Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Well it now works like turbo did in New Vegas. So not really worthless but it's kind of a bizarre change....
Well it now works like turbo did in New Vegas. So not really worthless but it's kind of a bizarre change....

Still worthless from a writing view. The reason I liked Skooma in Morrowind because it had some impact, it was illegal and there quests concerning it. You could find a Skooma lab for god's sake. The new Fallouts make drugs worthless and boring.

I don't get it, the streamer is not only scumming the dialogue, he is picking the same options. Oh boy, we have Jet here again and this time, it slows the world down, also it's apparently extremely accessible since the streamer has 66 of them.
Cow shit m'friend, (points towards the Brahmin field, in all it's brown glory) Cow shit everywhere!
What? No! It's a recreational prewar drug used as a substitute for Morphine :V
10/10 dialogue choices.
Who in their right mind would ever pick VANS? completely worthless perk, it doesn't even have a second rank.... couldn't think of something better?
I don't get it, the streamer is not only scumming the dialogue, he is picking the same options. Oh boy, we have Jet here again and this time, it slows the world down, also it's apparently extremely accessible since the streamer has 66 of them.
Cow shit m'friend, (points towards the Brahmin field, in all it's brown glory) Cow shit everywhere!
What? No! It's a recreational prewar drug used as a substitute for Morphine :V

Bethesda retcon. Make a unique, interesting and well written piece of drugs to boring shit. Yay.
I used to be a prostitue like you, then I got shot in the ass.... daily, for money.... I mean that's what the job was about.... hmmm not sure where I was going with that one..... sucky sucky for 5 caps?

There seems to indeed be addiction in this game, there is the Chem Resistant perks and a drug called "Addictol". Altho Drugs in thsi one just don't seem worht it at all because they have no skilsl to help you boost.... I doubt many people will get addicted to anything other than Psycho and Med X.
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