Fallout 3 reviews round-up #103

Sometimes I feel rage at the world, then I read 4too's posts, and everything becomes sublime and peaceful.
Per, what are you doing?

Your going to turn the news section into an endless void.

How the hell are you still alive? A person who would post 103 review roundups after searching for hours on the web for different sights for a game that makes one's self question his existance "In a bad way"must have no survival instincts whatsoever.

You must be running on 6 month old, warm red bull and wearing the tits of your neighbor strapped to your face.
Eyenixon said:
Per said:
Fallout 1 and 2 where point and click overhead view kind of like what you would find in Runescape or WoW, but Fallout 3 you can play in third or first-person, use V.A.T.S., steal, and tell what your doing a lot better.

I can tell you were itching to quote this, it is pretty bad.

It's a fucking gem, man!
Per said:
incredible replay value (Let us not forget the DLC)

Yes, obviously if you can download new content it counts toward inherent replay value-for-money. Unless of course, you don't use Live! in which case: to hell with ya!

Oh, wait.
Bethesda leave the funniest part for the final ,when aliens invade The Wasteland and rape anyone left unraped !
bongraster said:
Bethesda leave the funniest part for the final ,when aliens invade The Wasteland and rape anyone left unraped !
Pst, shame on you!
It's called "anal probing", and it's for strict scientific research reasons... :mrgreen:
How peculiar, Fallout 3 doesn't strike me as the type of game JustAdventure would review, let alone praise to high heavens. Then again, I've seen them praise (adventure) games so wretchedly shitty that they make FO3 seem like it's been developed by Jesus and the 12 apostles. I guess their criteria are a bit off.
terebikun said:
Finally someone has the integrity and sheer balls to call WoW out for what it is: isometric.
Behold as billions of die-hard fans leave the world of... WoW because they realized it's outdated shit because of being isometric.
Scorpius said:
How peculiar, Fallout 3 doesn't strike me as the type of game JustAdventure would review, let alone praise to high heavens.

It's as much an adventure game as it is an RPG.
The Brown Corridor
You are in a corridor stretching east to west. Rusty pipes crusted with lime run underneath the ceiling and the floor is covered in grimy deposits. There is some Rad-X lying here. There is a radscorpion here, clicking menacingly.

> get rad

You pick up the radscorpion. The radscorpion attacks! It hits for 5 points of damage.

> holy fuck

I don't know how to "holy fuck". The radscorpion attacks! It hits for 8 points of damage.

> drop scorpian

I don't see any "scorpian" here. The radscorpion attacks! It hits for 6 points of damage. You feel your life slipping away. Your torch is about to go out.

> change batteries

I don't know how to "change batteries". The radscorpion attacks! It hits for 3 points of damage. You are dead. Do you want to load a saved game (Y/N)
Brother None said:
Scorpius said:
How peculiar, Fallout 3 doesn't strike me as the type of game JustAdventure would review, let alone praise to high heavens.

It's as much an adventure game as it is an RPG.
If it is not adventure, shooter, rpg ... what it is then ?

what name to give this abomination?
I want the fallout 3 game they got to play.... it sounds so much better then the retail version...
Brother None said:
Scorpius said:
How peculiar, Fallout 3 doesn't strike me as the type of game JustAdventure would review, let alone praise to high heavens.

It's as much an adventure game as it is an RPG.
RPGs essentially *are* adventure games, but I've seen a couple of editorials at JA where the author professed an aversion towards shooters and mainstream games in general, so it seems unusual that a JA reviewer would be so enamored with an RPG/FPS hybrid like Fallout 3. Then again, JA also posted glowing reviews of Deus Ex and System Shock, so maybe it's just the case of one editor hating action games with a passion.