Fallout 3 topic banned from Bethesda.

Roshambo said:
Grab a thesaurus and dictionary if you need to.

I asked you what the "it's" meant in that sentence because you seem to be referring to something which you did not mention. If you wish to be a dick then go right ahead. I tried to be polite but if you are gonna be your standard egomaniacal self, then fuck off. Get your head out of your ass if it's even possible anymore.
Mech said:
but if you are gonna be your standard egomaniacal self, then fuck off. Get your head out of your ass if it's even possible anymore.

Bing, bing.. No need for name calling, warning 1..
Mech said:
Roshambo said:
Grab a thesaurus and dictionary if you need to.

I asked you what the "it's" meant in that sentence because you seem to be referring to something which you did not mention. If you wish to be a dick then go right ahead. I tried to be polite but if you are gonna be your standard egomaniacal self, then fuck off. Get your head out of your ass if it's even possible anymore.

Why must you post here and act this way man?
Anyone can tell he is making a big stable of informative information about the Fallout games and when done he will post it.

I have seen some of these posts in the past and I know for a fact the developers will gain alot from it and all them that are made in this regards.

If the developers use even 50% or more of what is wanted by the fans then this help the game. And the more information we post and the better we come across with it the better and more professional it will be with helping in the fact that Fallout 3 gets made the way it should. Not some dumbed down cashcow thats cross platform.
Pope_Viper said:
Obsidian, didn't they set up a forum prior to any insight being given on their games?

No "pointless bitching" here, but in all honesty, Beth could have put a forum up strictly for FO3 discussion, minimizing "fallout" (pun intended) to the other franchise forums.

Yeah, by about a month :P

Not a good comparison seeing as KotOR2 had been in development for a year(?) prior to that board being opened?
Darque said:
Pope_Viper said:
Obsidian, didn't they set up a forum prior to any insight being given on their games?

No "pointless bitching" here, but in all honesty, Beth could have put a forum up strictly for FO3 discussion, minimizing "fallout" (pun intended) to the other franchise forums.

Yeah, by about a month :P

Not a good comparison seeing as KotOR2 had been in development for a year(?) prior to that board being opened?

Yeah, but did obsidian ever go around thumping their chests, giving interviews about KOTOR2?

Not trying to be a jerk, but I think more thought could have been given to how to address the fan concerns.

I would much rather have heard a "Yes, we bought the license, and we won't have any comments on gameplay for xxx amount of time".

Shut everyone up rather then create sound bits of "We're not making a BG type game" or yadda-yadda-yadda.
That is a good point :)

On Obsidian we didn't even know what it was, just a code name, until it was finally unveiled.

Bethesda has shot itself in the foot by announcing so early, that's for sure. And a Fallout 3 forum would allow people to do more than stay cramped in a single thread all the time. (which is why I think it's devolved to bitching and complaining over there, and not real discussions)
I'm almost sure the announcement was part of their deal with Interplay, It was probably meant to make investors happy, and i doubt much tought was given to our reaction.

But anyways, If Interplay suddenly matterialized some money, we'd start guessing, and i doubt it would take long for someone to find it out.

Still, yes, i do agree they stuck their foot in their mouth with the whole way PR has been handled so far, both in the interviews and out of them.
Macaco said:
I'm almost sure the announcement was part of their deal with Interplay, It was probably meant to make investors happy, and i doubt much tought was given to our reaction.

But anyways, If Interplay suddenly matterialized some money, we'd start guessing, and i doubt it would take long for someone to find it out.

Still, yes, i do agree they stuck their foot in their mouth with the whole way PR has been handled so far, both in the interviews and out of them.

Even purely from a consistency basis, it's been pretty hit or miss.

I wonder how much of a "PR Pathway" was developed on this.

Considering the timeframe, I would have to say little to none.
Fallout fans are not going to suddenly hold with their comments about Fallout 3, because that's not what they do well. ;)
Mech said:
I asked you what the "it's" meant in that sentence because you seem to be referring to something which you did not mention. If you wish to be a dick then go right ahead. I tried to be polite but if you are gonna be your standard egomaniacal self, then fuck off. Get your head out of your ass if it's even possible anymore.

If you're not going to bother to prove you're not a waste of tax dollars spent on your "education", then it isn't my job to tolerate you nor your feeble attempt to look cute and martyred. We are an old school forum; we do not cater to clueless newbies who fumble their way into a discussion and then either post admittance to not bothering to read the subject or give the indication that they are trolling.

