Fallout 4 Season Pass Steam Reviews

I bought the season pass cheap from G2A so for me i don't see much of a problem with the cost. haven't tried any DLC yet but so far it looks like the crafting ones are bad for me but the rest have it's uses.

Also the steam reviews as a whole is a joke. Pretty sure i made a post dedicated to that crap a while ago :P

Edit: I am that kind of a "moron" that buys all the dlc's for all the Fallout games + Skyrim.... Most of them have been good but there are obviously some major trash in the bin.
Yea $30 for Far Harbor and Nuka World would be reasonable. $50 for those two plus the other DLC is definitely a rip off in my opinion.

If you got the Season Pass for $30 I would say that is pretty reasonable (I still think the content is bad, but the price is ok for those that like it). But there is no way Automatron and the Workshop DLC's are worth the price increase. Automatron is basically another Workshop DLC with a short quest tacked on and another NPC that gives you a different type of infinite MMO quest.
Yea $30 for Far Harbor and Nuka World would be reasonable. $50 for those two plus the other DLC is definitely a rip off in my opinion.

If you got the Season Pass for $30 I would say that is pretty reasonable (I still think the content is bad, but the price is ok for those that like it). But there is no way Automatron and the Workshop DLC's are worth the price increase. Automatron is basically another Workshop DLC with a short quest tacked on and another NPC that gives you a different type of infinite MMO quest.
Think i paid like 22/26? Euros. Worth it i guess. And it could be worse! Horse armor or even hearthfire.. What a load of crap :P

... But isn't the workshop DLC's pretty much just Hearthfire?
It's paraphrased from a hines tweet i saw on the fallout reddit. The comments were of course calling everyone "Whiners" and defending this stuff. Basically all of that guy's tweets emphasize the fact that they are pretending that Fallout 4 is "Game of the Century best fallout game ever" material while shoveling high profit-margin Workshop DLC into the season pass.
Wow... and here I thought Pete could not sink any lower after this tweet:
What's even worse is that people in that Reddit post are defending that smug man's tweet about not needing to give out actual meaningful content for their games. People got mad about Skyrim because more could be added to it while people being mad about Fallout is because so little is added to it. How blind could they get?

Even the smallest side quests in Witcher 3 have some aspect to them that makes it very obvious that someone made an effort with it. You find a note that has a deep lore and backstory of a monster, that not only tells you the ways you can defeat it, but also tells you it's history and more. Then you track it down, and everything in the environment is setup exactly as described in the bestiary and notes.
^This! I agree with this assessment of the side quests of Witcher 3. For me, the monster hunting quests actually feel like routine work for Geralt where he would identify the unknown monster through clues, kill it and after getting his pay, leave to find another monster hunting contract. Geralt provides a service for these communities in need of a monster hunter, kinda like being a regular pest exterminator in Medieval fantasy. It felt like an actual occupation rather than a bunch of side-quests which is helped by the bargaining mechanic to obtain a higher pay-out for a job well done.
One issue is that they actually think their content is worth more than $50. They're responding with things like "Why you mad that we're making more content?" without recognizing that the crap they're selling is the kind of thing that should be a free update or a free mod and isn't what Fallout fans actually want in the first place.

They think this Workshop garbage is quality content to the point that it is 50% of their Season Pass, and they don't understand why Fallout fans are upset.

I believe once they noticed season pass sales were too low they come up with this idea of raising the price. To mitigate the shit storm sure to follow, they come up with that bullshit "extended DLCs" lie. I believe Automatron, Far Harbor and Nuka World were the initial plan and workshops were excuse to rise season pass' price.
Its just amazing that they can churn out some shit like, automatron and charge nearly the same price as Undead Nightmare for RDR.
Like I said before, Pete Hines is the Tom Rothman of video games. I get the feeling that Petey boy wields more power at Bethesda then one would think.
Its just amazing that they can churn out some shit like, automatron and charge nearly the same price as Undead Nightmare for RDR.
Wait, Undead Nightmare is nearly 10 bucks? That was big fucking DLC, I even got it on its own standalone disc version for the xbox 360. The price for DLC's is pretty fucky. I have a hard time trusting DLC's cause of that. One DLC will add its own 8 hour long story with unique new content and even new mechanics and shit and another will add pretty much more of the same but with 'juuuuust enough' new stuff to disguise itself from being a cashgrab until you buy it and actually play it and see how much of a wet fart it really is.

