Fallout 4 images leak

It's not even the designation, sure I get it they'd be working on improving the armor. But why go from a sleek, well contained suit back to a riveted, exposed circuitry mess? Is it a cost reduced t51? Is it meant for civilian control? Was it designed by the president's retarded brother? I'd accept even a half-assed explanation but knowing bethesda, they won't even bother.
All in all, the visuals look alright. People are right, console screenshots sometimes remove post processing effects, not sure if this is the case here. Still, we have the hallmarks of the Gamebryo engine, puffy skeleton, etc. Seriously Beth, stop saying it's a new engine. Yes it's better than Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV were, but it's just an updated Gamebryo engine. If they really want to have a good looking game they need to stop being lazy and actually make a new one.
All in all, the visuals look alright. People are right, console screenshots sometimes remove post processing effects, not sure if this is the case here. Still, we have the hallmarks of the Gamebryo engine, puffy skeleton, etc. Seriously Beth, stop saying it's a new engine. Yes it's better than Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV were, but it's just an updated Gamebryo engine. If they really want to have a good looking game they need to stop being lazy and actually make a new one.

Gamebryo is such a pain in the ass to mod for. :sad:
Gamespot is actually hosting the images:

"Everything that we do is a balance," Hines said at the time. "We could make the best looking game possible, but we dial some of that back in order to allow for all of these other things."

Heh, Im sure it has got nothing to do with a aged and already limited engine.

But why go from a sleek, well contained suit back to a riveted, exposed circuitry mess? Is it a cost reduced t51? Is it meant for civilian control? Was it designed by the president's retarded brother? I'd accept even a half-assed explanation but knowing bethesda, they won't even bother.

I think they are just following the hip costume design stuff we have been seeing lately. It looks like they tried to make the armor look "grounded" or more "realistic" with all those unnecessary parts and cables coming out of it like a superhero costume with pads, pokcets and random stuff all over the place. At least thats what I thought as soon as I saw the how the player went into the armor in the first gameplay trailer they showed. Looked like a cheap copy of Iron Man, but I really liked it.

Gamebryo is such a pain in the ass to mod for. :sad:

But dont you know how many mods Skyrim got? Surely you are wrong and modders will just make it work.

Whatever, hate all you want. Still this game is shaping up to be awesome.

What do you base this "awesomeness" on?

To me, what has been released about the game so far shows Bethesda is moving further away from the original Fallouts (skills/perks/SPECIAL etc. videos).
This is in line with Bethesda's track record from Morrowind to Skyrim in simplifying game mechanics. I hold no high hopes that this new take from Bethesda on Fallout will really have much to do with the original Fallout. That Fallout I like, Bethesda's take on it I do not. But there might be some neat features in the game that I'd like to check out.

Doesn't mean it will automatically be a bad game though, but there's no basis for assuming it will be "awesome" either.
I'll probably get the game when there's a sale sometime with all the DLC, but I'm definately not as hyped as I was when Fallout 2 was about to hit the stores.

I played Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, and with the exception of Fallout 3 I did actually enjoy them for what they were, simplified games with no real depth but with some fun aspects. I never got how anyone could actually see any of these games as "awesome" or "epic" though. They were definately not that, but pretty ok nonetheless. I do like the modding tools a lot.
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I think they are just following the hip costume design stuff we have been seeing lately. It looks like they tried to make the armor look "grounded" or more "realistic" with all those unnecessary parts and cables coming out of it like a superhero costume with pads, pokcets and random stuff all over the place. At least thats what I thought as soon as I saw the how the player went into the armor in the first gameplay trailer they showed. Looked like a cheap copy of Iron Man, but I really liked it.

I thought it was pretty cool as well, got a real dieselpunk vibe from it. But that is kind of the problem; Fallout isn't supposed to be grounded in reality, at least not completely. It's supposed to have elements of a 1950's raygun future with late 20th, early 21st century tech (miniaturization, ala the Platinum Chip) trying to intrude before the end. The prewar tech is supposed to be shiny and sleek, all chrome and whatnot. Which is why I would get the T-60 being post-war, post-enclave tech. Not many around to replicate that sleekness, so they work with what is simpler. I'm willing to assume that it's cost reduced due to the strained resources of a ten year long war with the Chinese leading to the T-60's invention though, so I suppose in a way it's the reality of prolonged war intruding on the USA's propaganda like society, but that's my brain trying to make excuses.
Heh, so I see that T-60 armor is in the flashback... At least Bethesda is showing early on that they don't care about background lore.

Since when have they ever care about lore in the Fallout series. Fallout is just about shooting things to 50's music.

Are you trolling?

Are you because that is not my quote that was from Todd Howard during E3. Nice try bub.

Whatever, hate all you want. Still this game is shaping up to be awesome.
I'm sure it is for gamers like you.

Boring screenshots that I don't give a crap about. Skeleton looks damn weird though. Oh and the graphics are pathetic really. What the hell are Bethesda spending all of their money on anyway? They had 4 years on this game and are capable of triple-a development and 'that' is the best they an produce? It looks like Fallout 3 except a teensy tiny bit cartoonish and a very very slight improvement to its graphics. Only part that looks better than its predecessor IMO is the faces for humans. It took them a long time but finally they managed to create human faces. Good job, Bethesda.
I don't think it looks all that bad... kind of what I expected from an update to the game engine.
As has been said, I guess the post process stuff will matter a lot on the PC.
It looks bad because they have shown the same fucking images since the announcement. I've yet to see any single location that was interesting aside from the brief shot of the synthetic walking near the Memory Den.
Images coming in hot!




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