It is not my job to introduce you to the basic concepts of forum structure and basic understanding of context. If you are required to wear a helmet in order to survive walking through your house, we don't want you here.

Exactly what was so fucking hard to understand in that paragraph? I really couldn't tell where your whole misunderstanding came about, so I gave you some advice that looked like it would solve most of your comprehension difficulties. Apparently, I'm wrong here and I should turn each of my posts into See Spot Run for some dumbshit that can't be bothered to read in context and gets pissy when I give them some valid advice.

EDIT: To better clarify Odin's warning, flaming someone needlessly is against the rules and a different thing than flaming someone for trolling, posting clueless crap, or posting anything as a reply to postcount++;
Role-Player said:
Quinn said:
Bethesda knows exactly what it would take to make Fallout fans happy.

And you know this how, considering they never worked with Fallout games, or interacted with their fans in the past?

So, how do you, as a "fan", know what the fans want? I think Bethesda wanted the license (at least in part) because they are fans of the Fallout world. Why are we as a group any more qualified to say what all of the fans want? We're certainly not shackled with the burdens of financial and investor appeasement as they are, so we can spout off without consequence.

Bethesda is a business. If a game developer spoke his mind without any regards for diplomacy, he'd probably be crucified by fandom -- cf. the infamous Derek Smart.

I don't know if I'll like what Bethesda does with the license. I have the same wants as the rest of you: isometric view, SPECIAL, turn based. However, we don't have any right to demand anything. If you want to make your perfect game, you make it.
Frog said:
Fallout fans are not going to suddenly hold with their comments about Fallout 3, because that's not what they do well. ;)

Dude, that's funny. New Bethesda fourm sig :)

Pete Hines (as incorrectly misquoted by one of IGN's top morons, David Adams): We're not going to go away from what it is that we do best. We're not going to suddenly do a top-down isometric Baldur's Gate-style game, because that's not what we do well.
Frog@NMA:Fallout fans are not going to suddenly hold with their comments about Fallout 3, because that's not what they do well.

Um, why dont we have a right to demand what we want ?

Were the consumers, it's the law of supply and demand.

We demand something, and they supply it for a price.
Bethesda is a business. If a game developer spoke his mind without any regards for diplomacy, he'd probably be crucified by fandom -- cf. the infamous Derek Smart.

Shadow Paladin, is that you??
Quinn said:
So, how do you, as a "fan", know what the fans want?

how does a Fallout -fan- who hangs around one of the most used, if not foremost Fallout -fansites-, have an idea of what Fallout -fans- in general want? that's an ace question. i can't even guess the answer.

why do you have no idea that NMA/DaC etc., being created and run and used by fans, are reliable gauges of the general fanbase? missed the deal with FO:BoS?

for Bethesda's sake, from a business standpoint, i hope they don't get suckered by people like you and your bullshit rationale into believing that paying attention to fan outlets like this is unimportant.

Quinn said:
If a game developer spoke his mind without any regards for diplomacy, he'd probably be crucified by fandom -- cf. the infamous Derek Smart.

only Derek Smart can get crucified like Derek Smart, here, unless Bethesda plans to be the longest running disaster in gaming's history. or do you think Derek Smart got trouble only for speaking his mind? if you do, maybe you should learn alittle more about him than his name.

Quinn said:
I have the same wants as the rest of you: ...

you do, Fallout fan? great. how the fuck do you figure "we" aren't representative of the general fanbase, then? maybe you should've thought that through harder.

Quinn said:
However, we don't have any right to demand anything.

or do we? as potential customers, the answer doesn't account for jack shit. if a business wants the right to stay alive, they give the target customers what they demand.

i don't know. maybe i'm just antsy waiting for the next official Fallout 3 forum to open, but i'm having a hard time believing you're so conveniently ignorant that you aren't hip to a single one of the facts that make what you're saying alot of bullshit.
Quinn said:
Role-Player said:
Quinn said:
Bethesda knows exactly what it would take to make Fallout fans happy.

And you know this how, considering they never worked with Fallout games, or interacted with their fans in the past?

So, how do you, as a "fan", know what the fans want?


Quite an interesting comeback you got there. First, that assumes I stated i knew what every fan wants, when, for the life of me, i can't recall any instance of having said so. If you can remember of one such event, do let me know.

