First time out of the vault

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Speaking of which. I expect better melee combat like they did with Skyrim.
...better? Wasn't it just 'smash the mouse button until X falls over'? I mean I was hoping for some badass shit too, like limb crippling, or even removal of said limbs while in combat! Instead what I got is 'head popping' executions...ugh.
I'm pretty sure NV had superior melee combat, at least outside of VATS. Hit the torso? Torso crippled! Hit the head? Guy goes backwards, stunned a bit. Hit the weapon or arm? Disabled!
I totally forgot I made this thread lol,
Seeing as I am some of the few on this forum that loved Fallout 3 (its my favorite out of 1-3 and new vegas but fallout 1 being number 2 on my list)
regardless the trailer looks really cool and I am excited about exploring the Boston wasteland. It looks like the most colorful fallout to date too.
Also thoughts on the possibility of a voiced protagonist?
I'm not as annoyed as some people are, I'm just worried about how it would be implemented. Might reduce the things you can say in dialogue. I also hope they don't go for the Mass Effect thing where they paraphrase what you're going to say. Another issue is tone of voice, you could say the same thing but it would sound very different depending on the tone you use and what words you emphasize.I totally forgot I made this thread lol,
Seeing as I am some of the few on this forum that loved Fallout 3 (its my favorite out of 1-3 and new vegas but fallout 1 being number 2 on my list)
regardless the trailer looks really cool and I am excited about exploring the Boston wasteland. It looks like the most colorful fallout to date too.
Also thoughts on the possibility of a voiced protagonist?
I'm not as annoyed as some people are, I'm just worried about how it would be implemented. Might reduce the things you can say in dialogue. I also hope they don't go for the Mass Effect thing where they paraphrase what you're going to say. Another issue is tone of voice, you could say the same thing but it would sound very different depending on the tone you use and what words you emphasize.I totally forgot I made this thread lol,
Seeing as I am some of the few on this forum that loved Fallout 3 (its my favorite out of 1-3 and new vegas but fallout 1 being number 2 on my list)
regardless the trailer looks really cool and I am excited about exploring the Boston wasteland. It looks like the most colorful fallout to date too.
Also thoughts on the possibility of a voiced protagonist?
I think Fallout 3 is a damn good game but I have lot of problems with it. As I said earlier I don't think it'll be better than New Vegas, my personal favourite Fallout, but I think they can improve a lot on Fallout 3. Hope I'm not disappointed.
Shadow Over Innsmouth in Oblivion, Dunwich Horror in Fallout 3 and The Rats in The Walls in Skyrim. Wonder which (if any) Lovecraft story they'll reference in Fallout 4.
I was thinking The Whisperer in Darkness would be good to adapt into a Fallout quest. Fallout already has Brains in Jars and you could have some intelligent mutants take the place of the Mi-Go.
I was thinking The Whisperer in Darkness would be good to adapt into a Fallout quest. Fallout already has Brains in Jars and you could have some intelligent mutants take the place of the Mi-Go.
Probably a far more apt name than we know.Not even H.P. Lovecraft, can make Bethesda's Fallout-Doom 2(aka "Fallout 4") better!
A voiced protagonist would absolutely ruin the game.
Man I'm such an old fart, everyone around me is all hyped about the trailer.
I'm not impressed.
My friend, who loved FO3, and who hated that I didn't love it, who also hates that i love FO2, emotionally, genuinely hates it, because it steals from the love I could have felt for FO3. When I then loved FONV, he didn't know what to do. He hated it, and he couldn't comprehend how I could like it.
He keeps sending me trailers of games full-packed with fast-paced action and explosions, and always tells me "this is what a REAL Fallout is about!"
He just sent me links to two clips of FO4 gameplay, one of which only showed shooting. Ratatata, ratatatata, ratatata and ratatata.
And people kept woohoo-ing and applauding in the audience, for whatever trivial thing the presenter did, shoot a rat "WOO! YAAAH!!!" give the dog a command "WOOOH!!! YAAAAAHHH!!!", that kind of fandom gives me body-aches...
I mean, gimme my favorite-most game ever, and the best scene in that game, and I might go "Heh!" but not "YAAAAARRRHH!!!!" wtf are these people on?
Oh, and didya notice that all reading is gone?
Its simpler now!
Simpler and easyer!
Less difficult!
Less haaard!
Less difficult and hard, and more simpler and easyer!
Came to these forums for a post like this.
In E3 video they showed all kind of "cool" stuff. Witch is completely irrelevant to RPG game, what fallout used to be.
Nothing explained about RPG system. Maybe because there is nothing left of it... Where is dialogues, decision making and consequences? Where is skills and leveling in general?
Everybody sees a dog, pipboy minigame, building houses like in those survival multipayers, and goes "YAAAAARRRHH!!!!" this is all wee wanted for a fallout game!
The same story was with Skyrim. They introduced dragons and dual wielding axes, but scraped skill system altogether. Killed most important aspect of RPG game.
This is AAA gaming nowadays. Simple and easy.
Man I'm such an old fart, everyone around me is all hyped about the trailer.
I'm not impressed.
My friend, who loved FO3, and who hated that I didn't love it, who also hates that i love FO2, emotionally, genuinely hates it, because it steals from the love I could have felt for FO3. When I then loved FONV, he didn't know what to do. He hated it, and he couldn't comprehend how I could like it.
He keeps sending me trailers of games full-packed with fast-paced action and explosions, and always tells me "this is what a REAL Fallout is about!"
He just sent me links to two clips of FO4 gameplay, one of which only showed shooting. Ratatata, ratatatata, ratatata and ratatata.
And people kept woohoo-ing and applauding in the audience, for whatever trivial thing the presenter did, shoot a rat "WOO! YAAAH!!!" give the dog a command "WOOOH!!! YAAAAAHHH!!!", that kind of fandom gives me body-aches...
I mean, gimme my favorite-most game ever, and the best scene in that game, and I might go "Heh!" but not "YAAAAARRRHH!!!!" wtf are these people on?
Oh, and didya notice that all reading is gone?
Its simpler now!
Simpler and easyer!
Less difficult!
Less haaard!
Less difficult and hard, and more simpler and easyer!
Came to these forums for a post like this.
In E3 video they showed all kind of "cool" stuff. Witch is completely irrelevant to RPG game, what fallout used to be.
Nothing explained about RPG system. Maybe because there is nothing left of it... Where is dialogues, decision making and consequences? Where is skills and leveling in general?
Everybody sees a dog, pipboy minigame, building houses like in those survival multipayers, and goes "YAAAAARRRHH!!!!" this is all wee wanted for a fallout game!
The same story was with Skyrim. They introduced dragons and dual wielding axes, but scraped skill system altogether. Killed most important aspect of RPG game.
This is AAA gaming nowadays. Simple and easy.