Fallout 4 images leak

Wow those textures look like crap and why is the skeleton inflated? I say that that hud looks atrocious but this is Bethesda we're talking about. At least the faces look human, I just don't understand why they want to shit on the pre-war time period before the nukes dropped by twisting it into their own image.
Ugh, the image with the bobble head and the long view... Low res textures, no shadows, no AO...Is this because of Gamebryo (pardon, "Creation engine") or is on Beth being piss poor as usual on a technical level?

The guy's on console. Console screenshots remove all post processing effects.

Again,vthese are console screenshots. They remove post processing.


No, it doesn't. And even if it did it doesn't explain the lack of shadows, lack of AO and low res textures. That stuff isn't "post processing effects".
It's pretty easy to write off all criticisim as "hate" when you are a fanboy. Much easier than actually fitting inside your head that what you like might have flaws...


For those of you not versed in spanish, it says press a button to continue, so hey, we have cutscenes now. Yay?

Also, people saying it runs "Smooth" because of the graphics... It's Locked at 30FPS, that isn't "smooth" specially on "next Gen" systems....
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It's pretty easy to write off all criticisim as "hate" when you are a fanboy. Much easier than actually fitting inside your head that what you like might have flaws...


For those of you not versed in spanish, it says press a button to continue, so hey, we have cutscenes now. Yay?

Also, people saying it runs "Smooth" because of the graphics... It's Locked at 30FPS, that isn't "smooth" specially on "next Gen" systems....
Think that might be a loading screen prompt, press a to play, etc. Seems to be a thing these days, MGS5 has one, for if you need to get a drink or something. On the framerate, I never really cared about the whole 30/60 fps thing. that being said, I am mad that it is locked at 30fps, not because I care but because it's an industry standard now and it just seems lazy to lock a game to it.
These new PS4 screenshots look 10 times better.

So the Spanish guy posted compressed pics with weird lightning..
Or maybe the game only looks good at dusk? How would he upload pics with "weird lightining"? It's on console he can't mod anything, if the game looks like that at any point is the game's fault.
If that cutscene/loading screen is anything to go by, how in the hell is there a set of power armor just "there". How didn't somebody already snatch it up or salvage the parts in 210 years?
It was too heavy? Maybe it's a cutscene for when you mount it in your garage after the balantly obvious Main story forced alliance with the Minutemen. Or just a post Loading screen prompt like Willy Rogers said, makes sense too.
If Mr. 111 savior of the wastland can just walk out the vault and do it likely without knowledge of power armor then what's to say that somebody smarter couldn't of figured it out? Maybe you're right and i'm just jumping the gun but with them it wouldn't surprise me.
Bah the UI looks crap, the graphics look like their from 2009 and it isn't turn-based. What is this infantile, unshadowed crap? I've got no interest in this game but I also can't really deal with the pain of not stressing my enduring anguish. I want to become Todd Howard's secretary and/or wife just so I can piss in his coffee.

It was too heavy? Maybe it's a cutscene for when you mount it in your garage after the balantly obvious Main story forced alliance with the Minutemen. Or just a post Loading screen prompt like Willy Rogers said, makes sense too.
That's a good point.

1. They don't look like 2009 because New Vegas came out in 2010 and looks way worse.

2. Look atthe new PS4 screenshots. They are nog compressed to JPG and then compressed by Imgur like the first pics and they look good.

It's a troll, But regardless, I find the graphics akin to that of blur textures in some cases. It feels like that sort of blurry damp fog you get when you're painting a portrait or something.

In any case, If they honestly gave more than two fucks about their own Intellectual Rights, they would have came up with something better in the four years of development time that it had. Bioware had roughly the sometime for Dragon Age inquisition and we had substantially better results. If you already fail at writing the least you could do is hire decent artist and programmers.... I think Divry university has better talent and sophistication than what i've seen on the fallout team so far.
Oh my God, that is hilarious! :lol: I can't believe someone would make a new account just to insult another user and with a near identical user name no less. How adorable!
Man, Fallout 4 is shaping up to be a real treat.

Compare these two images:


Now, the first one looks pretty decent to me. It's not the best grafix evah but it ain't butt-ugly either.
Then we get to the 2nd one... Now I've seen this happen a lot with the screenshots. The one where you can see the rocket something diner in the distance and the one where you are up close to it show a similar contrast.

Fallout 4 looks like it is going to feel scizophrenic(?). One moment you'll have pretty nice graphics and the next the game will look like Fallout 3.

These screenshots aren't doing Fallout 4 any good service IMO, all it does is showcase just how bad Fallout 4 is at parts with its design and graphical merits.


  • Fallout4_20151031142144.png
    2.5 MB · Views: 772
  • Fallout4_20151031143514.png
    3.3 MB · Views: 838
Man, Fallout 4 is shaping up to be a real treat.

Compare these two images:


Now, the first one looks pretty decent to me. It's not the best grafix evah but it ain't butt-ugly either.
Then we get to the 2nd one... Now I've seen this happen a lot with the screenshots. The one where you can see the rocket something diner in the distance and the one where you are up close to it show a similar contrast.

Fallout 4 looks like it is going to feel scizophrenic(?). One moment you'll have pretty nice graphics and the next the game will look like Fallout 3.

These screenshots aren't doing Fallout 4 any good service IMO, all it does is showcase just how bad Fallout 4 is at parts with its design and graphical merits.

Even the bad screenshots most definetly still look completely different than Fallout 3.