Second, even if i did stated so, it doesn't take much guessing to see, that as an active member of the largest and most noteworthy online Fallout community, i'd have a fair idea of what the general sentiments and thoughts of the community are. The majority have expressed their discontent with some decisions made in the past regarding the franchise, as well as showing great appreciation for certain elements seen in the games.

Third, wheter i know what they want or not, and wheter i stated so or not, is entirely irrelevant, because that's got nothing to do with the question, or with what i said earlier. So instead of trying to go off on unrelated points in an attempt to dodge the issue (wheter knowingly or not), just address the question that was asked. I'd like to see some actual validation for that claim of yours, given Bethesda hasn't shown any particular expertise handling the franchise or its fans.

However, we don't have any right to demand anything.

And why is that? Why is it that consumers do not have a right to demand that the products they have bought and supported over the years are consistent with what they perceive to be a certain standard of quality?

If you want to make your perfect game, you make it.

Y'know, that's a great suggestion. Really. The good thing about the internet is that i get to talk to people with oppinions and ideas different than mine, and i must say, it would never had occured to me that if i wanted to make my perfect game, then I should be the one to do it!


Not only is this kind of comment trite, it also manages to suggest that I would ask Bethesda for a perfect game, and that i was irate towards them because they refused to comply. I think the old "pull your head out of your ass" suggestion applies to your case quite well.
So, how do you, as a "fan", know what the fans want? I think Bethesda wanted the license (at least in part) because they are fans of the Fallout world. Why are we as a group any more qualified to say what all of the fans want? We're certainly not shackled with the burdens of financial and investor appeasement as they are, so we can spout off without consequence.

Bethesda is a business. If a game developer spoke his mind without any regards for diplomacy, he'd probably be crucified by fandom -- cf. the infamous Derek Smart.

I don't know if I'll like what Bethesda does with the license. I have the same wants as the rest of you: isometric view, SPECIAL, turn based. However, we don't have any right to demand anything. If you want to make your perfect game, you make it.

I can't believe I am hearing this.

By the way if you haven't noticed wiseguy, NMA is one of, if not, the OLDEST fansite of Fallout. It was probably die hard fans like us that gave Fallout its popularity, notoriety and the sales that made it a big hit. Fallout was a sleeper hit because it didn't make money as a "trendy and hip kiddy game". It succeeded because of fans like us who have always wanted something better instead of your standard cookie cutter crap that seem to multiply like roaches.

Oh yeah, Interplay decided not to listen to us and POS sank like a big tank of shit. Lets see what happens if Bethesda goes fucking gimmicky and trys to turn out their "own" version of Fallout without listening to US, the fans who will make up a good part of the sales base.

You would figure that whatever happened to Ineptplay would be a big fucking wakeup call to all companies who think they can get gimmicky and just be successful through name-whoring operations.

Bethesda wants Fallout 3 to be a hit. Bethesda I am sure wants to make money from Fallout 3. Well, we sure hope Bethesda learns from the mistakes of Interplay and Team Chuck. If they don't, I don't forsee F3 generating any significant revenue.

PS: Derek Smart, Pete Hines, whoever. People are held accountable on what they say or what they never stated clearly enough. This is no different than any other PR department. Oh yeah, lets see what happens if the white house PR guy decided to mouth off some clueless shit, I bet you the public would eat him alive in seconds. Being in PR means you have a responsibility to choose your words wisely and to also anticipate the public response to those chosen words.
I`m a big fan of your site Quinn, but i have to say this wasn`t your best post , i agree with the general sense of the replies.
No, we can't demand anything, but we can't be forced to spend our money on things we don't like either.
Frog said:
No, we can't demand anything, but we can't be forced to spend our money on things we don't like either.
Exellent post Frog.

BTW, Bethesda has opend up to multiple Fallout threads.

DAC allready broke the news.

Score one for the Fans.
Quinn said:
So, how do you, as a "fan", know what the fans want?
Let me just show my apreciation for that statement, it's absolutely priceless as far as i'm concerned.

PsychoSniper said:
BTW, Bethesda has opend up to multiple Fallout threads.

DAC allready broke the news.

Score one for the Fans.
Yeah, I just PM'd Odin and Pope about getting that on the front page, tough i don't know about "Score one for the Fans.", i think it was unavoidable if they wanted to get more constructive discussion and cut down on the flaming, so i'd say it's more of a "Score one for everyone but the trolls"