"'Deja Vu All Over Again'"
"'Deja Vu All Over Again'"
... And seriously think about what they can do for the franchise.
Polygon counts are quickly becoming a thing of the past.
This means a vivid, 3d Wasteland.
and it'll be a BIG wasteland!
Consider, if you will, travelling on foot (much like in Morrowind) through the wasteland. Am I the only one who thinks that shit seems really fucking cool? The possibility for innovation in a world like that is limitless!
The most important thing in the video game industry, as in any entertainment industry, is innovation. Without Bethesda our game would be either dead or quite possibly in the hands of some less qualified studio. Now they're going to take their shot at dusting it off, and overhauling the entire thing. I'm fucking excited!
This is the clue that this opinion does NOT advocate ' innovation '. This is the buzz word of the limited in vision, and hides a latent terror that Bethesda might NOT make a Morrowind clone. This ' cool ' opinion wants to see FO skinned, stitched, and styled to fit Morrowind graphics and Morrowind game play. I doubt this is the dev plan of a publisher wanting to make game of greater appeal, and a profit.
Calling for that derivative, that SHALLOW a re-make, of Morrowind, does not qualify as ' innovation ' to any game consumer, not blinded by unnatural attachment, and unrequited passions for Morrowind.
Spare the web any dictionary hair splitting, scrufpufff actually wants another Morrwind MOD.
"'Deja Vu All Over Again'"; this is the same insular, hypocritical talk that was on the Interplay Forums. The BG fans that accused the FO fans of wanting to replay FO were lobbying for changes that would remake BG in FO clothes. These, few, and ""vocal"", BG fans did not want a NEW experience, they wanted to replay BG. Again and again and, again ...
The general stasis, if not general acceptance, won by JE et al; won by "challenging" the FO consensus that " Van Buren's " changes would
enhance and enrich the FO game play. This respect won by a former Interplay dev and the "Van Buren" posse, the 'et al' including Puuk and Briarenus, proves that the Fo fans were ready for INNOVATION.
The question NOW is if the fans of Morrowind are able to cope with the changes. Can the fans of FP Fantasy leave their fairy boots and fed ex expectations at the door when Bethesda takes on a project with 'adult'
questions and consequences in the player's choices of moral values.
A fan made Morrowind MOD dressed up in FO clothes might get positive attention. Imagine, another FO clone! Free coverage at NMA and DAC!
That's the best spin one can make of scrufpuff exuberance.
A Bethesda made Morrowind Mod in FO drag might be as mediocre, and 'safe' as all the rest of their limited portfolio.
A Morrowind FO Mod would not be, pardon this cliche. "' thinking outside the box "'. A Morrowind fan stating that Bethesda is so limited in vision and execution in ""what they do best"", is arrogant and insulting the talent and business sense at Bethesda.
To me, the greatest claim to fame of the Bethesda is,
Bethesda is still a "play-ahhh"!
Bethesda has bid and won the right to do FO-3.
FO-3'B' is Bethesda's high bid option, a reward for still being in the 'game'. A reward for taking a risk....
Bethesda has chosen to play a bigger game, and move beyond the expectations of mediocre game consumers.
Wait! Was not Bethesda known for playing it safe?
If what they 'do best' is playing it safe, then the market for their products will be hobbled to the Morrowind fan base.
Will staying with in the limited expectations of Morrowind fans
P-P-P-PAY for the production costs, much less, justify it's shelf space by being a P-P-P-Profitable consumer product?
Will catering exclusively to the FP Fantasy niche pay when competing in the World Wide entertainment market?.
I for one, only know Morrowind and TES from the 'buzz' of other gamers. It's a great big entertainment world out here, and our time is limited and our choices many. I only know Bethesda products, third hand. The media coverage NEVER got my attention, except the bug issue, proving bugs an industry standard, (soon to be emulated by all consoles, via the rush to publish). Bugs, hardly a selling point if First Person Fantasies Of Slashung And Gashing doesn't engage my enthusiam. Am I alone in this limited exposure to things Bethesda? Maybe not, maybe I'm in that great mass of "swing" gamers that are NOW seeing Bethesda because ...
they will do the next FO.
FO-3'B' is Bethesda's financial risk, and calculated opportunity to profit.
If what Bethesda does 'best' is making profitable games then they are holding true to the image of 'risk' they made by buying the option to do FO-3.
Bethesda may be moving out of the Morrowind box, by stepping up to a larger playing field B. will earn the attention of ALL RPG fans.
Whether B., builds on the 'buzz' that was Morrowind, and earns the dollars of ALL RPG fans depends on whether they can craft a title, FO-3'B' , to the larger RPG, and greater, gaming markets.