... Now I wanna play Undead Nightmare again.
Wait, Undead Nightmare is nearly 10 bucks? That was big fucking DLC, I even got it on its own standalone disc version for the xbox 360. The price for DLC's is pretty fucky. I have a hard time trusting DLC's cause of that. One DLC will add its own 8 hour long story with unique new content and even new mechanics and shit and another will add pretty much more of the same but with 'juuuuust enough' new stuff to disguise itself from being a cashgrab until you buy it and actually play it and see how much of a wet fart it really is.

... Now I wanna play Undead Nightmare again.
Slowly AAA developers have been raising prices and putting less content in games. Video games used to cost $50. Now it's $60. Automatron costs the same as expansions that in the past have had almost as much new content as the base game. And the Bethesda fans buy it up and defend it.

$15 Workshop DLC plus $10 Automatron which is basically Workshop plus crappy short quest. Videogame consumers are getting so dumb they will pay $100 for a game that doesn't even exist except in kickstarter promo vids showing concept art and nothing else.

And they call anyone with enough critical thinking skills to realize this "whiners." Idiocracy was not meant to be a documentary.
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I was supportive of the DLC plan. Until I discovered what the contents were; Skyrim had two actual expansions and one small piece for messing about. Fallout 4 has only has its Far Harbour that is dedicated to actual content, while the rest seems to feed into that messing about with the mechanics for streaming and whatnot.

Shameful display.
Shameful display.


But yeah, Bethesda is starting to reveal their true forms as another soulless corporation more explicitly these days. The only difference is that not a lot of people seems to notice their transformation.
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There's definite greed motivating things like the cheapening of Fallout DLC. I love hearing all of the arguments that defend Bethesda's recent practices, and just seeing how weak they all sound.

They're Ungrateful! It's a paid for service, not a gift. Multimillion dollar companies aren't your friend.

They're wearing rose tinted glasses. or Were the old DLC all that great really? This one surprises me, in that they will go to great lengths to not only trash on 3's DLCSs, but NV's as well. I'm sorry, but no way in hell is 4's DLC greater or better as a whole when compared to the previous rounds of DLC. And it's not nostalgia to expect more worth when compared to previous rounds of DLC. I could maybe see a slight increase in price due to the worsening value of money, but a huge drop in quality and content while increasing the prices greatly? Absurd.

Comparing the current game and DLC prices to old cartridge game costs, as if to show what a great deal the current pricing really is. Bad thinking. They fail to realize the costs and hassle involved in creating and selling physical goods; factory/employee costs, all of the costs of parts required to make a cartridge, shipping costs, store deals, multi-consoles to contend with, TV ads, magazine ads, and ads fucking everywhere. Now compare that with most games and DLC sales not being physical at all.

They're haters. Thoughtless.

Far Harbor's big! Size means little if the content isn't there. Also, the replay value is lacking.

The price for each DLC is a lot, so for the new pricing of the season pass, it's really a deal. Arbitrary value placed on mostly questionable DLC. Far Harbors on par with previous DLC, so why is it now 2.5 times higher in cost? Why are in-game assets being repackaged for the cost of half of the value of an older DLC piece? The prices are inflated to milk past goodwill. It's the only plausible reason.

The sooner they're done, the sooner they can work on a new game. This one baffles me. So cutting things short, leaving the game and DLC broken is a good thing, so that they can get a month or two's head-start on another game? What happened to finishing something you started? Or even quality control?

The DLC was just to keep us busy until Mods came out. A weird reworking of mods will fix the game cha cha cha. That still doesn't excuse the share laziness and lack of content for the overall cost.


But yeah, Bethesda is starting to reveal their true forms as another soulless corporation more explicitly these days. The only difference is that not a lot of people seems to notice their transformation.

I'd actually say that more and more people seem to see them for what they are. Unfortunately a lot of these people will still pay for their games. And most likely, there will be new generations buying into it all.

Only when gaming media start seriously scrutinizing and pointing out the flaws in Bethesda's games will any real change occur.
I'd actually say that more and more people seem to see them for what they are. Unfortunately a lot of these people will still pay for their games. And most likely, there will be new generations buying into it all.

Only when gaming media start seriously scrutinizing and pointing out the flaws in Bethesda's games will any real change occur.
But they never will, just like they'll never point out the flaws in any other developers' games. The gaming media is completely in bed with the AAA publishers and developers. They know that if they dare write anything besides "10/10!!! Best game ever!!!" about any release, no matter how bad of a festering pile of shit it really is, they won't get invites to the cool conferences and parties, their advance copies of new releases, their free "evaluation versions" of new consoles and hardware, etc.