Fallout 4 review roundup #2


Not Australian
The long delayed second review roundup is here.

Washington Post 70/100(according to Metacritic)

The curious thing about Bethesda games is that people willingly overlook the clichés — not to mention the glitches and crashes that predictably dog these large-scale productions at launch — because the sum of each game’s virtual world is greater than its parts. As others have noted, the true star of a Bethesda game is the world itself. “Fallout 4” is stuffed to the brim with visual details. The tableaux of skeletons and decayed objects strewn about the environment cater to our post- apocalyptic fantasies.


Softpedia 85/100

Fallout 4 is a deep and broad video game that can easily occupy more than 100 hours of a gamer's life, as long as they don’t become bored of some of the core mechanics of the open-world genre and want to explore the universe past the core narrative.


Quarter to Three 3/5

Some movies are Oscar bait. Fallout 4 is shameless Game Of The Year bait, a state-of-the-art iteration in a beloved franchise. All this spectacle, all this epic sprawl, all this padding masquerading as gameplay, all this openness. The critical perspective on videogames is still young and impressionable enough that this is all it takes. Even if Fallout 4 can’t live up to the promise of being a game about restoring civilization, it works just fine as another Fallout. Bethesda has laid solid and at times spectacular groundwork for an awesome game. I look forward to another developer building on it.


Brash Games 10/10

The game is true masterpiece, its incredible, beautiful and extremely addictive (I’m even thinking about setting up a Fallout Anonymous group although know one would have time to come) and although it has its issues, a few bug here and their, a glitch or ten and the frames per second slightly stuttering I didn’t care. I wanted to explore the post apocalyptic wastelands of Boston, fight my way through hordes of irradiated mutated creatures absorbing experience points and collecting bottle caps (the games currency) to buy better weapons and gear or in reality stimpacks (health) and bullets as you eat through them at a rapid rate of knots.


Eurogamer Recommended

Fallout 4 is one of the most contradictory big-budget releases in recent memory. It's insanely ambitious and utterly absorbing, a game that has clearly had thousands of hours poured into every detail of its compelling world. At the same time, it's often falling apart at the seams and pushing its game engine far beyond its comfortable limits. If you were expecting the move to powerful new generation console hardware to smooth out the kinks that endured in Bethesda's RPGs for the decade-long lifespan of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, you'll be disappointed.


Gaming Nexus 9.8/10

Fallout 4 is a role-playing game. But stopping there in your description would qualify you for an "Understatement of the Year" award. There’s a layer cake 10 stories tall of interplaying game systems and mechanics that make up Fallout 4. Now, if you’ve ever played a game by Bethesda, then you’ve got a headstart on just how densely packed and nutrient-rich this game world is. Oh, there’s even more here, even if you’ve got hundreds of hours already invested in Bethesda’s library. If you’ve never played Fallout (or The Elder Scrolls, for that matter), then you’re about to have your mind blown.

Yep, still slobbering all over it!

Although I must say, I’m surprised that Quarter to Three gave it a mediocre score considering that they hate us with the fury of a thousand suns.
"There’s a layer cake 10 stories tall of interplaying game systems and mechanics that make up Fallout 4."

Wat? Ten story layer cake? The game doesn't even have branching quests or skills and most quests are yous kill fests...
These 10/10 reviews are doubly embarrassing considering the critics' consensus isn't even close to that good.

"Old-school RPG fans and fans of the original Fallout games specifically are probably going to hate that companions can’t be killed. Everyone should be thankful for this, however, because the companion AI is terrible. Idiot companions will move ahead of you into rooms while you’re in sneak mode, breaking stealth by attracting attention to you both. There’s also no way to set your companions into passive mode or control the distance at which they follow you, so they’ll constantly start fights that didn’t need to happen. If you want to play a stealth character you may as well either travel alone or limit your companion to being a de facto loot mule by making them stay behind while you sneak into new areas."

"It got frustrating during my explorations when I ran into settlers and farmers living right out in the open in the Wasteland and couldn’t invite them back to live in my town. Why was I not given the choice to help these idiots who lived behind no walls and no defenses and who were constantly vulnerable to raider attacks when I had a perfectly good, defensible, well-stocked town literally down the road?"

"Graphics are also the source of most of the bugs that I encountered on the Xbox One version of Fallout 4. There was an entire section of Boston’s North End where the high-res textures failed to load and everything was indistinct and blurry, as if I were seeing it from a vast distance. A few times particle effects failed to load properly, and I saw black boxes where the effects were meant to be drawn."



Brash Games

"The game is true masterpiece, its incredible, beautiful and extremely addictive (I’m even thinking about setting up a Fallout Anonymous group although know one would have time to come) and although it has its issues, a few bug here and their, a glitch or ten and the frames per second slightly stuttering I didn’t care."

"With the sheer size of them however they do have their issues, bugs and glitches but deep down I don’t think anyone really minds (unless it ruins your game) I’ve had a few crashes, the odd freeze, my frames per second drops a little every now and again but although it can be frustrating if you haven’t saved in a while nothing has yet deterred me from sinking my teeth in and eating up hour after hour of gameplay."

"The graphics won’t blow you away, the side quests and scale of the game will."



"As it turns out, it's a bit more onerous to construct things on a 3D plane, as opposed to the 2D plane of the game's mobile prequel, Fallout Shelter. It's also largely unnecessary to waste skill points on perks like Gun Nut that allow for deeper customization on one's arsenal, given that every slain foe drops everything they're wearing. Then again, this only enhances the realism of the game, both in terms of the cobbled-together post-apocalyptic aesthetic and in the freedom given to those who want to play through on their own terms."

"Admittedly, while the various vaults, hospitals, military bases, and libraries all start to bleed together given enough time, the sideplots that send you there are filled with more than enough variety to pick up the slack, whether that means facing off against a serial killer who's festooned an art gallery with his bloody paintings and skeletal sculptures, or exposing Vault-Tec's nefarious experimentation by finding sub-vaults hidden within the main ones. The first-person shooting also grows stale after several dozen hours, but as with Borderlands and Destiny, the constant acquisition of new weapons and perks at least provides a sense of achievement for all that marksmanship."


I don't think these reviewers understand what "perfect" means when they give a game a perfect score yet mention flaws.
I woke up by falling out of bed and hurting my knee. I was out of milk, so I had to eat my cereal dry. I came in late to work and my boss yelled at me. At lunch I got mustard all over my shirt. When I got home, my wife divorced me and the dog had eaten both our kids. Also, on the news they said Christmas was canceled by ISIS this year. Not a single channel showed a Magnum P.I. re-run during the evening. I went to bed knowing this was the Best Day of the Year.


(I woke up at 2 a.m. when I got a text message from ZeniMax telling me the money had been deposited to my Swiss bank account.)
Does metacritic take NMA reviews into account? If so then please give the game a 4 out of 10 or something.
I don't understand these reviews that say:

"It was okay"

-10/10 GOTY

Some people don't understand that putting tons of negative points about the game in your review doesn't mean it's a 10/10 but whatever it's best not to question the stupidity. Not like I can take reviews seriously anyways.