Fallout 3 reviews round-up #64

Iozeph said:
AskWazzup said:
Reviewers should stop masturbating while writing reviews, it's just not professional :?

Why? They have to get paid for doing something right? Then again, even getting that right is probably giving them more credit than they deserve.

Pope Viper said:
It's interesting how the scores are now dropping.

As I said they would.

Though Fallout 3 did not follow the usual cycle in review scores dropping. It's actually been more steady than most titles, starting at a 9.3 average and ending at 9.2. The average AAA goes more like startin at 9.5 and ending at 8.8 (Dead Space)
Not only does it sport a rather epic soundtrack that captures the rather epic nature of the game, but it’s the voice acting that raises the bar way above the competition. The number of well delivered lines of dialogue is unprecedented, and is simply astounding. Nearly every single line is delivered right on the money.


Just kill me now and put me out of my misery.
Brother None said:
Pope Viper said:
It's interesting how the scores are now dropping.

As I said they would.

Though Fallout 3 did not follow the usual cycle in review scores dropping. It's actually been more steady than most titles, starting at a 9.3 average and ending at 9.2. The average AAA goes more like startin at 9.5 and ending at 8.8 (Dead Space)

One has to consider I guess the immense effort of the marketing spend for Fallout 3 I have even spoted a few TV comercials here in Germany for Fallout 3 and I do not even watch that much TV, never spoted one for dead space or similar games and (at least in my eyes) the year was pretty weak when it comes to games particularly RPGs, can anyone name a REAL major great RPG release in the rescent time or even for the whole year ? Explains some of it I think.
So the master masturbated compulsively?

Anyway else see the master in Crni Vuk's photo?

The average reviews rating is coming down, i don't know if 93-92 is significant enough to note... An interesting study would be to look at ad campaigns, size, type, etc. and see how well those boost initial scores. Although maybe you could predict it through advertisements on reviewers sites. I remember catching some L4D ads last week and remembering how it looked fun but I experienced the game enough for my taste just seeing videos... I bet that game follows the same dipping review trend. Okay, end ramble.
I don't get why you're even bothering with these "reviews". most are from blogs or independant zines. sure, they might prove what the general masses might think of the game. but to pick them apart and analyze them... you're just fooling yourselves.
One of Fallout 3’s biggest problems is its predecessor. When compared to the majestic Oblivion (complete with appalling frame rate and all), Fallout 3 comes off worse

Jenx said:
One of Fallout 3’s biggest problems is its predecessor. When compared to the majestic Oblivion (complete with appalling frame rate and all), Fallout 3 comes off worse

Though Fallout 3 feels in its core (in my eyes) closer to Oblivion then Fallout 1/2.

Not convinced yet? Here see Obliv ... I mean Fallout 3s Radiant AI in action

what does that prove really? not to defend that stupid behaviour, but still... you can shoot your guns like crazy in Fallout 1+2 and as long as you don't hit anyone, no one will care. unless you're of course in an area where guns should be put away, and those are in Fallout 3 as well.
Before the end, the guy shot...burned the Nuke-priest (everyone started attacking him), then he turned his Stealth Boy on, and everyone stopped being hostile to like "Hey, how's it going?"
Aye, the hype has died down now, and we're getting accurate, and I believe fair review scores. 90% my arse.
Per said:
GameCouch, 5 (of 5?).<blockquote>If you look beyond perspective and mechanics, Fallout has always been a collection of memorable moments: humorous, grim, exhilarating, and poignant. Fallout is a world that exists around me, but one where my actions matter. Fallout isn’t about saving the universe; it’s about touching virtual lives. It’s doing what you can to make the post-apocalypse a little better (or a lot worse). And that’s what you can expect from Fallout 3.</blockquote>

This whole thing...

and really

Per said:
GameCouch, 5 (of 5?).<blockquote>If you look beyond perspective and mechanics, Fallout has always been a collection of memorable moments: humorous, grim, exhilarating, and poignant.

Mostly poignant though. Humorous and exhilirating - not so much :D

It’s doing what you can to make the post-apocalypse a little better

I guess shooting stuff makes the world better, now. Or at least that's what they though in Nazi Germany =)))
Roflcore said:
aenemic said:
you can shoot your guns like crazy in Fallout 1+2 and as long as you don't hit anyone, no one will care.

Uhm no, untrue?

Basically, you cannot hit anyone not pointing at anyone, so his statment is wrong :ugly:
technically you could go around in Klamath shooting the doors off of people's houses and rooms and they wouldn't react to it.

You could not go around firing crazily without a target tho.

So your statement is false, but if rephrased it could be applicable.

I'm also unsure if you were talking about all of those shots being legitimately aimed but missing their targets. If this is the case, then yes you are incorrect.

If you attempt a shot and it misses, the enemy will be hostile much the same as if you'd hit them. It might not happen when you use sneak, but I'm at work and can't test it..
^ That.

Basicall, in FO1/2 you have to target something to shoot at it. And I'm not so sure about doors, didn't try it. Other than that, I'm pretty sure whirlingdervish is correct.

BTW are there really locations in FO3 that force you to holster the weapon? I have not run across anybody to open fire or refuse to talk because I had the weapon out, which I rarely hide anyway.