Fallout 3 - Wasteland Dancin'

The editing really makes this video.

Jenx said:
If THIS was the video Beth used to promote Fallout 3 I'm sure most of us would have been hyped as hell. Because this video is AWESOME!

Don't even joke about that.
kohan69 said:
Now someone needs to mod the sound files so the NPCs sound like they're singing.


overhaul, here we come!!!

If the Fallout 3 CS is anything like the Oblivion CS this shouldn't be too hard.
It's sad because it's true.

When I watched this video for the first time, I actually thought "hm, maybe I should give it a try. It doesn't seem all THAT bad after all".

Then I bitchslapped myself and came back to my senses.

Also note that "trying" doesn't imply "buying". I wasn't THAT hypnoticised.
I'm the odd man out. I found the video about as entertaining as Fallout 3. At first it seemed really cool, but then it just drug on and became very pointless.
Hahah. Old-old men rule the world! Stop that! Oh, wait, wrong video.

Yeah I was waitin to see Dogmeat bust a groove there for a bit, and I *so* wanted to see some break-dancin' muties.

(Butch never looked so cool ;) )
kohan69 said:
Now someone needs to mod the sound files so the NPCs sound like they're singing.


- innovashun ?

...Don't give him ideas !
This is the first time I'm watching something about Fallout 3 and tears come from my eyes because of pure delight, rather than sorrow...
Thanks for posting this. :D Maybe not a pinnacle of greatness, but I thought it was funny. The best part for me is Mr. Burke. The dancing along with his voice caps were perfect for this. Though, the creepy guy in front of the Brotherhood of Steel was good too. :mrgreen:
DarkLegacy said:
I'm dropping out of groupthink on this one also. Video was pretty dumb and pointless; unfortunately. :(
Dumb? Yes. Pointless? Yes. Amusing in its absurdity? Yes.

How can you not laugh at dancin' Dogmeat?
DarkLegacy said:
I'm dropping out of groupthink on this one also. Video was pretty dumb and pointless; unfortunately. :(
I don't think anyone would contradict you on those points. Just a lot of people find it very amusing to watch, and are in awe that Bethesda, one of the biggest American game studios, can't manage to do animations of anywhere near that quality.
Honestly, I think people are overstating the "great animations" angle, but the comedic timing of this video is gold. The guy who made this has talent - it's easy enough in this day and age to make silly vids for Youtube, but they're rarely any good. Just the opening, with Butch saying "I can show you a real tunnel snake, Amata" :beat: and then cutting to the tunnel snakes dancing - most people have no clue how to use a beat like that - it's harder than it looks.

But hey, you don't have to like it.

Grave461 said:
LOL! Looks like my post made the NMA front page! But it looks like a moderator or something edited what I typed in the original post, and that is the worst butchering of the English language in my name I have ever seen. :P

We almost always edit posts for the frontpage. It has nothing to do with the original post being offensive or bad, but more with keeping the newsposts in line with our standard format.

Also, English is not my first language, but I do not see what's wrong with that sentence. Please clarify.
UncannyGarlic said:
Alphadrop said:
The weird thing is most of the animations are stock animation files from free web sites. If Bethesda had just googled animations they would have got better ones than they have.
I thought that they looked like pretty standard/generic dance animations (swear I've seen some of those animations in MMOs).
Ever play Second Life? A lot of those dance animations ended up in there.