Moving Target
Mildly Dipped

Nodder said:Then why don't people just pretend that Fallout 3 is a spinoff?
Because of the number?
Why not pretend that the Star Wars prequels weren't in the Star Wars universe? Same issue.
And seriously, someone should come up with a "Godwin's Law" for Star Wars and canon fuckups. Seriously, it's like that with SW and canon.
So if FO is ever returned to its roots the next instalment will have skipped a number (or two). Just pretend FO 3 is a non-canonical spinoff a la Brotherhood of Steel. You don't see people complaining about Star Control 3. They just ignore it and move on.
Or, what's more likely to happen: The next installment will be even further from the core P&P emulation gameplay, VATS might be taken out .. .or maybe it'll still be in, for brand name recognition; essentially the reason why EVERYTHING from Fallout is there, despite the fact that it's all so radically changed that it can't rightly be called "Fallout: Anything," really.
Anyway... got off on a bit of a rant... Your point about Star Control is moot because we're not talking about others' IPs. Other game franchises have different "cores," some have no core at all. We KNOW what the core of Fallout is. There have been interviews, dev documents, etc. So to say that it's a good idea to ignore *core* changes in a game that's supposed to be a *direct* continuation of a series is just... weird.
IP's are ephemeral. The franchise will return to its roots, even if it will take twenty or thirty years.
Yes, IPs are ephemeral. Which raises the question: Why not leave well enough alone? The original two games are extremely good games; Tactics is a fun and decent (though buggy) tactical squad-based fighting game. Why not leave it there, continue to pretend that the *spin-off* BOS never happened (lots of people already do) and just let the IP die a semi-dignified death?
As to your other point: Really? I'm not so sure. The XCom franchise certainly hasn't risen from the tomb, and each "evolution" of the series seemed to contribute to its downfall. Wasteland too. Yes I know there's been some rumours of each coming back recently, but... they're rumors. Not fact.
At this point, the best we can hope for are indie companies picking up the slack. Right now, big companies are creating games like movie studios create movies: They make a BIG production, find a formula, and stick to it. Constantly.
Video games aren't going away, the industry has a lot of unoriginality,
True points, both of which I don't think even needed to be said...
there will be a Van Buren-styled Fallout inevitably. Considering how many remakes, series reboots, and sequels, eventually someone will make a FO that's true to form.
....Nope. Not if this one's a success; which it probably will be. Despite the complaints (not just from the "Fallout faithful") that it's duller than Oblivion, that the quest sucks, that the animations are horrid, that VATS gets boring really soon, that collision detection still is terrible, etc, etc, it's still going to sell very big.
Which means a Fallout that's further from the originals, the end of the older style IP of Fallout, and the nigh-impossibility of a good, turn-based IP.... Even forgetting iso (movable camera angles would be fine, obviously.)