Retconning is not continuing the series.
They really didnt take hint when Fallout's ending said that BoS became research and development house, and are a lot less powerfull then they used to be.
They pretty much ignored Fallout 2 and its ending.So we have non-existant enclave going to DC.
They ignored the fact that West-tec had the FEV, and no-one else. So we have super mutants.
They ignored that society and humanity was coming back, thanks to VAULTS. So no real settlements. No real trading. No way to use currency.
They even managed to ignore that they made the game take place 200 years after nuclear war. Hence we have scavenging society, scavenging things that shouldnt be there, eating 200 year old food. No farming. Perfectly working UNMAINTAINED generators and computers.
And changing the game to Action-"RPG"*cough* action-adventure*cough*, instead of making it a deep, real RPG, like the previous ones were.
Having no where similar SPECIAL system and making skills somewhat useless, making tag pointless, there by reducing builds.
So yes, it is a sequel. Just a awful, shallow one. A sequel that could be a spin off. Only thing needed would be to change the games name to Fallout

ault 101 and its spin off. Because it fits every definition of spin-off, except for the name part.
You can keep saying that it is faithfull to the previous games, but it isnt. How can it be ?
And bethesda should atlest to try and respect THE PREVIOUS GAMES if they call it a sequel.
I am waiting for the day that someone buys TES and does the same things to it. Making the TES:X a REAL rpg with ISO view and TB combat, and calling it sequel, while it ignores the endings and events of previous games. Because its THEIR property now, right ?. By your logic, there would be nothing wrong with it. If you dont like TES, then just put any favorite game series to its place.