Fallout 3 won't be Morrowind-with-guns

Yes, I am too stupid to say your, therefore I sometimes say ur.... So shoot me. I´m so ashamed of myself right now. Sry leets.
Joe Mama said:
Guys, I fully understand {I'm trying to say your, you are, or you're, but I'm likely too stupid to know which to use.} aggressive behaviour, I´m pissed off too but let´s not take that attitude to Bethesda forums, otherwise we shall just be ignored...
We're going to be ignored anyway. It's the bane of a Fallout fans existence that when it comes to the license they love, nobody's listening. Every developer who calls themself a "Fallout fan" usually has their own ideas. IE: FPS Morrowind with guns (regardless of what they want to say).

Until I hear "Isometric view", "SPECIAL system", "non-linearity", "turn-based combat" and "at least three different paths: for diplomat, thief and combat characters" then I'm dubious. Chances are, even if I hear those words, I'll still be dubious. We've been burnt far too many times in the past to not be.
Fallout: POS, anyone? We've heard the same promises that turned into lies by Chucky and crew. Or, for that matter, FOT.

We're supposed to "have faith" because a developer, who is good at what they do, buys a license that isn't what they are wont to develop, and their PR guy says that they are going to stick to what they do best.

I also have to laugh at how Pete uses "Baldur's Gate-style game", so as to put up a warning sign that Fallout 3 probably can't be expected to even resemble the first half-ass attempt to rip it off.
read whats written above roshambos avatar

he's a BO and he's got parental advisory shite, so dont say you weren't warned

anyhow, roshambo comes on strong, but 99,999999999999% of the time he seems to have a point :)
SuAside said:
read whats written above roshambos avatar

he's a BO and he's got parental advisory shite, so dont say you weren't warned

anyhow, roshambo comes on strong, but 99,999999999999% of the time he seems to have a point :)

What? Ack, nevermind.
Until I hear "Isometric view", "SPECIAL system", "non-linearity", "turn-based combat" and "at least three different paths: for diplomat, thief and combat characters" then I'm dubious. Chances are, even if I hear those words, I'll still be dubious. We've been burnt far too many times in the past to not be.

Depends on what you mean by "Isometric View", I can almost guarentee how they will do this. option of 1st or 3rd person with a 3rd person like nwn. This is what they are doing in Vampire TMR: BLoodlines and it is turnbased to my knowledge.

Morrowind used the special system. Although the leveling system and skills system were done differently, I doubt Bethesda will use that for Fallout 3. It is not Fallout, this is why they will not use it. Just because they have used the system in Morrowind for many of their games does not logicaly mean they will use it for Fallout 3.

Morrowind had at least those three paths or combinations of the three to complete a task.

Everyone needs to take a chill pill and let this work out a bit and see what direction they are going in. If in a few months they realise there will be no levels and it will be an fps, then be worried. But untill they say otherwise I would bet that they will continue to use the elements that made Fallout 1 and 2 succesfull.
IAmJeff said:
But untill they say otherwise I would bet that they will continue to use the elements that made Fallout 1 and 2 succesfull.

Sorry, kid, but around the Fallout license, that's a losing bet. I'm sorry you're not too familiar with the property to understand that.

Morrowind used the special system.

Ignorance, or was that a result from a temporary keyboard failure?

Although the leveling system and skills system were done differently, I doubt Bethesda will use that for Fallout 3. It is not Fallout, this is why they will not use it. Just because they have used the system in Morrowind for many of their games does not logicaly mean they will use it for Fallout 3.

Well, as they have claimed so far, they will do what they do best with the license and to their own satisfaction. What they have done best is nowhere near what Fallout's design is. Hey, they've said it themselves. Until they decide to clarify and drop the tapdancing bullshit and make a decision on how to treat the license (trust me, they already have since they bought it already, which has been pointed out before, thanks for not reading, weaselnuts), then it wouldn't be hard to expect that fans would be more than irate at what they would expect to be another pandering for a buck. Which, aside from some empty assurances and interviews, seems to be precisely what they are doing with the hype machine set to overdrive.

