Fallout 3 & SecuROM

so users still say why buy pirated games.....

Well pirated software doesn't have such issues..... I don't think pirated games are the solution but just let's say bethesda exagerated with protections......

No piracy !
UncannyGarlic said:
Err... EA doesn't own Bethesda and didn't publish Fallout 3...

Edited my post. I meant that Bethesda is doing the same thing EA did, adding SecuROM without letting the user know about it, even though EA had gotten sued over it already. It just was a bit confusing with all the "they"s :P.
I think it is a big deal: SecuROM is not very different from a spyware from many points of view: it is a pest to uninstall, it checks everything you do on your computer, and it sends data over the Internet without asking you for permission.

Eve though they didn't use the worst version of SecuROM, it is enough for me not to buy the game, as I like to keep some control over my PC.
I have to agree Galdred. My PC is like my second home. I don't want to bring home a new couch just to find it infested with some sort of insect, and I apply that line of thinking to my PC. It's sad that this a legal accepted thing. Too many people are truely ignorant of being take advantage of in the name of currency.
Galdred said:
I think it is a big deal: SecuROM is not very different from a spyware from many points of view: it is a pest to uninstall, it checks everything you do on your computer, and it sends data over the Internet without asking you for permission.

Eve though they didn't use the worst version of SecuROM, it is enough for me not to buy the game, as I like to keep some control over my PC.

FO3's Securom is really not that big of a deal, I shut off my auto runs and have yet to have a problem. I think the software that comes with "borrowed" games is way worse. Honestly from a corporate point of view, something has to be done to regulate piracy, they just should be sneaky about and place a warning on the box.
Von Drunky said:
FO3's Securom is really not that big of a deal, I shut off my auto runs and have yet to have a problem. I think the software that comes with "borrowed" games is way worse. Honestly from a corporate point of view, something has to be done to regulate piracy, they just should be sneaky about and place a warning on the box.

But there has been reported problems with SecuROM interacting badly with two DVD writers, and emulation softwares, and I use both. That and it is largely inefficient. Its main purpose is to help shareholder sleep a little better, but I am unwilling to install unwanted software for that, let alone buy a game that could not work without a no CD crack.

that and it's a pain to uninstall.
It sure is not as bad as what EA did, but it is disappointing, especially when some solutions work a lot more smoothly (Tages has a much better reputation for instance).

Anyway, it is the main reason I didn't buy the game: it didn't "look" good enough to make up for SecuROM.

Edit: it looks like it doesn't install itself on the comp in F3 case, at least from what I have read, it only launches from the CD, so it is probably not as bad as I thought.