There's definite greed motivating things like the cheapening of Fallout DLC. I love hearing all of the arguments that defend Bethesda's recent practices, and just seeing how weak they all sound.
They're Ungrateful! It's a paid for service, not a gift. Multimillion dollar companies aren't your friend.
They're wearing rose tinted glasses. or Were the old DLC all that great really? This one surprises me, in that they will go to great lengths to not only trash on 3's DLCSs, but NV's as well. I'm sorry, but no way in hell is 4's DLC greater or better as a whole when compared to the previous rounds of DLC. And it's not nostalgia to expect more worth when compared to previous rounds of DLC. I could maybe see a slight increase in price due to the worsening value of money, but a huge drop in quality and content while increasing the prices greatly? Absurd.
Comparing the current game and DLC prices to old cartridge game costs, as if to show what a great deal the current pricing really is. Bad thinking. They fail to realize the costs and hassle involved in creating and selling physical goods; factory/employee costs, all of the costs of parts required to make a cartridge, shipping costs, store deals, multi-consoles to contend with, TV ads, magazine ads, and ads fucking everywhere. Now compare that with most games and DLC sales not being physical at all.
They're haters. Thoughtless.
Far Harbor's big! Size means little if the content isn't there. Also, the replay value is lacking.
The price for each DLC is a lot, so for the new pricing of the season pass, it's really a deal. Arbitrary value placed on mostly questionable DLC. Far Harbors on par with previous DLC, so why is it now 2.5 times higher in cost? Why are in-game assets being repackaged for the cost of half of the value of an older DLC piece? The prices are inflated to milk past goodwill. It's the only plausible reason.
The sooner they're done, the sooner they can work on a new game. This one baffles me. So cutting things short, leaving the game and DLC broken is a good thing, so that they can get a month or two's head-start on another game? What happened to finishing something you started? Or even quality control?
The DLC was just to keep us busy until Mods came out. A weird reworking of mods will fix the game cha cha cha. That still doesn't excuse the share laziness and lack of content for the overall cost.