Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

No idea why, it seems all dialogue options result in combat and none of them are highlighted with color so that means none of those are Charisma options.
No idea why, it seems all dialogue options result in combat and none of them are highlighted with color so that means none of those are Charisma options.

Maybe he lacks the skill, I mean perk, to trigger it?
I don't get it, the streamer is not only scumming the dialogue, he is picking the same options. Oh boy, we have Jet here again and this time, it slows the world down, also it's apparently extremely accessible since the streamer has 66 of them.
I noticed that the inventory uses that idiotic system in Skyrim where you have to favorite an item before you can hot key it. WTF?
I don't get it, the streamer is not only scumming the dialogue, he is picking the same options. Oh boy, we have Jet here again and this time, it slows the world down, also it's apparently extremely accessible since the streamer has 66 of them.
Cow shit m'friend, (points towards the Brahmin field, in all it's brown glory) Cow shit everywhere!