Fallout 3 - Wasteland Dancin'

Alphadrop said:
The weird thing is most of the animations are stock animation files from free web sites. If Bethesda had just googled animations they would have got better ones than they have.
I thought that they looked like pretty standard/generic dance animations (swear I've seen some of those animations in MMOs).
The best was the guy begging for water, whilst spinning around dancing. The game should have been like this, dancing people all the time.
Yeah! The Wasteland doesn't seem like such a bad place. After all, everyone's dancing and having fun!
Bethesda does make extensive use of data banks; Many of the Oblivion models were licensed from different sources, so I shouldn't be surprised if the same happened with their animations. I guess they could have spared a few bucks by downloading these free ones, heh, but it's not like they're on a tight budget.

That said, I don't think the animations in FO3 were that bad.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Watching this is more fun than playing the game.
Wow, you must really like dancing. I prefer the game to this movie, however.

But the part with the Oasis guys was pretty awesome. Especially when the drug kicked in.
Grave461 said:
With apologies for the peripheral interest nature of this post, but this is simply too much fun not to post...


LOL! Looks like my post made the NMA front page! But it looks like a moderator or something edited what I typed in the original post, and that is the worst butchering of the English language in my name I have ever seen. :P

I mean, I was a little drunk when I made this post, but no way did my grammer suck that bad. :)

I wonder why it was edited? I didn't type anything offensive... oh well, still cool it's on the front page. I'm happy.

:roll: Incredibly, you have managed to make the shittiest game in the last decade even worse.....
5 pts to me for being the first to acknowledge the high level of gay exhibited here.
Now someone needs to mod the sound files so the NPCs sound like they're singing.


overhaul, here we come!!!