Fallout 3 The Pitt - IGN Preview

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
IGN.<blockquote> Once inside the encampment, you'll find that locating Ashur is easier said than done. The guy doesn't exactly pal around with slaves. Before you can get to him, you'll have to go through a series of quests and familiarize yourself with a new weapon: the auto-axe. This was the only new weapon I found during my time with The Pitt, though more may be found later in the quest. This melee weapon is essentially an over-sized weed-whacker with every safety measure removed. Pull the trigger and you'll extend the rotating blades, tearing through anything that gets too close. Seriously, just running at enemies was enough to rip them to shreds. Going into VATS with the weapon didn't provide any added enjoyment for me, so I mainly just stuck with real-time auto-axe action. The auto-axe becomes even better if you complete a side quest in The Pitt that rewards you with a new perk to boost the strength of the weapon (one of two new perks I earned while playing). </blockquote>Kinda sorta thanks Ausir only I spotted this before I read the PM but I'll credit you anyway since that's the kind of guy I am.
wow ... a new weapon, with *gasp* a new perk that makes it better even!

How inventive ... :roll:

The save I was given to load already had the opening parts of the quest arc completed. After downloading The Pitt, you'll find a messenger coming in search of a hero.
Again a message calling for a "hero"? I hope thats meant as a joke or something. I mean sometwhat everything seems missing in a wasteland, just never run out of 'Heros' how it seems.

You seem like a likely candidate, and upon accepting the quest the man brings you to a train car that delivers the two of you to Pittsburgh.
talking about something that should make sense in a post apoc wasteland I guess ...

The Man "Hey I am looking for some stranger I know nothing about to follow me with some 200 year old rail way that is perfectly working to Pittsburgh which is untouched by nukes! to help for some quest to retrieve humanity"

The Vault Dweller:[INTELIGENCE]"I am some stranger!"
The Vault Dweller:[PERCEPTION]"I look like some stranger!"
The Vault Dweller:[PSPECH 70%]"Just take me with you "

The Men: "Ok heres the train, letz go"

Your goal in The Pitt is to infiltrate the slave camp, find Ashur, and get a cure he holds that can cure the mutations afflicting everyone in the local populace.
The Vaultdveller: "Searching for a midle aged guy in a vault suit you hav ... wait a min. I mean cure for Mutation!"

Getting into The Pitt slave camp is easier said than done and you won't find it as easy to access as Paradise Falls. In fact, to get in you'll have to submit to slavery yourself and temporarily give up all of the great items and weapons you've been collecting.

There aren't any vendors in The Pitt, so you'll have to do quite a bit of scrounging and acting nice to guards in order to stay healthy and in one piece. Still, I found it fairly easy to amass a small set of munitions inside the slave gates. Once you get that auto-axe, there isn't much that can stand in your way.
Awesome! Another cake walk ...

Duke voice : "Hail to the King baby" - "I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some ass. And I am all outa bubble gum"
Public said:
Wait, wait...what is the point for going to the Pitt?

Cure for mutation remember?

I guess most of us would probably quickly forget about that 'sidequest' once we are involved in Slave/Slaver politics.

How shades of gray.
Why would I need this cure for mutation, if my character is an evil twat, for whom mutants are the best target practice?
I am more curious how a raider/slaver who often aren't the most scientific of people is capable of making a compound or treatment for mutation.

Plus how would that exactly work?
Mutation means alteration of DNA and in Fallout that is mostly all of it, wouldn't a cure mean restoring the original DNA?

Edit: apparently this cure only works in The Pitt, so if you have any ideas of using it on Ghouls or Super Mutants in the Capital Wasteland, forget about it.
Alphadrop said:
Bit of a crappy cure then really.

It's a DLC plot device, sort of like that armory full of weapons in Operation: Anchorage.

As someone else pointed out back then, if you can't open the doors, why not go around it?
Tear down a wall or something.
The Dutch Ghost said:
As someone else pointed out back then, if you can't open the doors, why not go around it?
Tear down a wall or something.

Because today's gaming technology is not good enough to make every wall to be destructible.

Or wait, it was possible back when the Red Faction came out...
Hold the phone a minute here, trains? Trains? Really? Cars are blowing up left to right from stray bullets and fairy dust, and these trains (which i assume run on a nuclear reactor similar to the ones in everyday automobiles) are essentially bigger beefier versons of these reactors are still running? Really? And the tracks are all intact from D.C. to Pittsburg? Nobody bothered to nuke the railyards where most of these trains were kept? Really? And they need a hero you say? Do they need a pack of 200 year old perfectly preserved instamash? Or some other completely absurd filler material beths threw into the game? Maybe they need a wagon load of teddy bear flinging rocket launchers, you can saddle up and deliver them to Pittsburg ala John Wayne in the Commenchero's! It'll be a good ole time
Logic? In Fallout 3? Surely sir you jest. Stuff that makes sense completely screws up the immershun and ruins blowing peoples heads off.
This cure for mutation could be a good plot device, but not for a DLC.

In Fallout, Zax said the only possible cure to FEV was a counter-virus, but that was kinda inviable. I could understand a organization like The Enclave making a cure, but slavers?!