This is my first post to this forum. I'll make my way to the intro thread later and tell you a little bit more about myself.
I watched about an hour of the stream, and that was enough to convince me that my worst fears about this game are true - it's Skyrim with guns. Hell, even the crafting animations look to be just lifted straight out of Skyrim and given nothing more than a fresh coat of paint. Same wretched, floaty jump animations. At least they seem to have fixed the zigzag shadows, if nothing else. OTOH, the facial animations make Skyrim look like a masterpiece. And what the hell is up with the vaseline-coated camera lens filter present in just about every exterior scene? Some of the textures, especially on the NPCs, look horrible. To be fair, though, I don't know what video settings he used. Same old brain dead NPC AI, too; I just loved the part where the PC dismissed the robot, and the stupid thing just kept banging on the fence trying to leave, and then started hitting trees when it finally got free of the fence.
Don't get me wrong - I sunk a lot of hours into Skyrim and had a great time with it, but goddamnit, this is supposed to be Fallout!
Did anyone else happen to notice any crits outside of VATS, because I didn't see any at all. Maybe the character has low luck, or maybe random crits have been completely dumped and the only way to score them now is with your regenerating bar in VATS. Healing items seem to be quite overpowered as well, and falling off the trees. I noticed that he had about eight hours or so of playing time in the game, and had already hit Level 8.
Some of the weapon models look really nice on the load screens - of course, if the guy playing the game had used something more than that peashooter pipe pistol, we may have been able to see more of them in action. The combat scenes looked - ganky. Maybe that's just the player, though. If they're trying to compete with titles such as Borderlands as a shooter, they still have a lot of catching up to do, based on that stream anyway.
I don't know - this one is starting to look more and more like something to hold off on until the GOTY edition is on sale for 20 bucks on Steam.