who has their fingers in that printing press *cough* MS *cough* rating a game 10 on 10 will definitely help them sell copies.

Edit: Am I the only one who cant find the review on their site?
Pope Viper said:
Actually, I'm a pagan.

Really? Well, you've got a pretty sweet gig going with that city state and all those nuns and stuff, let's hope the Catholics don't find out...

Pope Viper said:
10/10, pathetic.

Honestly, at least PCGamer is likely to have the decency to only give it 97% or something!

I wonder whether OXM will have even minor gripes? Probably not if they want that Fallout 4 Exclusive! information...
It's pretty god damn pathetic really when they give that bland piece of shit a 10, while the only survival horror game to come out in years gets a 6.

tl;dr you illiterate asshole: OXM got paid off, or just tasteless manshits.
Shame about the bugs, the sometimes good, sometimes bad voice acting, the poor AI, slightly dated graphics and crowded wasteland.

If it wasn't for those gosh darn faults they could finally have given a game 11/10!
Dead space is a EA game, probably 1000 glitches, you or i haven't played it, but the videos i saw of it looked better than a 6.5, but EA makes shit bland games so not really that surprised.
Man this is gonna be so over hyped.

The good thing about the old fallout games were they weren't that over hyped. It was sorta this game you could keep to yourself.

Now it seems like the none stop halo 3 and call of duty 4 gamers are gonna scream all around this.
Humpsalot said:
Dead space is a EA game, probably 1000 glitches, you or i haven't played it, but the videos i saw of it looked better than a 6.5, but EA makes shit bland games so not really that surprised.
Everyone else seems to disagree. If you want to talk about bugs, take a look at the Oblivion engine Fallout 3 is running on. Outdated and unoptimized shitecock.
Over hyped? I haven't seen 1 commercial about it on TV. I think it is being under hyped when people think Fable 2 is going to be better and some side scrolling game like LittleBigPlanet will get game of the year? I am kind of mad about the lack of media this is getting. To fans of Fallout and people closely following every news date we feel it is getting a lot of hype, but it really isn't. I have about 10 examples that come to mind, but 1) Gametrailers last friday had a fallout special and then after that had a Halo Wars special (a game that is coming out next year) and the game coming out next year got more hype. 2) Tonight x-play is doing it weekly "super Tuesday" report where they feature a AAA game coming out each tuesday, and usually after they show it they replay it again at 1 and then all throughout the week at random times, but I haven't seen it announced to reshow at all.

Fallout 3 will be a good game, yes if you want to nit pick every syllable in every conversation you may think the voice acting is sub par, if you don't weigh the pros and cons of graphics you might think those are sub par (can't have great graphics and 100 hours gameplay) but versus current standards this will be a highly rated game.

Fallout 3 will be a good game, it just won't be like Fallout 1 and 2, which sucks but I have come to accept that.
Not surprising.

10/10 nonwithstanding, reviews and previews are gaining more and more comedy value as we see more actual in-game footage.

Free game with each lunch-box!
wow people take there game review scores personally over there. It was actually fairly entertaining reading all the smack talk.

Anyway, I concur with Humpsalot.