Quinn said:
Role-Player said:
Quinn said:
Bethesda knows exactly what it would take to make Fallout fans happy.
And you know this how, considering they never worked with Fallout games, or interacted with their fans in the past?
So, how do
you, as a "fan", know what the fans want?
Quite an interesting comeback you got there. First, that assumes
I stated i knew what every fan wants, when, for the life of me, i can't recall any instance of having said so. If you can remember of one such event, do let me know.
Second, even if i did stated so, it doesn't take much guessing to see, that as an active member of the largest and most noteworthy online Fallout community, i'd have a fair idea of what the general sentiments and thoughts of the community are. The majority have expressed their discontent with some decisions made in the past regarding the franchise, as well as showing great appreciation for certain elements seen in the games.
Third, wheter i know what they want or not, and wheter i stated so or not, is entirely irrelevant, because that's got nothing to do with the question, or with what i said earlier. So instead of trying to go off on unrelated points in an attempt to dodge the issue (wheter knowingly or not), just address the question that was asked. I'd like to see some actual validation for that claim of yours, given Bethesda hasn't shown any particular expertise handling the franchise or its fans.
However, we don't have any right to demand anything.
And why is that? Why is it that consumers do not have a right to demand that the products they have bought and supported over the years are consistent with what they perceive to be a certain standard of quality?
If you want to make your perfect game, you make it.
Y'know, that's a great suggestion. Really. The good thing about the internet is that i get to talk to people with oppinions and ideas different than mine, and i must say, it would never had occured to me that if i wanted to make
my perfect game, then
I should be the one to do it!
Not only is this kind of comment trite, it also manages to suggest that
I would ask Bethesda for a perfect game, and that i was irate towards them because they refused to comply. I think the old "pull your head out of your ass" suggestion applies to your case quite well.