The long delayed second review roundup is here.
Washington Post 70/100(according to Metacritic)
Softpedia 85/100
Quarter to Three 3/5
Brash Games 10/10
Eurogamer Recommended
Gaming Nexus 9.8/10
Washington Post 70/100(according to Metacritic)
The curious thing about Bethesda games is that people willingly overlook the clichés — not to mention the glitches and crashes that predictably dog these large-scale productions at launch — because the sum of each game’s virtual world is greater than its parts. As others have noted, the true star of a Bethesda game is the world itself. “Fallout 4” is stuffed to the brim with visual details. The tableaux of skeletons and decayed objects strewn about the environment cater to our post- apocalyptic fantasies.
Softpedia 85/100
Fallout 4 is a deep and broad video game that can easily occupy more than 100 hours of a gamer's life, as long as they don’t become bored of some of the core mechanics of the open-world genre and want to explore the universe past the core narrative.
Quarter to Three 3/5
Some movies are Oscar bait. Fallout 4 is shameless Game Of The Year bait, a state-of-the-art iteration in a beloved franchise. All this spectacle, all this epic sprawl, all this padding masquerading as gameplay, all this openness. The critical perspective on videogames is still young and impressionable enough that this is all it takes. Even if Fallout 4 can’t live up to the promise of being a game about restoring civilization, it works just fine as another Fallout. Bethesda has laid solid and at times spectacular groundwork for an awesome game. I look forward to another developer building on it.
Brash Games 10/10
The game is true masterpiece, its incredible, beautiful and extremely addictive (I’m even thinking about setting up a Fallout Anonymous group although know one would have time to come) and although it has its issues, a few bug here and their, a glitch or ten and the frames per second slightly stuttering I didn’t care. I wanted to explore the post apocalyptic wastelands of Boston, fight my way through hordes of irradiated mutated creatures absorbing experience points and collecting bottle caps (the games currency) to buy better weapons and gear or in reality stimpacks (health) and bullets as you eat through them at a rapid rate of knots.
Eurogamer Recommended
Fallout 4 is one of the most contradictory big-budget releases in recent memory. It's insanely ambitious and utterly absorbing, a game that has clearly had thousands of hours poured into every detail of its compelling world. At the same time, it's often falling apart at the seams and pushing its game engine far beyond its comfortable limits. If you were expecting the move to powerful new generation console hardware to smooth out the kinks that endured in Bethesda's RPGs for the decade-long lifespan of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, you'll be disappointed.
Gaming Nexus 9.8/10
Fallout 4 is a role-playing game. But stopping there in your description would qualify you for an "Understatement of the Year" award. There’s a layer cake 10 stories tall of interplaying game systems and mechanics that make up Fallout 4. Now, if you’ve ever played a game by Bethesda, then you’ve got a headstart on just how densely packed and nutrient-rich this game world is. Oh, there’s even more here, even if you’ve got hundreds of hours already invested in Bethesda’s library. If you’ve never played Fallout (or The Elder Scrolls, for that matter), then you’re about to have your mind blown.