Dragon Age: Inquisition did this too, and I'm highly confident Mass Effect: Andromeda will be the same way. Too many companies want to reach the number of hours in content that the Witcher 3 brought, and are unwilling to spend that much time into actually writing a story, so they just throw in as much filler as they can. The Witcher 3 changed the face of modern RPG development and no one is willing admit this yet. I'm just waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 to roll along and hammer the point home so hard, companies will have to actually make coherent RPGs or just give up the genre to proper developers entirely.
They all want bragging rights. "We've got over 400 hours of content!" And just under 50 hours of that content is the actual main plot and all the unique side quests. The rest are fetch quests and dungeon clearings. The reason Inquisition got away with it and Fallout 4 didn't was because their game didn't come out a complete mess and had prettier graphics. Oh, and the plot was much more plausible to comprehend. It doesn't make Inquisition a good game, it's just does what it sets out to do better than Fallout 4 does.
But it's not going to get away for long. MMOs are online for a reason, and as a result there's a reason why MMOs don't work offline. The social parts and the living game economy are what makes MMOs work. You take that away and you've got a pointless time-waster better used reading a book.