Fallout 3 reviews round-up #56

The Furioso Run-Down.

1) Pickles suck

2) Yahtzee likes a game

3) He stole Captain Dynamite from me

4) A good deal of Yahtzee's fans continue to be fickle mush-heads who like to be given hell because they don't know what they want.

5) I'm cold and there are wolves after me.
The thing everyone seems to fail to understand is that Yahtzee is a professional troll. As such, if his reviews don't make you angry he's not doing his job right (probably, morphine is another possibility). Seems to me Yahtzee felt the game was about a 7/10, 8/10, which is what most people round here would give it anyway. He didn't love it, he didn't really hate it. It had flaws, he saw them and pointed them out, but he still had some fun. All in all it's still better than ninety-percent of reviews which only feature the reviewer fondling themselves while they ignore glitches/bugs, poor dialogue, and the overall derivativeness of the game.
Yahtzee is the voice of the voiceless and the current Walter Cronkite of gaming journalism (mostly because everyone else sucks harder).

That said, he's not much of a hardcore gamer and probably has never played the original Fallouts in his life.
Nodder said:
Yahtzee is the voice of the voiceless and the current Walter Cronkite of gaming journalism (mostly because everyone else sucks harder).

That said, he's not much of a hardcore gamer and probably has never played the original Fallouts in his life.

But he knew that Bioshock ripped off from Fallout series...

1) Pickles suck

Yeah, only British people like them...
Yes, we've been over this, he played but never finished due to ADHD or whatever he has.

Nodder said:
Yahtzee is the voice of the voiceless and the current Walter Cronkite of gaming journalism (mostly because everyone else sucks harder).

Wait what? Frith you guys can really push it. I like Yahtzee as much as the next guy but I really do have to wonder what he did to gain the status he seemingly has, did he go by everyone's house and suck their dicks or something?

He is not the best gaming journalist out there right now. I would argue he's not even a gaming journalist and even if he is, I'm better at it then he is. I mean...seriously, c'mon.
if there's a better gaming journalist please name him so we can idolize him as the herald of truth in an industry of lies.

and if you say Kieron fuckin Gillen then you have no credibility with me, sirrah!
I would probably consider Kieron Gillen a better journalist than Yahtzee but quite frankly I would consider the average GameSpy staffer a better journalist than Yahtzee. I think you have a skewed understanding of the term "journalist", because whatever the hell you want to call Yahtzee, journalist is not it.

And as I said, I would say I'm a better journalists than Yahtzee. Because, y'know, my reviews try to fairly highlight all the good and bad about the game in question and my interviews attempt to ask pertinent and interesting questions. Nevermind if I succeed, I at least try. Yahtzee doesn't, because that's not his job, because he's not a journalist.
Brother None said:
And as I said, I would say I'm a better journalists than Yahtzee. Because, y'know, my reviews try to fairly highlight all the good and bad about the game in question and my interviews attempt to ask pertinent and interesting questions. Nevermind if I succeed, I at least try. Yahtzee doesn't, because that's not his job, because he's not a journalist.
Most of the game "journalists" don´t do it. They don´t ask the interesting questions, they "forget" the bad parts.
Yahtzee is not a journalist. He's a person who rants about games. It just happens that his rants seem to be enjoyed by a lot of people. That's all.

What's sad is that even if he is a ranting troll and not a journalist...he still seems to be a better journalist then the rest. Now THAT is bad.
Screw Kieron Gillen

Jenx said:
What's sad is that even if he is a ranting troll and not a journalist...he still seems to be a better journalist then the rest. Now THAT is bad.

It perfectly matches real American journalism, where Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are often better respected and more listened to than the real media. Or, if you prefer, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannnity are better respected and more listened to. Same principle- people don't trust the mainstream sources, which are often tainted by news corporations and marketing "the news", and so they would rather listen to something that's skewed on purpose because often that source is more outspoken and insightful than real journalism- at least in their opinion.

Hence, why everyone loves Yahtzee because he's funny and got an accent and speaks what we're all thinking and is his own man instead of being part of the echo chamber.

Then again, what's not needed is a journalist. What we need is a critic. Critics review. Yahtzee, troll or not, is most definitely a critic. The question is if he's any good at it. Prior history seems to suggest yes.
Kashrlyyk said:
Wasn´t there some guy who said send German stuff to him he translates it?