So where would you suggest, in your infinitely naive wisdom, that we should do from there?
IAmJeff said:
Depends on what you mean by "Isometric View", I can almost guarentee how they will do this. option of 1st or 3rd person with a 3rd person like nwn. This is what they are doing in Vampire TMR: BLoodlines and it is turnbased to my knowledge.

Bad choice, Silent Storm... SILENT STORM....

IAmJeff said:
Morrowind used the special system.

HAHAHA..thanks for giving me a chuckle..I needed that...

IAmJeff said:
Everyone needs to take a chill pill and let this work out a bit and see what direction they are going in. If in a few months they realise there will be no levels and it will be an fps, then be worried. But untill they say otherwise I would bet that they will continue to use the elements that made Fallout 1 and 2 succesfull.

No, you see if we're vocal now we might actually beat some sense into the devs. Rather then they later on say, well this is what you wanted (anyone heard this before ?)...

See I expect a gaming company to actually be prepared and know what they're talking about, so far we've only gotten alot of PR mumbo jumbo which I so hate. And we've also gotten some quotes which we've seen so many times in the past and *shocker* we ended up being right and not the dev.. So excuse me for expecting something from a dev, but evidently I shouldn't anymore.... sigh..
Wow Jeff. Try not falling on your head next time.
IAmIgnorant said:
Depends on what you mean by "Isometric View"
I mean "isometric view". What is with the fuckers now? You're the second one that can't seem to grasp a simple concept of a viewpoint.



(Odin, no Fallout 1 or 2 screenshots on site here?)

IAmIgnorant said:
I can almost guarentee how they will do this. option of 1st or 3rd person with a 3rd person like nwn. This is what they are doing in Vampire TMR: BLoodlines and it is turnbased to my knowledge.
Bloodlines is not turn-based. See that link in my sig to Terra-Arcanum? Follow it. Learn who you're speaking to before you spout shit next time.

IAmIgnorant said:
Morrowind used the special system.
No, Morrowind didn't use the SPECIAL system. "SPECIAL" actually stands for the seven key skills in the game.


See how that spells out S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? Note that Morrowind didn't have those 7 skills.

IAmIgnorant said:
Although the leveling system and skills system were done differently
If they were done differently, you ignorant, pre-pubescant little dog-turd, how in the HELL could they have used the SPECIAL system?

IAmIgnorant said:
Morrowind had at least those three paths or combinations of the three to complete a task.
No, Morrowind didn't. Morrowind had fetch quests or it had kill quests. Your options in those quests were to:

A) Fetch
- OR -
B) Kill.

Ever find an NPC you had to kill as part of a quest and find you couldn't get out of it? Matter of fact, if Morrowind really had those multiple paths, why on Earth were you forced through the linear main plot that you had to do? Rememeber how you had to do EVERYTHING EXACTLY as you were told? That's not 3 different solutions. That's one linear game.

IAmIgnorant said:
Everyone needs to take a chill pill and let this work out a bit and see what direction they are going in.
Two things here. Either Bethesda are stupid and they really haven't thought this through before purchsing the license (hardly likely) in which case they really don't know what they're doing with it.

- OR -

As is mroe likely, they've already got a core idea of what they're going to do. We're talking basic decisions here and if what Briosafreak says is true, then Bethesda have been looking at some kind of Fallout based game since December of last year. That's a long time to not come up with any ideas.

IAmIgnorant said:
If in a few months they realise there will be no levels and it will be an fps, then be worried. But untill they say otherwise I would bet that they will continue to use the elements that made Fallout 1 and 2 succesfull.
Let me guess, you were one of those who kept saying we had to play FO:BOS to find out if it was shit or not? ... and one of those who was asking how we could criticise a game when we hadn't even heard most of the detail yet? Oh gee, look how that turned out.

See this article? I wrote that based on FO:BOS before the game came out. I based that article off of interviews (what was said and what wasn't), trailers and screenshots and was still told to wait until it came out because "it might be good!' In the end, FO:BOS was a piece of crap. It sold only 19,000 units world-wide and I was right.

