ArmorB said:Saddened by the fact he had the nuke launcher within 6 hours of gameplay. I'd be really interested in how many rounds he had for it in that time as well...
,,,waiting for the mod that makes only 5 nuke rounds total and they are really hard to get...
I hate this illustrative writing which is completely wrong.Once you've queued up an attack or two in VATS, you get the satisfaction of watching your moves in slow motion. The attack may miss, but when it connects you're in for a treat. Everything in the world reacts with Havok physics, which makes for some spectacular death sequences. Think, for a moment, of the possibilities. Shoot a raider in the face and his head might explode. Sneak up behind a chump and you can deliver a slow-motion baseball bat whack to the back of their head. Toss a grenade at a ghoul's feet and you can watch their lifeless body soar through the air. Target a grenade in an enemy's hands and…well you get the idea. That's not even getting into some of the more exotic weapons.
It sounds like the Rock-It Launcher is better than they were hinting at, it sounds like it's quite powerfulMy personal favorite of the weapons I've tooled around with is the Rock-It Launcher. It is possible to get this within the first hour of leaving the vault. Of course, first you'll have to buy the blueprints for it at a cost that is out of most early player's price ranges. Then you'll have to find the parts to build it, which could cost you even more if you can't scavenge the parts yourself. Once you have the launcher, though, it will be hours before you switch to anything else. Other games like Fallout 3 are populated with lots of junk to make the world feel more real. Things like ashtrays, toys, pots and pans, and books are often scattered around the world and free to be picked up by the player. But why should you? It's just worthless junk to carry around. Not so with the Rock-It Launcher. This weapon can be loaded with just about any piece of crap you find. Instead of a world of junk, you now have a world of limitless ammunition. Say, for instance, you come across a pile of rotting body parts. Take a few arms out of the pile and you've got yourself some ammo for the Rock-It Launcher. Yes, you can kill people with high-speed body parts. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more satisfying than loading the Rock-It Launcher up with teddy bears and killing somebody by shooting it into their face at slow motion.
Do (did) the Chinese wear swords into battle (in WWII)? I knew the Japanese did but not the Chinese. Also have we seen a picture of it? I'm hoping that they weren't retarded, calling a katana a Chinese sword instead of actually using a Chinese sword but I'm skeptical given the obsession with katanas.generalissimofurioso said:Anani Masu said:ASUPERsledge??!?! Why don't they just call it a +1 mace? I don't know why they swapped out "Officer" for the more prosaic "Military Leader". You can see it in the inventory and it's called Chinese Officer's Sword.
A Supersledge makes sense, it's uses a kinetic storage and knockback system that makes perfect sense with SCIENCE! Chinese sword only works when you think of it like this China = Asia, therefore they use swords.
I never thought of that but that actually works perfect and could look pretty cool in FPP to boot.generalissimofurioso said:Probably because the original game art made no sense and wouldn't be any more effective than a steel gauntlet. Maybe you can figure out how to make a glove that only comes up to mid forearm make you punch harder.
I always figured it worked the same way the Supersledge did, it built up kinetic energy using energy cells and released it on impact via some sort of force field or something. Fits in better with SCIENCE! than just "It's a piston on a glove".
Agreed and it's really a problem plaguing the game aesthetically. They have intentionally carried a lot of stuff over but they have overhauled the looks of just about everything which in some games wouldn't be such a problem but with how iconic Fallout was...K.C. Cool said:The old 10mm SMG had a certain charm to it; such as, its bulkiness, the rounded bottom of the clip, and the SMG "spray" sound it made when fired.
This one feels like a chopped mp5, kinda disappointed that the original didn't make the transition.
Slaughter Manslaught said:LULZ.
generalissimofurioso said:Chinese Military Leader's Sword?
May as well let me use Lu Bu's Vorpal Halberd of Cloud Murder or Cao Cao's Sword Of Chaos!
Ausir said:Maybe it's simply a vibrating chainblade?
DarkLegacy said:I like the submachinegun design. Just about everything else sucks.
UG said:It sounds like the Rock-It Launcher is better than they were hinting at, it sounds like it's quite powerful
He did sound like he was having fun using it but to use it for hours suggests, to me at least, that it's practical and powerful enough to do so. I had been hoping that it was just a crappy joke gun (good ammo being impractically heavy to haul around), and it may turn out to be so, but this preview makes it sound like it's actually usable with regular junk.Brother None said:UG said:It sounds like the Rock-It Launcher is better than they were hinting at, it sounds like it's quite powerful
Dunno. It sounds like he just had fun using it, but not that it was practical per se. Its damage is based on the weight of objects thrown, there can't be that much heavy shit around.
Genma:TheDestroyer said:If you have Bloody Mess, and are blowing people into their body parts turn into items you can pick up and place in your inventory?
With the Rock-It-Launcher, wouldn't that basically mean you'd create your own ammo every time you shot somebody?
whirlingdervish said:dont forget you can eat corpses to regain health.
having some ammo wont be the only reason to carry around a bag of dismembered old lady heads +7
Erik B. of IGN said:...
It's a rare occurrence to find an RPG with as much freedom as Fallout 3 while still keeping the combat exciting. With VATS and a wonderfully imaginative set of weapons, that's exactly what you get. Stick around IGN as Fallout 3 week continues over the next four days.
... RPG ...
whirlingdervish said:the power fist is passable.. kinda
Brother None said:Within the first 6 hours of playing, I managed to amass an arsenal that included a missile launcher, a personal nuke launcher, and a chaingun.
The Flamer, a highly effective flame thrower, can be found early on with ample ammunition scattered throughout the world