I can't be waiting for foreign people before posting all-important reviews round-ups, and auto-translations are fun, so it's more practical if a) whoever reports a review includes a translated snippet or b) I put up an auto-translation and then people from the appropriate countries can offer translations which are edited in.
I was expecting so much more from Yahtzee. I mean he loves to tear into games and here is a game that has so many flaws and bugs that he could make a 10 minute video about it....and he doesn't.

He just barely touched on the faults of the game. I was really expecting a lot more given the material in the game.

In the end I took away that he liked it more than oblivion, which isn't saying much.
Per said:
I think one of the things that really makes Fallout 3 work is the rules. It is incredibly open ended, but everything makes sense. I don't really think there is a 'bad' type of character to play as. Whatever type of character you create, you will have strengths and weaknesses, but always something that makes you think "I am glad I chose to have that stat quite high".

Link to the mod please! now!! :shock:

Yatzhee was kinda stupid to review fable 2 last week, mentioning a lot of flaws in it, which are also in fallout3, but this week he conveniently forget to mention them..
Nodder said:
It perfectly matches real American journalism, where Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are often better respected and more listened to than the real media. Or, if you prefer, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannnity are better respected and more listened to. Same principle- people don't trust the mainstream sources, which are often tainted by news corporations and marketing "the news", and so they would rather listen to something that's skewed on purpose because often that source is more outspoken and insightful than real journalism- at least in their opinion.
None of those people are journalists despite claims otherwise, Jon Stewart freely says that he's not a journalist, Colbert makes the claim as a joke, and Bill O, Hannity, Oberman, and those like them are not journalists despite their claims. They are all entertainers who talk about current events and have guests (some credible, some not, some don't matter) on their shows. Hell, most televised news in the states is at best a combination of entertainment and actual journalism because that's how you make money and people don't have a fucking clue.
They're not journalists, but people act and treat like they are, so for all intents and purposes they are a form of journalists to the general public.

So for functional purposes, Yahtzee is a gaming journalist, or at least a critic with enough populist cred to be thought of as one by the masses.
iridium_ionizer said:
[Titles show, "Zero Punctuation Reviews Fallout 3"]


I'm not sure this transcription was entirely accurate. It had punctuation.

*badda ching*

Actually what was a pretty good job there iridium_ionizer.

Oh and the fact that he compares Fallout 3 to Branston Pickles means he MUST like it. They are the BEST!
Per said:
Kashrlyyk said:
Wasn´t there some guy who said send German stuff to him he translates it?

I can't be waiting for foreign people before posting all-important reviews round-ups, and auto-translations are fun, so it's more practical if a) whoever reports a review includes a translated snippet or b) I put up an auto-translation and then people from the appropriate countries can offer translations which are edited in.

Some excerpts from the Gamestar ass licking: "The most direct way to play the game is to give into your feelings. Do you hate that big-mouthed asshole who´s obviously lying to you trying to sway you with big rewards? Than kill him. Or try to sway him yourself and then lie to him about the fulfillment of the job. If you like the proposal you do the job.

Tacticians will keep a close eye on their character sheet, they´ll make decisions based on those skills and choose their perks to level up the fastest. Fallout 3 gives you both options, but invites you on an emotional journey. This is provided by dodgy situations, the game pushes you into; but mostly because of the eccentric characters that settle in your memory and on an emotional level which makes a success orientated approach difficult.

Only those that aren't interested in all the "frills and furbelows" and with autistic precision analyze the game mechanics, in order to level up within hours, will be untouched by the atmosphere of the game. Only players of this "calibre" [it is an expression] will stumble even-tempered over the black humor and the references to todays situations, that turns the Fallout 3 world into something special."

Every time I read the first sentence of the last paragraph, I get the feeling he is specifically addressing me. Maybe it is just paranoia.
Jenx said:
Overall, it’s the best PC game I’ve played since Bioshock

Soo is this guy 12 or something? That would explain why he hasn't played any of the PC classics.

Well, he didn't say "best aside from Bioshock," he said best SINCE Bioshock, meaning there were better PC games before Bioshock, but this is the best one that's come out since then.

Which in and of itself says a lot about his susceptibility to hype-machine developers.
I bet Yahtzee didn;t finish the game prior to the review, but did a short one just to get his email box from being bombarded from 14 year old annoyoungings demanding a FOO review
Hmm I dunno. It says "best since Bioshock". Wouldn't that mean that he thought Bioshock (prior to F3) was the best PC game he's played? And that again leads to my point.