Bethesda are already heading down the same path. Unless they turn around quick smart, it'll only get worse.
Some one tell me why these Betty ppl HAD to snatch this candy from Troika´s (and our) hands.....

The least they could do is to let Troika or Obsidian make a Fallout of their own. Would cost them nothing.
DarkUnderlord said:
(Odin, no Fallout 1 or 2 screenshots on site here?)

Nicely put DU and I was about to upload some screenies, just..err.. haven't gotten around to it yet..
DarkUnderlord said:
IAmIgnorant said:
Morrowind had at least those three paths or combinations of the three to complete a task.
No, Morrowind didn't. Morrowind had fetch quests or it had kill quests. Your options in those quests were to:

A) Fetch
- OR -
B) Kill.

Let's be fair, now. Sometimes you could fetch and kill!!!
IAmJeff said:
Depends on what you mean by "Isometric View", I can almost guarentee how they will do this. option of 1st or 3rd person with a 3rd person like nwn. This is what they are doing in Vampire TMR: BLoodlines and it is turnbased to my knowledge.

Actually, it's real time. Isometric is a type of third person, but is not the same as a chase cam like Morrowind's third person uses. Point and click works well in isometric, but not well at all with an over the shoulder chase cam. Fallout is point and click for many reasons.

Morrowind used the special system. Although the leveling system and skills system were done differently,

Dear lord, son. Posting is a responsibility on the internet and should be treated as such. Before you make statements as if they're facts on very simple things like that, you really should take the 30 seconds to google up "SPECIAL system" to find out what it actually is. If you posted that tidbit about Morrowind using SPECIAL on most gaming forums other than RPG specific ones, you would have just made the entire world a little more ignorant, and that's irresponsible.

I doubt Bethesda will use that for Fallout 3. It is not Fallout, this is why they will not use it. Just because they have used the system in Morrowind for many of their games does not logicaly mean they will use it for Fallout 3.

Actually, my ignorant friend, it may not be logical, but it is economical. They already have the Morrowind character system implimented in Morrowind. I'm not sure the name of the Morrowind character system, so I'll just refer to it as the SUCKSNUTS system.

Anyway, because they already have an implimentation of SUCKSNUTS in Morrowind, they can easily transfer it over to the Fallout code base, make a few tweaks, and run with it. They don't have to do all kinds of balancing and testing either, because SUCKSNUTS was play tested in Morrowind. The less time you have to impliment and test something, the higher the profits.

They can also put in the box, "Uses the SUCKSNUTS system as seen in the Award Winning Morrowind, which sold gazillions of copies world wide."

Morrowind had at least those three paths or combinations of the three to complete a task.

Like hell it did. The lack of dialogue trees alone presents a huge problem for diplomatic routes and as stated by others, the vast majority of Morrowind quests were Kill and/or fetch. That one story quest where you had to deal with the four thieves in the cave, the only option you have is to kill them, for example.
Damn, what a day. I can't believe it. I've been meaning to visit NMA since Saturday but somehow didn't get around to doing so until I read about the Bethesda deal on Penny Arcade. At least it spared me from getting exited (in a good way) about it as I immediately got to read this as well:
Pete Hines said:
We're not going to suddenly do a top-down isometric Baldur's Gate-style game (sic!), because that's not what we do well.
It's funny how he brought up Baldur's Gate solely because otherwise he'd been forced to say "We're not going to do a Fallout-style game" :roll:
Morrowind used the special system. Although the leveling system and skills system were done differently,

If you meant that Morrowind's rule system uses a skill-based system like the one in SPECIAL, then you're kinda right.

Morrowind's roleplaying experience was class-based, however. Although technically you could do anything with enough practice, only increasing your core and secondary skills achieve a level-up, whereas SPECIAL used an experience-based levelling system. Certain races were also more inclined for certain roles than others as well (Orcs don't make for very good Mages).

Morrowind's gameplay was skill-based, but that's essentially where the similarities end.

Also, I don't see how a Fallout game can be anything but default-isometric (I say that because multiple camera angles would be neat). It'd be kinda depressing looking out at miles and miles of empty wastes during a Random Encounter. This is opposed to games like KOTOR which are populated by objects and characters everywhere.